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he Alps can be tunneled, we do not see why the Alleghany may not be. Money can do anything in the way of engineering, and this Company has a capital of thirty millions. So many of these impossible things have been done of late years, that the word impossible, in its modern sense, hardly means even very difficult. The wise men in Parliament said it was impossible to make a train run ten miles an hour, and denounced George Stephenson as a liar and braggart for affirming that it could; and Dr. Lardner pronounced steam navigation of the Atlantic to be impossible, in a public lecture, not more than a month before the Great Western made her trial trip. To say that a thing is impossible, is, in such cases, merely to say "I am no engineer." The very Alleghanies themselves can be dug down if there be money enough to pay for the job. The question, and the only question is, is the treasure in view so great that the Company will go to any very great expense about it? We answer, it is. The Com