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France (France) 106 0 Browse Search
Italy (Italy) 102 0 Browse Search
Rome (Italy) 78 0 Browse Search
Mutina (Italy) 58 0 Browse Search
Brundusium (Italy) 38 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of M. Tullius Cicero, Orations, The fourteen orations against Marcus Antonius (Philippics) (ed. C. D. Yonge). Search the whole document.

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Capitoline Hill (Italy) (search for this): speech 2, chapter 8
ut that eloquent man does not perceive that the man against whom he is speaking is being praised by him, and that those before whom he is speaking are being attacked by him. But now what an act, I will not say of audacity, (for he is anxious to be audacious,) but (and that is what he is not desirous of) what an act of folly, in which he surpasses all men, is it to make mention of the Capitoline Hill, at a time when armed men are actually between our benches—when men, armed with swords, are now stationed in this same temple of Concord, O ye immortal gods, in which, while I was consul, opinions most salutary to the state were delivered, owing to which it is that we are all alive at this day. Accuse the senate; accuse the equestrian body, which at that time was united with the sena