Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 13, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Henry L. Brooke or search for Henry L. Brooke in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: January 13, 1865., [Electronic resource], The late operations at Wilmington — the official reports. (search)
r Still, chief of my staff, and Major Strong, aide-de camp, here, as always, actively aide me throughout. The gallant bearing and active labors of Major Saunders, chief of artillery to General Herbert, in very exposed positions, attracted my especial attention. I present my acknowledgments to Flag-Officer Pinkney, Confederate States navy, who was present during the action, for the welcome and efficient aid sent to Colonel Lamb, the detachment under Lieutenant Roby, which manned the two Brooke guns, and the company of marines, under Captain Van Benthuysen, which reinforced the garrison. Lieutenant Chapman, Confederate States navy, commanding battery Buchanan, by his skillful gunnery, saved us on our right from a movement of the enemy which, unless checked, might have resulted in a successful passage. The navy detachment at the guns, under very trying circumstances, did good work. No commendation of mine can be too much for the coolness, discipline and skill displayed by
By Hill, Dickinson & Co., Auctioneers. Sale of Negro Man at Auction. In pursuance of a decree of the Sequestration Court in the case of the Confederate States of America against William J. Holiday, and Lucy R., his wife, alien enemies, I will sell, at the auction-house of Hill, Dickinson & Co., on Wednesday, the 18th instant, at 10 o'clock, one valuable negro man, named Fleming. Terms: Cash. Henry L. Brooke, Receiver of District No. 3. ja 12