Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 5, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for George D. Prentice or search for George D. Prentice in all documents.

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General Howard is to take command of the Department of Missouri, and he will be succeeded in command of the Army of Tennessee by Major-General-John A. Logan. The latter is now in New York, whence he will proceed to Savannah. If any change of commanders is made in Kentucky, it is understood that General Butler will be assigned to that department." Miscellaneous. The schooners Logwood, Gazena and Mary have been captured off the Mexican coast. They were blockade-runners. George D. Prentice, of the Louisville Journal, arrived at City Point from Richmond on the 30th, and started North. As soon as certain intelligence is received from General Sherman, which is daily expected at Washington, Colonel Mulford will be sent to Richmond to complete the arrangements necessary to secure the exchange of all the Yankee prisoners. There were more people killed and wounded by railroad accidents in the United States last year than in any preceding year since 1854. One hundred a