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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: December 12, 1865., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

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Virginia (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 10
-A resolution that a joint committee of five members on the part of the House and three on the part of the Senate be appointed to inquire into the expediency of fixing an early day to proceed to the election of two Senators to represent the State of Virginia in the Senate of the United States. Mr. Garnett, of Essex, offered as a substitute, which was accepted by Mr. Pate, a resolution that, the Senate concurring, this House will proceed, on the — day of--,to the election of two Senators to represent the State of Virginia in the Senate of the United States. Mr. Joynes moved to lay the resolution on the table. We had accepted the Alexandria Constitution, and must accept all its acts.--This Legislature had come here under the Constitution under which Mr. Segar and Judge Underwood were elected. Mr. Heennon thought the resolution had better go to a committee. It might be found expedient to request the present Senators to resign. Mr. Wilson, of Lynchburg, concurred wi
United States (United States) (search for this): article 10
ency of establishing, by law, such rules in regard to the scaling of debts contracted when Confederate States Treasury notes constituted the currency of the country as will secure uniformity of decisie by the preamble above, will, we earnestly hope, induce his Excellency the President of the United States to extend a general pardon to those persons now confined by the authority of the Government.dge themselves, as far as they may have ability, to uphold and maintain the Executive of the United States in his arduous labor to restore order, stability and justice among the States, and peace andr Judge Underwood's holding of the office of District Judge did not invalidate his office as United States Senator. Mr. Joynes thought that, until Judge Underwood was admitted by the United Statitted the following: Resolved, That the resolution proposing to go into the election of United States Senators be referred to a joint committee of five on the part of the House and three on the
Roma (Italy) (search for this): article 10
in common with all good men, North and South, it is their sincere and earnest wish, by all honorable means, to promote the same; that a firm re-union, with peace, prosperity and happiness, may everywhere prevail. Resolved, That they pledge themselves, as far as they may have ability, to uphold and maintain the Executive of the United States in his arduous labor to restore order, stability and justice among the States, and peace and good will among the people. Sedition became hurtful to Roma when it gained, power above the laws. On motion, by Mr. Hardy, of Norfolk, the preamble and resolutions were laid on the table and ordered to be printed. By Mr. Mann.--A resolution that the Committee of Finance inquire into the expediency of reporting a bill staying the collection of all debts for two years, excepting fines, taxes, licenses, county levies and debts due the Commonwealth, and all debts due from sheriffs, constables and attorneys at law. By Mr. Herndon.--A resolut
Bedford County (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 10
nquiry relative to authorizing fiduciaries having management of real estate during the minority, coverture, or other disability of the owners thereof, to make leases which may continue for a longer period than said disability. Agreed to. By Mr. Merrett, of Brunswick.--A resolution of inquiry relative to amending second section of chapter one hundred and one of the Code of 1860 so as to provide more effectually against trespasses on the lands of others. Agreed to. By Mr. Pate, of Bedford.--A resolution that a joint committee of five members on the part of the House and three on the part of the Senate be appointed to inquire into the expediency of fixing an early day to proceed to the election of two Senators to represent the State of Virginia in the Senate of the United States. Mr. Garnett, of Essex, offered as a substitute, which was accepted by Mr. Pate, a resolution that, the Senate concurring, this House will proceed, on the — day of--,to the election of two Senato
Essex (United Kingdom) (search for this): article 10
nd section of chapter one hundred and one of the Code of 1860 so as to provide more effectually against trespasses on the lands of others. Agreed to. By Mr. Pate, of Bedford.--A resolution that a joint committee of five members on the part of the House and three on the part of the Senate be appointed to inquire into the expediency of fixing an early day to proceed to the election of two Senators to represent the State of Virginia in the Senate of the United States. Mr. Garnett, of Essex, offered as a substitute, which was accepted by Mr. Pate, a resolution that, the Senate concurring, this House will proceed, on the — day of--,to the election of two Senators to represent the State of Virginia in the Senate of the United States. Mr. Joynes moved to lay the resolution on the table. We had accepted the Alexandria Constitution, and must accept all its acts.--This Legislature had come here under the Constitution under which Mr. Segar and Judge Underwood were elected.
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 10
he preamble and resolutions were laid on the table and ordered to be printed. By Mr. Mann.--A resolution that the Committee of Finance inquire into the expediency of reporting a bill staying the collection of all debts for two years, excepting fines, taxes, licenses, county levies and debts due the Commonwealth, and all debts due from sheriffs, constables and attorneys at law. By Mr. Herndon.--A resolution of inquiry relative to limiting the jurisdiction of the Circuit Court of Richmond city in the probate of wills and granting administrations. Agreed to. By Mr. Gratton.--A resolution of inquiry relative to authorizing fiduciaries having management of real estate during the minority, coverture, or other disability of the owners thereof, to make leases which may continue for a longer period than said disability. Agreed to. By Mr. Merrett, of Brunswick.--A resolution of inquiry relative to amending second section of chapter one hundred and one of the Code of 1860 s
Fauquier (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 10
improvements in which the State is interested, and leaving the interests of the State to be managed in common with those of the private stockholders. 2. For appointing inspectors and accountants to make annual examinations of the management and condition of such improvements. 3. For exchanging the stock of the State in any such improvement for stocks or bonds at par, whenever and by whomsoever presented for such exchange. Agreed to. House bill to authorize the County Court of Fauquier to borrow money for county purposes was considered and passed. By Mr. Riggs, of Wise.--A resolution that the Committee on Roads and Internal Navigation inquire what legislation, if any, is necessary to secure the completion of the Virginia and Kentucky railroad, and report by bill or otherwise. Agreed to. Mr. English, of Alexandria, introduced a bill to amend the charter of "The Fire Insurance Company of Alexandria." Referred to the Committee on Propositions and Grievances.
Brunswick, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 10
law. By Mr. Herndon.--A resolution of inquiry relative to limiting the jurisdiction of the Circuit Court of Richmond city in the probate of wills and granting administrations. Agreed to. By Mr. Gratton.--A resolution of inquiry relative to authorizing fiduciaries having management of real estate during the minority, coverture, or other disability of the owners thereof, to make leases which may continue for a longer period than said disability. Agreed to. By Mr. Merrett, of Brunswick.--A resolution of inquiry relative to amending second section of chapter one hundred and one of the Code of 1860 so as to provide more effectually against trespasses on the lands of others. Agreed to. By Mr. Pate, of Bedford.--A resolution that a joint committee of five members on the part of the House and three on the part of the Senate be appointed to inquire into the expediency of fixing an early day to proceed to the election of two Senators to represent the State of Virginia in
r. Mann.--A resolution that the Committee of Finance inquire into the expediency of reporting a bill staying the collection of all debts for two years, excepting fines, taxes, licenses, county levies and debts due the Commonwealth, and all debts due from sheriffs, constables and attorneys at law. By Mr. Herndon.--A resolution of inquiry relative to limiting the jurisdiction of the Circuit Court of Richmond city in the probate of wills and granting administrations. Agreed to. By Mr. Gratton.--A resolution of inquiry relative to authorizing fiduciaries having management of real estate during the minority, coverture, or other disability of the owners thereof, to make leases which may continue for a longer period than said disability. Agreed to. By Mr. Merrett, of Brunswick.--A resolution of inquiry relative to amending second section of chapter one hundred and one of the Code of 1860 so as to provide more effectually against trespasses on the lands of others. Agreed to.
and happiness, may everywhere prevail. Resolved, That they pledge themselves, as far as they may have ability, to uphold and maintain the Executive of the United States in his arduous labor to restore order, stability and justice among the States, and peace and good will among the people. Sedition became hurtful to Roma when it gained, power above the laws. On motion, by Mr. Hardy, of Norfolk, the preamble and resolutions were laid on the table and ordered to be printed. By Mr. Mann.--A resolution that the Committee of Finance inquire into the expediency of reporting a bill staying the collection of all debts for two years, excepting fines, taxes, licenses, county levies and debts due the Commonwealth, and all debts due from sheriffs, constables and attorneys at law. By Mr. Herndon.--A resolution of inquiry relative to limiting the jurisdiction of the Circuit Court of Richmond city in the probate of wills and granting administrations. Agreed to. By Mr. Gratt
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