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Cicero (New York, United States) 8 0 Browse Search
Cato (South Carolina, United States) 8 0 Browse Search
Pliny (Ohio, United States) 8 0 Browse Search
Pliny (West Virginia, United States) 6 0 Browse Search
480 BC 6 6 Browse Search
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Cicero (Ohio, United States) 6 0 Browse Search
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Enfield (Connecticut, United States) 4 0 Browse Search
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—literally the "flower." part, and is left, covered with a linen cloth, to dry in the sun, but not to become parched. This done, it is again pounded in a mortar, and then divided into tablets. But the main thing of all is, to observe such a degree of nicety in heating it, as not to let it become lead."From this passage we may infer that the metal antimony was occasionally seen by the ancients, though not recognized by them as distinct from lead."—Dana's System of Mineralogy, p. 418. New York, 1850. Some persons, when preparing it on the fire, use greasePliny has here mistaken the sense of the word ste/ar, which in the passage of Dioscorides, B. v. c. 99, borrowed probably from the same source, evidently means dough, and not grease. instead of dung. Others, again, bruise it in water and then pass it through a triple strainer of linen cloth; after which, they reject the lees, and pour off the remainder of the liquid, collecting all that is deposited at the bottom, and using it as an ingr