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Gades (Spain) 82 0 Browse Search
Italy (Italy) 44 0 Browse Search
Italy (Italy) 28 0 Browse Search
Rome (Italy) 26 0 Browse Search
France (France) 24 0 Browse Search
Rome (Italy) 24 0 Browse Search
Rome (Italy) 22 0 Browse Search
Syria (Syria) 22 0 Browse Search
Italy (Italy) 22 0 Browse Search
Rome (Italy) 20 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of M. Tullius Cicero, For Cornelius Balbus (ed. C. D. Yonge). Search the whole document.

Found 12 total hits in 1 results.

of the treaty itself, why it should not have been lawful to receive a citizen of Gades into our city? For there is nothing else provided for in the treaty except that there be a people.” And that expression carries this force with it, that it shows that the people of Gades is the inferior party in the treaty. First of all, the very description but none at all for theirs. Can our majesty then be preserved with good feeling by the people of Gades, if we are not able to tempt the men of Gades by rewards to be anxious for its preservation? Can Gades by rewards to be anxious for its preservation? Can there, in fact be any majesty at all, if we are prevented from availing ourselves of the consent of the Roman people to confer on our commander-in-chief the power of distributing honours and kindnesses