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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 1, 1864., [Electronic resource].

Found 475 total hits in 194 results.

... 15 16 17 18 19 20
Wilson Bowser (search for this): article 2
Five Hundred dollars reward will be paid for the apprehension and delivery to us of our negro man, Wilson, who calls himself Wilson Bowser. Wilson is about twenty-seven years old, five feet ten inches high, well proportioned, no superfluous flesh, stoops or bends forward; the whites of his eyes tinged with yellow; smiles when spoken to and appears confused; complexion, gingerbread color; moustache and thin whiskers; dress, brown coat, dark grey pantaloons and cap. Smith & Harwood, No. 85 Main street. no 29--5t
Henry Smith (search for this): article 3
One thousand dollars reward. --Ran away, on Saturday evening, my slave, Jim Washington, formerly the property of B. W. Totty. He is five feet six inches high; jet black; high forehead; flat nose; high cheek bones; big mouth, with a scar on the right eye; stout built. Henry Smith, corner of Cary and Virginia streets. no 29--6t*
B. W. Totty (search for this): article 3
One thousand dollars reward. --Ran away, on Saturday evening, my slave, Jim Washington, formerly the property of B. W. Totty. He is five feet six inches high; jet black; high forehead; flat nose; high cheek bones; big mouth, with a scar on the right eye; stout built. Henry Smith, corner of Cary and Virginia streets. no 29--6t*
Jim Washington (search for this): article 3
One thousand dollars reward. --Ran away, on Saturday evening, my slave, Jim Washington, formerly the property of B. W. Totty. He is five feet six inches high; jet black; high forehead; flat nose; high cheek bones; big mouth, with a scar on the right eye; stout built. Henry Smith, corner of Cary and Virginia streets. no 29--6t*
... 15 16 17 18 19 20