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Browsing named entities in Plato, Republic. You can also browse the collection for Iliad (Montana, United States) or search for Iliad (Montana, United States) in all documents.
Your search returned 20 results in 14 document sections:
For in like manner we could“We know how to.” For the satire of the
Socialist millenium which follows cf. Introduction p. xxix, and
Ruskin, Fors
Clavigera. Plato may have been thinking of the scene on the
shield of Achilles,
xviii. 541-560. clothe the farmers in robes of state and
deck them with gold and bid them cultivate the soil at their pleasure, and
we could make the potters recline on couches from left to righti.e. so that the guest on the right hand
occupied a lower place and the wine circulated in the same direction.
Many write E)PI\ DECIA/, but AE)PIDE/CIA. “Forever, 'tis a single
word. Our rude forefathers thought it two.” before the