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Athens (Greece) 104 0 Browse Search
Athens (Greece) 66 0 Browse Search
Greece (Greece) 62 0 Browse Search
Athens (Greece) 60 0 Browse Search
Greece (Greece) 54 0 Browse Search
Greece (Greece) 52 0 Browse Search
Messene (Greece) 46 0 Browse Search
Athens (Greece) 40 0 Browse Search
Peloponnesus (Greece) 32 0 Browse Search
Asia 24 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Isocrates, To Nicocles (ed. George Norlin). Search the whole document.

Found 3 total hits in 1 results.

Cicero (New York, United States) (search for this): speech 2, section 33
Keep watch always on your words and actions, that you may fall into as few mistakes as possible. For while it is best to grasp your opportunities at exactly the right moment, yet, since they are difficult to discern, choose to fall short rather than to overreach them;Cf. Artistot. Nic. Eth. 2.5; Cicero, Orat. xxii. : “etsi suus cuique rei modus est, tamen magis offendit nimium quam parum.” for the happy mean is to be found in defect rather than in exce