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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 28, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for R. E. Lee or search for R. E. Lee in all documents.

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A Portrait of General Lee is now on exhibition at the Spotswood Hotel. It is by Mr. Eches, and is not only a fine painting, but it is the only likeness of that great man that conveys an idea of greatness. It will be raffled off in a day or two, when the few remaining chances are taken.
General Lee--letters written in 1861. The Old Guard, of New York, publishes the following letters, (new to us,) which show the high ground taken by General Lee in the beginning of the late civil war, and which was maintained by him to the last: "Arlington, Va., April 20, 1861. "General,--Since my interview with you on the 18th instant, I have felt that I ought not longer to retain my commission in the army — I therefore tender my resignation, which I request you will recommenGeneral Lee in the beginning of the late civil war, and which was maintained by him to the last: "Arlington, Va., April 20, 1861. "General,--Since my interview with you on the 18th instant, I have felt that I ought not longer to retain my commission in the army — I therefore tender my resignation, which I request you will recommend for acceptance.--It would have been presented at once but for the struggle it cost me to separate myself from a service to which I have devoted all the best years of my life and all the ability I possessed. "During the whole of the time — more than a quarter of a century — I have experienced nothing but kindness from my superiors, and the most cordial friendship from my comrades. To no one, General, have I been as much indebted as to yourself for uniform kindness and consideration, and