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United States (United States) 30 0 Browse Search
Mexico (Mexico, Mexico) 26 0 Browse Search
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) 22 0 Browse Search
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) 16 0 Browse Search
Missouri (Missouri, United States) 16 0 Browse Search
Alonzo Duke 14 0 Browse Search
John Duke 14 0 Browse Search
Thaddeus Stevens 12 0 Browse Search
Burr Scott 12 0 Browse Search
Illinois (Illinois, United States) 12 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 12, 1865., [Electronic resource].

Found 913 total hits in 443 results.

... 40 41 42 43 44 45
Halifax (Canada) (search for this): article 4
Heavy snow storm. Halifax, N. S., December 11. --Seven inches of snow fell here yesterday and to-day. The sleighing is very fine.
December 11th (search for this): article 5
New York Markets. New York, December 11. --Cotton — Middling dull at 48 Flour dull; State, $7@$8.25. Wheat declined. Corn dull. Pork firm; mess, 29. Whisky unchanged.
New York Markets. New York, December 11. --Cotton — Middling dull at 48 Flour dull; State, $7@$8.25. Wheat declined. Corn dull. Pork firm; mess, 29. Whisky unchanged.
... 40 41 42 43 44 45