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Troy (Turkey) 332 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams). Search the whole document.

Found 3 total hits in 1 results.

Nor even the gods, against this gate prevail. Tall tower of steel it has; and seated there Tisiphone, in blood-flecked pall arrayed, Sleepless forever, guards the entering way. Hence groans are heard, fierce cracks of lash and scourge, Loud-clanking iron links and trailing chains. Aeneas motionless with horror stood o'erwhelmed at such uproar. “0 virgin, say What shapes of guilt are these? What penal woe Harries them thus? What wailing smites the air?” To whom the Sibyl, “Far-famed prince of Troy, The feet of innocence may never pass Into this house of sin. But Hecate, When o'er th' Avernian groves she gave me power, Taught me what penalties the gods decree, And showed me all. There Cretan Rhadamanth His kingdom keeps, and from unpitying throne Chastises and lays bare the secret sins Of mortals who, exulting in vain guile, Elude till death, their expiation due. There, armed forever with her vengeful scourge, Tisiphone, with menace and affront, The guilty swarm pursues; in her left han<