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Browsing named entities in a specific section of C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Divus Julius (ed. Alexander Thomson). Search the whole document.

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His first campaign was served in Asia, on the staff of the praetor, M. Thermus; and being dispatched into Bithynia, Bithynia, in Asia Minor, was bounded on the south by Phrygia; on the west by the Bosphorus and Propontis; and on the north by the Euxine sea. Its boundaries towards the east are not clearly ascertained, Strabo, Pliny, and Ptolemy differing from each other on the subject. to bring thence a fleet, he loitered so long at the court of Nicomedes, as to give occasion to reports of lewd proceedings between him and that prince; which received additional credit from his hasty return to Bithynia, under the pretext of recovering a debt due to a freedman, his client. The rest of his service was more favourable to his reputation; and when Mitylene Mitylene was a city in the island of Lesbos, famous for the study of philosophy and eloquence. According to Pliny, it remained a free city and in power one thousand five hundred years. It suffered much in the Peloponnesian war from the
Asia Minor (Turkey) (search for this): life jul., chapter 2
His first campaign was served in Asia, on the staff of the praetor, M. Thermus; and being dispatched into Bithynia, Bithynia, in Asia Minor, was bounded on the south by Phrygia; on the west by the Bosphorus and Propontis; and on the north by the Euxine sea. Its boundaries towards the east are not clearly ascertained, Strabo, Pliny, and Ptolemy differing from each other on the subject. to bring thence a fleet, he loitered so long at the court of Nicomedes, as to give occasion to reports of lewd proceedings between him and that prince; which received additional credit from his hasty return to Bithynia, under the pretext of recovering a debt due to a freedman, his client. The rest of his service was more favourable to his reputation; and when Mitylene Mitylene was a city in the island of Lesbos, famous for the study of philosophy and eloquence. According to Pliny, it remained a free city and in power one thousand five hundred years. It suffered much in the Peloponnesian war from the A
rly ascertained, Strabo, Pliny, and Ptolemy differing from each other on the subject. to bring thence a fleet, he loitered so long at the court of Nicomedes, as to give occasion to reports of lewd proceedings between him and that prince; which received additional credit from his hasty return to Bithynia, under the pretext of recovering a debt due to a freedman, his client. The rest of his service was more favourable to his reputation; and when Mitylene Mitylene was a city in the island of Lesbos, famous for the study of philosophy and eloquence. According to Pliny, it remained a free city and in power one thousand five hundred years. It suffered much in the Peloponnesian war from the Athenians, and in the Mithridatic from the Romans, by whom it was taken and destroyed. But it soon rose again, having recovered its ancient liberty by the favour of Pompey; and was afterwards much embellished by Trajan, who added to it the splendour of his own name. This was the country of Pittacus, one
His first campaign was served in Asia, on the staff of the praetor, M. Thermus; and being dispatched into Bithynia, Bithynia, in Asia Minor, was bounded on the south by Phrygia; on the west by the Bosphorus and Propontis; and on the north by the Euxine sea. Its boundaries towards the east are not clearly ascertained, Strabo, Pliny, and Ptolemy differing from each other on the subject. to bring thence a fleet, he loitered so long at the court of Nicomedes, as to give occasion to reports of lewd proceedings between him and that prince; which received additional credit from his hasty return to Bithynia, under the pretext of recovering a debt due to a freedman, his client. The rest of his service was more favourable to his reputation; and when Mitylene Mitylene was a city in the island of Lesbos, famous for the study of philosophy and eloquence. According to Pliny, it remained a free city and in power one thousand five hundred years. It suffered much in the Peloponnesian war from the A