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The Daily Dispatch: January 13, 1865., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 13, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Buck Saunders or search for Buck Saunders in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: January 13, 1865., [Electronic resource], The late operations at Wilmington — the official reports. (search)
f the sand front was committed at the critical moment of assault. Of Major Rielly, with his battery, of the Tenth North Carolina, who served the guns of the sand front during the entire action, I have to say he has added another name to the long lists of fields on which he has been conspicuous for indomitable pluck and consummate skill. Major Still, chief of my staff, and Major Strong, aide-de camp, here, as always, actively aide me throughout. The gallant bearing and active labors of Major Saunders, chief of artillery to General Herbert, in very exposed positions, attracted my especial attention. I present my acknowledgments to Flag-Officer Pinkney, Confederate States navy, who was present during the action, for the welcome and efficient aid sent to Colonel Lamb, the detachment under Lieutenant Roby, which manned the two Brooke guns, and the company of marines, under Captain Van Benthuysen, which reinforced the garrison. Lieutenant Chapman, Confederate States navy, commanding
Hustings Court. --The Magistrates Court was in session yesterday, and disposed of the following business: John Ferguson, presented for keeping and exhibiting faro, entered into bonds of security in the sum of five thousand dollars for his appearance to answer said offence at the next term of the court. A slave, named Cary, the property of Mrs. Archer Blair, charged with feloniously conniving at the escape from their owners of Sam, slave of Bentley Wicker; Ned, slave of Buck Saunders, and Bob, slave of John Puckett, was ordered to receive thirty-nine lashes and be sold beyond the limits of the State within the next thirty days. The case of John, slave of Catherine Myers, charged with the same offence as above, was similarly disposed of. The case of William Shellings, indicted for exhibiting faro, was continued till the next term of the court, and the accused gave security in the sum of five hundred dollars for his appearance at that time. The court adjo