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Athens (Greece) 228 0 Browse Search
Athens (Greece) 222 0 Browse Search
Athens (Greece) 110 0 Browse Search
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Thermopylae 38 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Demosthenes, On the Crown. Search the whole document.

Found 3 total hits in 1 results.

They found a plausible pretext: you must either, they said, pay contributions to a war-chest, maintain mercenary forces, and levy a fine on all recusants, or else elect Philip as commander-in-chief: and so, to cut a long story short, elected he was on this plea. He lost no time, collected his army, pretended to march to Cirrha, and then bade the Cirrhaeans and the Locrians alike good-bye and good luck, and seized Elatea.