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Browsing named entities in Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson).

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ght to Clazomenae. Meanwhile the Athenians at Sestus, learning that410 B.C. Mindarus was planning to sail against them with sixty ships, withdrew by night to Cardia. There410 B.C. Alcibiades joined them, coming from Clazomenae with five triremes and a dispatch boat. But upon learningtle and, in the midst of a heavy rain, set out for Cyzicus. When he410 B.C. was near Cyzicus, the weather cleared and the sun came out, and healso left there as a garrison thirty ships and two of the generals,410 B.C. Theramenes and Eumachus, to have charge of the fort, to attend to lled together their soldiers and, through Hermocrates as spokesman,410 B.C. lamented their misfortune in being unjustly and illegally banishede acquaintance he made, both captains and steersmen and marines, he410 B.C. used to gather every day in the morning and at evening to his own they approached. When Agis saw this, he withdrew in haste, and some410 B.C. few of his rear line were killed by the Athenian light troops. In
After this,i.e. after the last events described by Thucydides. The scene is the Hellespont. not many days later, Thymochares411 B.C. came from Athens with a few ships; and thereupon the Lacedaemonians and the Athenians fought another naval battle, and the Lacedaemonians were victorious, under the leadership of Agesandridas. Shortly after this, at the beginning of the winter, Dorieus, the son of Diagoras, sailed into the Hellespont from Rhodes with fourteen ships, arriving at daybreak. And when tng. Now Mindarus caught sight of the battle as he was sacrificing to Athena at Ilium, and hurrying to the sea he launched his triremes and set out, in order to pick up the ships under Dorieus. And the Athenians set out against him and did battle,411 B.C. along the strand near Abydus, from morning till late afternoon. They were at some points victorious and at others defeated, when Alcibiades sailed into the Hellespont to their support, with eighteen ships. Thereupon the Peloponnesians took to fl
summoned Cyrus to come to him. In the following year—Archytas being now ephor,405 B.C. and Alexias archon at Athens—Lysander arrived at Ephesus and sent for Eteonicufar outnumber them in ships; for, Cyrus said, both the King and he had money in405 B.C. abundance, and hence, so far as that point was concerned, it would be possible of Abydus and the other cities were at hand on the shore to support him, being405 B.C. commanded by Thorax, a Lacedaemonian. Then they attacked the city and captured Meantime Alcibiades, who could discern from his castle that the Athenians were405 B.C. moored on an open shore, with no city near by, and were fetching their provisiich were employed for various public missions and as dispatch-boats. with them,405 B.C. but all the rest Lysander captured on the beach. He also gathered up on the shith these men. Many other stories were told, and it was finally resolved to put405 B.C. to death all of the prisoners who were Athenians, with the exception of Adeima
The troops that were at Chios under EteonicusSee I. vi. 36 f.406 B.C. subsisted, so long as the summer lasted, upon the produce of the season and by working for hire up and down the island; when winter came on, however, and they were without food and poorly clad and unshod, they got together and agreed to make an attack upon Chioss hand, he put him to death. And when an uproar resulted and people asked why the man had been put to death, Eteonicus ordered his followers to give out word that406 B.C. it was because he had the reed. As a result of this announcement all those who were carrying reeds threw them away, each man as he heard the report being afraid re sons of Darius' sister—the daughter of Darius' father Xerxes—because upon meeting him they did not thrust their hands through the corê, an honour they show the406 B.C. King alone. (The corê is a longer sleeve than the cheiris, and a man who had his hand in one would be powerless to do anything.) In consequence, Hieramenes and h<
ver, the men who had made the march up country with Cyrus joined forces with him after their safe return, from that time on he would draw up his troops against Tissaphernes even on the plains, and he got possession of cities, Pergamus by voluntary surrender, and likewise Teuthrania and Halisarna,399 B.C. two cities which were under the rule of Eurysthenes and Procles, the descendants of Demaratus the Lacedaemonian; and this territory had been given to Demaratus by the Persian kingXerxes, in 480 B.C. Herod. vii. 101 ff. as a reward for accompanying him on his expedition against Greece. Furthermore, Gorgion and Gongylus gave in their allegiance to Thibron, they being brothers, one of them the ruler of Gambrium and Palaegambrium, the other of Myrina and Grynium; and these cities also were a gift from the Persian king to the earlier Gongylus, because he espoused the Persian cause,—the only man among the Eretrians who did so,—and was therefore banished. On the other hand, there were some we
s might be free. Accordingly, the Lacedaemonians sent them399 B.C. Thibron as governor, giving him an army made up of a thouoluntary surrender, and likewise Teuthrania and Halisarna,399 B.C. two cities which were under the rule of Eurysthenes and Pman who was reputed to be exceedingly resourceful; indeed,399 B.C. he bore the nickname “Sisyphus.” Thibron accordingly wentimself and to use for winning the favour of his concubines399 B.C. and the men who had the greatest influence at the court ollor. Now when she was more than forty years old, Meidias,399 B.C. who was the husband of her daughter, was disturbed by cerren, a very strong place, thinking that if he succeeded in399 B.C. keeping the city for Pharnabazus he would receive honourse threw them open and admitted him. And after stationing a399 B.C. garrison in this city also, he marched at once against Scul mission.Now the men on the towers of Gergis, which were399 B.C. extremely high, did not throw their missiles because they
So ended the civil strife at Athens. Shortly401 B.C. after this Cyrus sent messengers to Lacedaemon and asked that the Lacedaemonians should show themselves as good friends to him as he was to them in the war against the Athenians. And the ephors, thinking that what he said was fair, sent instructions to Samius, at that time their admiral, to hold himself under Cyrus' orders, in case he had any request to make. And in fact Samius did zealously just what Cyrus asked of him: he sailed round to Ciller of Cilicia, to oppose Cyrus by land in his march against the Persian king. As to how Cyrus collected an army and with this army made the march up country against his brother,Artaxerxes. how the battleAt Cunaxa, near Babylon, in the autumn of 401 B.C. was fought, how Cyrus was slain, and how after that the Greeks effected their return in safety to the sea—all this has been written by ThemistogenesUnknown except for this reference. It would seem that Xenophon's own Anabasis was not published a
sea—all this has been written by ThemistogenesUnknown except for this reference. It would seem that Xenophon's own Anabasis was not published at the time when these words were written. the Syracusan. Now when Tissaphernes, who was thought to have400 B.C. proved himself very valuable to the King in the war against his brother, was sent down as satrap both of the provinces which he himself had previously ruled and of those which Cyrus had ruled, he straightway400 B.C. demanded that all the Ionian 400 B.C. demanded that all the Ionian cities should be subject to him. But they, both because they wanted to be free and because they feared Tissaphernes, inasmuch as they had chosen Cyrus, while he was living, instead of him, refused to admit him into their cities and sent ambassadors to Lacedaemon asking that the Lacedaemonians, since they were the leaders of all Hellas, should undertake to protect them also, the Greeks in Asia, in order that their land might not be laid waste and that they themselves might be free. Accordingly, t
AgesilausCp. III. iv. 29. arrived, at the beginning395 B.C. of autumn, in Pharnabazus' province of Phrygia, he“Tell me,” he said, “Otys, to what sort of a family395 B.C. does Spithridates belong?” Otys replied that he wa for my own part, even though I rejoice exceedingly395 B.C. when I punish an enemy, believe that I am far morens in abundance, and splendid wild animals, some of395 B.C. them in enclosed parks, others in open spaces. Thethese troops Herippidas proceeded to sacrifice; and395 B.C. towards evening he obtained favourable omens and t.As described in the Anabasis. And nothing happened395 B.C. during the campaign which was more distressing to you cannot accuse me, as you accused Tissaphernes,395 B.C. of any double-dealing toward you at any time, eitht rather by employing us as allies to increase, not395 B.C. the King's empire, but your own, subduing those wh. And afterwards, when his brother had deprived the395 B.C. son of Parapita of his domain during the absence
the absence of Pharnabazus, and had made him an exile, Agesilaus not only cared for him in every way, but in particular, since he had become enamoured of the son of Eualces an Athenian, made every effort for his sake to have Eualces' son, inasmuch as he was taller than any of the other boys, admitted to the stadium race at Olympia.The stadium, or two hundred yards' dash, was a race for men and Eualces' son was too young to be eligible, but his unusual height told in his favour. So at that time Agesilaus immediately marched off out of the territory of Pharnabazus, just as he had told him he would; besides, spring was now394 B.C. almost at hand. And upon arriving in the plain of Thebe he encamped near the shrine of Artemis of Astyra, and there gathered together from all quarters a very great army in addition to that which he had. For he was preparing to march as far as he could into the interior, thinking that he would detach from the King all the nations which he could put in his rear.
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