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Julius (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): life aug., chapter 98
llected by the priests of the principal colleges. One likewise proposed to transfer the name of August to September, because he was born in the latter, but died in the former. Another moved, that the whole period of time, from his birth to his death, should be called the Augustan age, and be inserted in the calendar under that title. But at last it was judged proper to be moderate in the honours paid to his memory. Two funeral orations were pronounced in his praise, one before the temple of Julius, by Tiberius; and the other before the rostra, under the old shops, by Drusus, Tiberius's son. The body was then carried upon the shoulders of senators into the Campus Martius, and there burnt. A man of pretorian rank affirmed upon oath, that he saw his spirit ascend from the funeral pile to heaven. The most distinguished persons of the equestrian order, bare-footed, and with their tunics loose, gathered up his relics,Dio tells us that the devoted Livia joined with the knights in this pious
Nola (Virginia, United States) (search for this): life aug., chapter 98
born A. U. C. 691, and died A. U. C. 766. His remains were carried by the magistrates of the municipal Municipia were towns which had obtained the rights of Roman citizens. Some of them had all which could be enjoyed without residing at Rome. Others had the right of serving in the Roman legions, but not that of voting, nor of holding civil offices. The municipia retained their own laws and customs; nor were they obliged to receive the Roman laws unless they chose it. towns and colonies, from Nola to Bovillae,Bovillae, a small place on the Appian Way, about nineteen miles from Rome, now called Frattochio. and in the night-time, because of the season of the year. During the intervals, the body lay in some basilica, or great temple, of each town. At Bovillae it was met by the Equestrian Order, who carried it to the city, and deposited it in the vestibule of his own house. The senate proceeded with so much zeal in the arrangement of his funeral, and paying honour to his memory, that among
us, and there burnt. A man of pretorian rank affirmed upon oath, that he saw his spirit ascend from the funeral pile to heaven. The most distinguished persons of the equestrian order, bare-footed, and with their tunics loose, gathered up his relics,Dio tells us that the devoted Livia joined with the knights in this pious office, which occupied them during five days. and deposited them in the mausoleum, which had been built in the sixth consulship between the Flaminian Way and the bank of the Tiber;For the Flaminian Way, see before, p. 102, note. The superb monument erected by Augustus over the sepulchre of the imperial family was of white marble, rising in stages to a great height, and crowned by a dome, on which stood a statue of Augustus. Marcellus was the first who was buried in the sepulchre beneath. It stood near the present Porta del Popolo; and the Bustum, where the bodies of the emperor and his family were burnt, is supposed to have stood on the site of the church of the Madon
Madonna (Maryland, United States) (search for this): life aug., chapter 98
funeral pile to heaven. The most distinguished persons of the equestrian order, bare-footed, and with their tunics loose, gathered up his relics,Dio tells us that the devoted Livia joined with the knights in this pious office, which occupied them during five days. and deposited them in the mausoleum, which had been built in the sixth consulship between the Flaminian Way and the bank of the Tiber;For the Flaminian Way, see before, p. 102, note. The superb monument erected by Augustus over the sepulchre of the imperial family was of white marble, rising in stages to a great height, and crowned by a dome, on which stood a statue of Augustus. Marcellus was the first who was buried in the sepulchre beneath. It stood near the present Porta del Popolo; and the Bustum, where the bodies of the emperor and his family were burnt, is supposed to have stood on the site of the church of the Madonna of that name. at which time likewise he gave the groves and walks about it for the use of the people.
Via Flaminia (Italy) (search for this): life aug., chapter 98
oose, gathered up his relics,Dio tells us that the devoted Livia joined with the knights in this pious office, which occupied them during five days. and deposited them in the mausoleum, which had been built in the sixth consulship between the Flaminian Way and the bank of the Tiber;For the Flaminian Way, see before, p. 102, note. The superb monument erected by Augustus over the sepulchre of the imperial family was of white marble, rising in stages to a great height, and crowned by a dome, on whFlaminian Way, see before, p. 102, note. The superb monument erected by Augustus over the sepulchre of the imperial family was of white marble, rising in stages to a great height, and crowned by a dome, on which stood a statue of Augustus. Marcellus was the first who was buried in the sepulchre beneath. It stood near the present Porta del Popolo; and the Bustum, where the bodies of the emperor and his family were burnt, is supposed to have stood on the site of the church of the Madonna of that name. at which time likewise he gave the groves and walks about it for the use of the people.
Tiberius (New Mexico, United States) (search for this): life aug., chapter 98
he priests of the principal colleges. One likewise proposed to transfer the name of August to September, because he was born in the latter, but died in the former. Another moved, that the whole period of time, from his birth to his death, should be called the Augustan age, and be inserted in the calendar under that title. But at last it was judged proper to be moderate in the honours paid to his memory. Two funeral orations were pronounced in his praise, one before the temple of Julius, by Tiberius; and the other before the rostra, under the old shops, by Drusus, Tiberius's son. The body was then carried upon the shoulders of senators into the Campus Martius, and there burnt. A man of pretorian rank affirmed upon oath, that he saw his spirit ascend from the funeral pile to heaven. The most distinguished persons of the equestrian order, bare-footed, and with their tunics loose, gathered up his relics,Dio tells us that the devoted Livia joined with the knights in this pious office, whic
Campus Martius (Italy) (search for this): life aug., chapter 98
er. Another moved, that the whole period of time, from his birth to his death, should be called the Augustan age, and be inserted in the calendar under that title. But at last it was judged proper to be moderate in the honours paid to his memory. Two funeral orations were pronounced in his praise, one before the temple of Julius, by Tiberius; and the other before the rostra, under the old shops, by Drusus, Tiberius's son. The body was then carried upon the shoulders of senators into the Campus Martius, and there burnt. A man of pretorian rank affirmed upon oath, that he saw his spirit ascend from the funeral pile to heaven. The most distinguished persons of the equestrian order, bare-footed, and with their tunics loose, gathered up his relics,Dio tells us that the devoted Livia joined with the knights in this pious office, which occupied them during five days. and deposited them in the mausoleum, which had been built in the sixth consulship between the Flaminian Way and the bank of th
Via Appia (Italy) (search for this): life aug., chapter 98
ns were carried by the magistrates of the municipal Municipia were towns which had obtained the rights of Roman citizens. Some of them had all which could be enjoyed without residing at Rome. Others had the right of serving in the Roman legions, but not that of voting, nor of holding civil offices. The municipia retained their own laws and customs; nor were they obliged to receive the Roman laws unless they chose it. towns and colonies, from Nola to Bovillae,Bovillae, a small place on the Appian Way, about nineteen miles from Rome, now called Frattochio. and in the night-time, because of the season of the year. During the intervals, the body lay in some basilica, or great temple, of each town. At Bovillae it was met by the Equestrian Order, who carried it to the city, and deposited it in the vestibule of his own house. The senate proceeded with so much zeal in the arrangement of his funeral, and paying honour to his memory, that amongst several other proposals, some were for having th
Marcellus (New York, United States) (search for this): life aug., chapter 98
funeral pile to heaven. The most distinguished persons of the equestrian order, bare-footed, and with their tunics loose, gathered up his relics,Dio tells us that the devoted Livia joined with the knights in this pious office, which occupied them during five days. and deposited them in the mausoleum, which had been built in the sixth consulship between the Flaminian Way and the bank of the Tiber;For the Flaminian Way, see before, p. 102, note. The superb monument erected by Augustus over the sepulchre of the imperial family was of white marble, rising in stages to a great height, and crowned by a dome, on which stood a statue of Augustus. Marcellus was the first who was buried in the sepulchre beneath. It stood near the present Porta del Popolo; and the Bustum, where the bodies of the emperor and his family were burnt, is supposed to have stood on the site of the church of the Madonna of that name. at which time likewise he gave the groves and walks about it for the use of the people.