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Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 1
h, which was happily defeated by Brigadier-General Leventhorpe, of the North Carolina State troops. The battle lasted until night, three hours, and "the loss of the enemy was severs."--Yesterday morning, the 21st, the Federals renewed the fight and succeeded in landing some sharpshooters; since which we have had no later accounts up to this time. Fort Branch is a few miles above Poplar Point, on the river. The policy of the enemy is manifestly the same in North Carolina that it is in Georgia: It is to destroy our railway lines and devastate the country. The movement against the Weldon railroad some ten days ago was part of the plan of operations at present being undertaken against this place and the railway leading hence to Weldon. The fate of Richmond and Virginia — as I hope General Lee and Mr. Seddon will discover in time — will not be decided alone on the banks of the James and Shenandoah.--Should the enemy be permitted to gain possession of Charleston, the great battle f
Colorado (Colorado, United States) (search for this): article 1
f Fort Fisher--New inlet — and in a short time thirty vessels, of all classes, were in sight. Among them the Wabash and Colorado were recognized. Throughout the day great activity was noticeable, the square-rigged vessels being busy in lowering thee fleet (of) about thirty vessels (of) all classes appeared (at) New inlet yesterday. Among them, recognized Wabash and Colorado, all day engaged (in) lowering topsail yards, housing spare (and) clearing for action. This morning, terrible gate blowhe 19th and the morning of the 20th, and consists, all told, of about forty transports and the steam frigates Wabash and Colorado. Nominators or gunboats have been seen, and, if any started, they were compelled by stress of weather to put into port t anchor on the 20th and 21st, but last night it drew off, and this morning only the tops of the masts of the Wabash and Colorado are visible from Fort Fisher. It is impossible to say whether the transports, under convoy of the frigates, have me
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 1
empt was made to land on the evening of the 20th, which was happily defeated by Brigadier-General Leventhorpe, of the North Carolina State troops. The battle lasted until night, three hours, and "the loss of the enemy was severs."--Yesterday morning Fort Branch is a few miles above Poplar Point, on the river. The policy of the enemy is manifestly the same in North Carolina that it is in Georgia: It is to destroy our railway lines and devastate the country. The movement against the Weldone to elevate their telescopes and take a wider view of the situation. Sallust. Proclamation of the Governor of North Carolina. Whereas, the long-expected attack upon our only remaining seaport is now about to be made, and our State is alsoo drive from our doors a fate horrible to contemplate: Now, therefore, I, Zebulon B. Vance, Governor of the State of North Carolina, relying upon the loyalty and devotion of her citizens, do issue this, my proclamation, commanding and adjuring
Shenandoah county (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
r. The policy of the enemy is manifestly the same in North Carolina that it is in Georgia: It is to destroy our railway lines and devastate the country. The movement against the Weldon railroad some ten days ago was part of the plan of operations at present being undertaken against this place and the railway leading hence to Weldon. The fate of Richmond and Virginia — as I hope General Lee and Mr. Seddon will discover in time — will not be decided alone on the banks of the James and Shenandoah.--Should the enemy be permitted to gain possession of Charleston, the great battle for the Old Dominion and for Confederate Independence will be fought early next spring, probably near Branchville, South Carolina, and, at all events, somewhere on the single and all important line of railway from Kingsville to Augusta. For four years the enemy has sought in vain to overrun the country from the Ohio and the Potomac, and to defeat us in battle. Henceforth his policy will be to operate from
Kingville (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 1
railway leading hence to Weldon. The fate of Richmond and Virginia — as I hope General Lee and Mr. Seddon will discover in time — will not be decided alone on the banks of the James and Shenandoah.--Should the enemy be permitted to gain possession of Charleston, the great battle for the Old Dominion and for Confederate Independence will be fought early next spring, probably near Branchville, South Carolina, and, at all events, somewhere on the single and all important line of railway from Kingsville to Augusta. For four years the enemy has sought in vain to overrun the country from the Ohio and the Potomac, and to defeat us in battle. Henceforth his policy will be to operate from the sea, by short lines, against our railways. This, Grant is now doing; and such will be the future policy of Sherman. Having failed to take Richmond by marching overland, Grant now hopes to effect its fall by cutting off its supplies. The time has come, therefore, for the President and General Lee
Wrightsville (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): article 1
hannel, and submarine batteries to aid the forts on shore, and enemy would find it "a hard road to travel."--As for the attack by sea, all is ready, the guns are trained, the powder dry, the men in good spirits, "and," remarked an old "we are just waiting to send a few of them to the D--." [Davy's locker, probably.] I am confident nothing can be done from the scar alone and that while the fleet engages the fort, it will be merely to cover up the operations of a force previously landed at Wrightsville or Masonboro' sound. In General Whiting I have every confidence, and so have the people here. All he wants is men, and those ought to be sent at once.--hurried on with the greatest possible speed, for without them the town certainly falls. Already I hear troops are on the road. God grant they may arrive in time. In my opinion, the loss of Wilmington would be the greatest loss the Confederacy has sustained since the fall of New Orleans. I do not care to give my reasons, although
Port Royal (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 1
s of the compass, and the sea has been exceedingly rough, rendering it utterly impossible for barges to land on the open beach. The fleet lay at anchor on the 20th and 21st, but last night it drew off, and this morning only the tops of the masts of the Wabash and Colorado are visible from Fort Fisher. It is impossible to say whether the transports, under convoy of the frigates, have merely drawn off shore or sought port elsewhere until the gale shall have subsided, or have gone on to Port Royal and Savannah. The prevailing opinion is, that they have gone farther south, and that their appearance here was only a feint to distract attention. It would be more agreeable to know they had shared the fate of the Spanish armada, and that in distributing a medal commemorative of the event, we might adapt the language employed by Queen Elizabeth on that occasion: Afflavit Deus et hostes dissipantur. We hear of no movement yet from Newbern against Goldsboro'. On the Roanoke, however,
New Inlet (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
confirm these reports. Monday morning, at an early hour, the fleet came off Fort Fisher--New inlet — and in a short time thirty vessels, of all classes, were in sight. Among them the Wabash anthe Owl and Colonel Lamb took abroad, the following item of news: "Amongst the fleet off New inlet, the war ships Colosado and Wabash have been recognized. We are not sure the report of a portuch report had been received at headquarters up to 6 o'clock yesterday evening. The fleet off New inlet consists of over thirty vessels, of all classes. The wind yesterday evening was from northeaste the following: "Yankee fleet (of) about thirty vessels (of) all classes appeared (at) New inlet yesterday. Among them, recognized Wabash and Colorado, all day engaged (in) lowering topsail led from Fortress Monroe for this port, had not arrived. It has since made its appearance off New inlet, the eastern entrance to the harbor of Wilmington. It came to anchor during the night of the
Goldsboro (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 1
bsided, or have gone on to Port Royal and Savannah. The prevailing opinion is, that they have gone farther south, and that their appearance here was only a feint to distract attention. It would be more agreeable to know they had shared the fate of the Spanish armada, and that in distributing a medal commemorative of the event, we might adapt the language employed by Queen Elizabeth on that occasion: Afflavit Deus et hostes dissipantur. We hear of no movement yet from Newbern against Goldsboro'. On the Roanoke, however, the enemy is quite active. A number of barges, filled with troops and convoyed by gunboats, have ascended the river to a point six miles by water below Poplar Point, and an attempt was made to land on the evening of the 20th, which was happily defeated by Brigadier-General Leventhorpe, of the North Carolina State troops. The battle lasted until night, three hours, and "the loss of the enemy was severs."--Yesterday morning, the 21st, the Federals renewed the fig
Branchville (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 1
ten days ago was part of the plan of operations at present being undertaken against this place and the railway leading hence to Weldon. The fate of Richmond and Virginia — as I hope General Lee and Mr. Seddon will discover in time — will not be decided alone on the banks of the James and Shenandoah.--Should the enemy be permitted to gain possession of Charleston, the great battle for the Old Dominion and for Confederate Independence will be fought early next spring, probably near Branchville, South Carolina, and, at all events, somewhere on the single and all important line of railway from Kingsville to Augusta. For four years the enemy has sought in vain to overrun the country from the Ohio and the Potomac, and to defeat us in battle. Henceforth his policy will be to operate from the sea, by short lines, against our railways. This, Grant is now doing; and such will be the future policy of Sherman. Having failed to take Richmond by marching overland, Grant now hopes to effect its
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