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We have received copies of New York papers of Saturday, the 25th instant. Gold, 199 1-2. Official account of the fall of Wilmington. The following is the official account of the occupation of Wilmington by the Federal forces: Fortress Monroe, Virginia, February 24--10 P. M. To General U. S. Grant, City Point: Our troops entered Wilmington on the morning of the 22d instant. After the evacuation of Fort Anderson, General Schofield directed Cox to follow its garrison towards Wilmington, while Terry followed Hoke on the east side of the river. The latter took up a new line, four miles from Wilmington, but was so closely pressed by Terry that he could send no troops to the west side. On that side the rebels made a stand behind Town creek, but on the 20th, Cox crossed his troops below them on a flatboat, attacked them in the rear and routed them, taking two guns and three hundred prisoners. On the 21st, Cox pushed to the Brunswick river, opposite Wilm