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Troy (Turkey) 210 0 Browse Search
Italy (Italy) 68 0 Browse Search
Tiber (Italy) 52 0 Browse Search
Rome (Italy) 44 0 Browse Search
Latium (Italy) 30 0 Browse Search
Carthage (Tunisia) 22 0 Browse Search
Crete (Greece) 20 0 Browse Search
Greece (Greece) 16 0 Browse Search
Sicily (Italy) 14 0 Browse Search
Eryx (Italy) 14 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. John Dryden). Search the whole document.

Found 6 total hits in 2 results.

Italy (Italy) (search for this): book 1, card 34
Now scarce the Trojan fleet, with sails and oars, Had left behind the fair Sicilian shores, Ent'ring with cheerful shouts the wat'ry reign, And plowing frothy furrows in the main; When, lab'ring still with endless discontent, The Queen of Heav'n did thus her fury vent: “Then am I vanquish'd? must I yield?” said she, “And must the Trojans reign in Italy? So Fate will have it, and Jove adds his force; Nor can my pow'r divert their happy course. Could angry Pallas, with revengeful spleen, The Grecian navy burn, and drown the men? She, for the fault of one offending foe, The bolts of Jove himself presum'd to throw: With whirlwinds from beneath she toss'd the ship, And bare expos'd the bosom of the deep; Then, as an eagle gripes the trembling game, The wretch, yet hissing with her father's flame, She strongly seiz'd, and with a burning wound Transfix'd, and naked, on a rock she bound. But I, who walk in awful state above, The majesty of heav'n, the sister wife of Jove, For length of years <
Troy (Turkey) (search for this): book 1, card 34
frothy furrows in the main; When, lab'ring still with endless discontent, The Queen of Heav'n did thus her fury vent: “Then am I vanquish'd? must I yield?” said she, “And must the Trojans reign in Italy? So Fate will have it, and Jove adds his force; Nor can my pow'r divert their happy course. Could angry Pallas, with revengeful spleen, The Grecian navy burn, and drown the men? She, for the fault of one offending foe, The bolts of Jove himself presum'd to throw: With whirlwinds from beneath she toss'd the ship, And bare expos'd the bosom of the deep; Then, as an eagle gripes the trembling game, The wretch, yet hissing with her father's flame, She strongly seiz'd, and with a burning wound Transfix'd, and naked, on a rock she bound. But I, who walk in awful state above, The majesty of heav'n, the sister wife of Jove, For length of years my fruitless force employ Against the thin remains of ruin'd Troy! What nations now to Juno's pow'r will pray, Or off'rings on my slighted altars