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Found 7 total hits in 3 results.

Cirrha (Greece) (search for this): book 9, chapter 16
After the people of Cirrha had been besieged for a long time because they had attempted to plunder the oracle,Delphi. About 590 B.C. some of the Greeks returned to their native cities, but others of them inquired of the Pythian priestess and received the following response: Ye shall not seize and lay in ruins the tower Of yonder city, before the plashing wave Of dark-eyed Amphitrite inundates My sacred precinct, here on these holy cliffs. Const. Exc. 4, p. 286.
Delphi (Greece) (search for this): book 9, chapter 16
After the people of Cirrha had been besieged for a long time because they had attempted to plunder the oracle,Delphi. About 590 B.C. some of the Greeks returned to their native cities, but others of them inquired of the Pythian priestess and received the following response: Ye shall not seize and lay in ruins the tower Of yonder city, before the plashing wave Of dark-eyed Amphitrite inundates My sacred precinct, here on these holy cliffs. Const. Exc. 4, p. 286.
After the people of Cirrha had been besieged for a long time because they had attempted to plunder the oracle,Delphi. About 590 B.C. some of the Greeks returned to their native cities, but others of them inquired of the Pythian priestess and received the following response: Ye shall not seize and lay in ruins the tower Of yonder city, before the plashing wave Of dark-eyed Amphitrite inundates My sacred precinct, here on these holy cliffs. Const. Exc. 4, p. 286.