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Sherman 36 4 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 29, 1864., [Electronic resource].

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e is not a word direct from Sherman except what the Yankees get from the Richmond papers. General Hood reported threatening Kentucky. The New York Herald has the following about General Hood'sGeneral Hood's movements: We have a reiteration of the statement that the rebel army, under Hood, which for so long a time continued in the vicinity of Florence, Alabama, has moved northward into Tennessee, anHood, which for so long a time continued in the vicinity of Florence, Alabama, has moved northward into Tennessee, and recently occupied Waynesboro', the county town of Wayne county, in that State. Wayne is one of the southern border counties of Tennessee, joining North Alabama, and Waynesboro', is about fifty miles directly north of Florence. Hood is reported to be threatening Nashville, Tennessee, and Paducah, Kentucky, though at Waynesboro' he is far distant from either of those places, both of which are pre fall would be greater were it not for the scary Louisville dispatches announcing the advance of Hood towards Kentucky. Remarkable Plot in New York — all the hotels fired. A great deal of e
Northern papers of Saturday, the 26th instant, are received. There is not a word direct from Sherman except what the Yankees get from the Richmond papers. General Hood reported threatening Kentucky. The New York Herald has the following about General Hood's movements: We have a reiteration of the statement that the rebel army, under Hood, which for so long a time continued in the vicinity of Florence, Alabama, has moved northward into Tennessee, and recently occupied Waynesboro', the county town of Wayne county, in that State. Wayne is one of the southern border counties of Tennessee, joining North Alabama, and Waynesboro', is about fifty miles directly north of Florence. Hood is reported to be threatening Nashville, Tennessee, and Paducah, Kentucky, though at Waynesboro' he is far distant from either of those places, both of which are pretty well prepared for his reception. That portion of the Union force confronting him is concentrated at Pulaski, in Giles, an
orrespondents says that a gentleman has arrived in that city with permission from President Lincoln to bring twenty thousand bales of cotton into the Union lines. The large supply of cotton recently stopped by the rebel authorities on its way across Texas to Brownsville has been released. The House of Representatives of the Louisiana Legislature has authorized the issuance of bonds to the amount of two and a half millions of dollars for the purpose of carrying on the State Government. General Canby was rapidly recovering from the effects of his wound received on White river, Arkansas. Miscellaneous. Gold was quoted in New York on Friday at 220 1-4. The Yankee Congress meets next Monday. A Washington dispatch states that Attorney-General Bates has decided to retire from President Lincoln's Cabinet; but that the time of his resignation is not fixed. Rev. Arthur Cleveland Coxe, D. D., Episcopal Bishop of Western New York, preached a sermon in Brooklyn, a few
rned, and that only a portion of the rebel cavalry, with guerrilla parties to co-operate with it, are now left to annoy us in the Valley. It is supposed the enemy is going to Richmond, possibly to prepare for the evacuation of Petersburg and the rebel capital before Sherman cuts them off at Savannah and all along shore. The railroad is complete to the Opequan, and will soon be running to near Winchester. Later from Louisiana. An arrival at New York, from New Orleans on the 19th, gives the following Yankee news: It is said that Allen, who assumes to be rebel Governor of Louisiana, has organized at Shreveport, in that State, ten regiments of negroes, who are to be armed and equipped from the proceeds of cotton sales at Matamoras. There is a report that the rebel General Buckner has ten thousand troops at Alexandria, Louisiana, where there are said to be abundant supplies of beef and corn.--One of our New Orleans correspondents says that a gentleman has arrived
received. There is not a word direct from Sherman except what the Yankees get from the Richmond papers. General Hood reported threatening Kentucky. The New York Herald has the following about General Hood's movements: We have a reiteration of the statement that the rebel army, under Hood, which for so long a time continued in the vicinity of Florence, Alabama, has moved northward into Tennessee, and recently occupied Waynesboro', the county town of Wayne county, in that State. Wayne is one of the southern border counties of Tennessee, joining North Alabama, and Waynesboro', is about fifty miles directly north of Florence. Hood is reported to be threatening Nashville, Tennessee, and Paducah, Kentucky, though at Waynesboro' he is far distant from either of those places, both of which are pretty well prepared for his reception. That portion of the Union force confronting him is concentrated at Pulaski, in Giles, another of the southern border counties of Tennessee, and a
illa parties to co-operate with it, are now left to annoy us in the Valley. It is supposed the enemy is going to Richmond, possibly to prepare for the evacuation of Petersburg and the rebel capital before Sherman cuts them off at Savannah and all along shore. The railroad is complete to the Opequan, and will soon be running to near Winchester. Later from Louisiana. An arrival at New York, from New Orleans on the 19th, gives the following Yankee news: It is said that Allen, who assumes to be rebel Governor of Louisiana, has organized at Shreveport, in that State, ten regiments of negroes, who are to be armed and equipped from the proceeds of cotton sales at Matamoras. There is a report that the rebel General Buckner has ten thousand troops at Alexandria, Louisiana, where there are said to be abundant supplies of beef and corn.--One of our New Orleans correspondents says that a gentleman has arrived in that city with permission from President Lincoln to bring
n, etc., were all fired between 8 and 11 P. M. by rags, saturated with phosphorus, placed in different rooms. No clue to the cause of this wholesale arson had been obtained, though several arrests had been made. From the Valley. A dispatch from the Valley, dated the 21st, says: Early has gone out of the Valley. Merritt's and Devin's divisions of cavalry, which lately started on a reconnaissance up the Valley, have sent back a courier to headquarters with information that General Early and his whole infantry force has passed on toward Staunton. --The belief is that the rebel campaign in the Valley for the present winter is over, so far as any movement in force is concerned, and that only a portion of the rebel cavalry, with guerrilla parties to co-operate with it, are now left to annoy us in the Valley. It is supposed the enemy is going to Richmond, possibly to prepare for the evacuation of Petersburg and the rebel capital before Sherman cuts them off at Savannah
and all along shore. The railroad is complete to the Opequan, and will soon be running to near Winchester. Later from Louisiana. An arrival at New York, from New Orleans on the 19th, gives the following Yankee news: It is said that Allen, who assumes to be rebel Governor of Louisiana, has organized at Shreveport, in that State, ten regiments of negroes, who are to be armed and equipped from the proceeds of cotton sales at Matamoras. There is a report that the rebel General Buckner has ten thousand troops at Alexandria, Louisiana, where there are said to be abundant supplies of beef and corn.--One of our New Orleans correspondents says that a gentleman has arrived in that city with permission from President Lincoln to bring twenty thousand bales of cotton into the Union lines. The large supply of cotton recently stopped by the rebel authorities on its way across Texas to Brownsville has been released. The House of Representatives of the Louisiana Legislature has
ebel General Buckner has ten thousand troops at Alexandria, Louisiana, where there are said to be abundant supplies of beef and corn.--One of our New Orleans correspondents says that a gentleman has arrived in that city with permission from President Lincoln to bring twenty thousand bales of cotton into the Union lines. The large supply of cotton recently stopped by the rebel authorities on its way across Texas to Brownsville has been released. The House of Representatives of the Louisiana Leeived on White river, Arkansas. Miscellaneous. Gold was quoted in New York on Friday at 220 1-4. The Yankee Congress meets next Monday. A Washington dispatch states that Attorney-General Bates has decided to retire from President Lincoln's Cabinet; but that the time of his resignation is not fixed. Rev. Arthur Cleveland Coxe, D. D., Episcopal Bishop of Western New York, preached a sermon in Brooklyn, a few days since, in which he proposed a Union of Episcopalians, Pres
Erastus Fairbanks (search for this): article 1
f New Haven harbor is being pushed forward with great rapidity. When finished, it is to mount eighteen guns of large calibre. Negro troops are now stationed at all the principal towns between Louisville and Henderson. Eighteen millions of new cents and six millions of two cent pieces have been coined within the last two months. Sarah Jane Smith, of Washington county, Arkansas, has been sentenced to be hung on the 25th of the present month, by a military commission, at St. Louis, for cutting Government telegraph wires. General Sherman telegraphed his wife on Thursday, November 10th, as follows: "I have received all your letters up to the 3d. I start to morrow. Write no more, and don't expect to hear from me, except through rebel sources, for some time to come. Good bye." Hon. Erastus Fairbanks, Ex-Governor of Vermont, who died a few days since, was a poor boy, but invented the celebrated platform scales which bear his name, and made his fortune from them.
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