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Epidamnus (Albania) 36 0 Browse Search
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Sicily (Italy) 8 0 Browse Search
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Epidamnus (Albania) (search for this): act 1, scene 2
Enter MENAECHMUS of Epidamnus, from his house. MENAECHMUS of Epidamnus. speaking at the door to his WIFE within. Unless you were worthless, unless you were foolish, unless you were stark wild and an idiot, that which you see is disagreable to your husband, you would deem to be so to yourself as well. Moreover, if after this day you do any such thing to me, I'll force you, a divorced woman, turned out of my doors to go visit your father. For as often as I wish to go out of the house, you are detaining me, calling me back, asking me questions; whither I am going, what matter I am about, what business I am transacting, what I am wanting, what I am bringing, what I have been doing out of doors? I've surely brought home a custom-house officerA custom-house officer: The "portitores" examined those who landed or embarked at any port, to see that they had no merchandize about them which had not paid duty. They also made the necessary enquiries who the parties were, and what was their desti
Delphi (Greece) (search for this): act 1, scene 2
"prandium" as well), was followed by "potatio" or "drinking," which by such characters as Menaechmus and the Parasite would be prolonged to midnight, when they would see the day dead, and celebrate its funeral in their orgies. upon it. PENICULUS Well, come then, since you request what's fair, how soon am I to set fire to the pile? Why really, the day's half dead already down to its navelTo its navel: "Umbilicus," the "navel," was a term much used to signify the middle part of anything. Thus Delphi was called the "umbilicus," or "navel," of the world.. MENAECHMUS of Epidamnus. Come this way from the door. PENICULUS Be it so. Moves from the door. MENAECHMUS of Epidamnus. Come still more this way. PENICULUS Very well. Moves. MENAECHMUS of Epidamnus Even still, step aside boldly from the lioness's den. PENICULUS still moving. Well done; by my troth, as I fancy, you really would bean excellent charioteersAn excellent charioteer: The drivers of the chariots at the Circensian games were cal
Troy (Turkey) (search for this): act 1, scene 2
e any mistake, when I see the remnants.When I see the remnants: He thinks that Menaechmus is alluding to something in the eating way, and says that he can tell whether the cook has done his duty well or not, by only looking at the scraps of the entertainment.. MENAECHMUS of Epidamnus. Tell me--did you ever see a picture painted on a wall, where the eagle is carrying off GanymedeGanymede: He is mentioned in the text under another name of a gross nature. Ganymede was the son of Tros, King of Troy. Jupiter was said, in the form of an eagle, to have carried him off, and made him cupbearer to the Gods, in the place of Hebe, the Goddess of youth., or Venus Adonis? PENICULUS Many a time. But what are these pictures to me? MENAECHMUS of Epidamnus. Come, look at meCome, look at me: Saying this, he probably takes the "palla" from behind him, and putting it on, stalks about with it upon him. This he could do without the risk of being seen by his wife, as on the Roman stage a number of streets