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Cremona (Italy) 106 0 Browse Search
Rome (Italy) 92 0 Browse Search
Italy (Italy) 70 0 Browse Search
Great Britain (United Kingdom) 56 0 Browse Search
Moesia 56 0 Browse Search
Rhine 54 0 Browse Search
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Padus (Italy) 37 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Cornelius Tacitus, The History (ed. Alfred John Church, William Jackson Brodribb). Search the whole document.

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Cremona (Italy) (search for this): book 3, chapter 54
Vitellius, after his power had been shattered at Cremona, endeavoured to suppress the tidings of the disaster, and by this foolish attempt at concealment he put off, not indeed his troubles, but only the application of the remedy. Had he avowed and discussed his position, he had some chance, some strength, left; whereas, on thd to rouse Vitellius to courage, prevailed on the Emperor to send him in person to see what was the strength of the enemy's resources, and what had happened at Cremona. He did not seek to escape the notice of Antonius by making his observations in secret, but avowed the Emperor's instructions and his own purpose, and asked leave to see everything. Persons were sent to shew him the field of battle, the remains of Cremona, and the captured legions. He then made his way back to Vitellius, and when the Emperor denied the truth of the intelligence which he brought, and even charged him with having been bribed, "Since," he replied, "you require some deci