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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 30 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University). Search the whole document.

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t is, as Livy's source (xviii. 1) takes care to make clear. which they had held before the war, with the same boundaries; and the Roman was on that day to make an end of devastation. They were to deliver all deserters and runaway slaves and captives to the Romans, and to surrender their war-ships except ten triremes, and the trained elephantsThe most were sent to Rome, the rest given to Masinissa; Zonaras IX. xiv. 11. Some of them were used by the Romans (first instance) in Macedonia, 200 B.C.; XXXI. xxxvi. 4. in their possession, and not to train others; to wage war neither in Africa nor outside ofB.C. 202 Africa without consent of the Roman people. They were to make restitution to Masinissa and frame a treaty with him; to furnish grain and pay to the auxiliariesIn Polybius xviii. 6 grain for the entire army for three months and pay until a reply from Rome came. until the envoys should return from Rome; to pay ten thousand silver talents,Pliny N.H. XXXIII. 51 (16,000
upon the peace, showing how far from unjust it wasB.C. 202 and how inevitable.Livy condenses Hannibal's plea for a treaty of peace; Polyb. xix. 5-7. The most troublesome point of all was that of the ships captured during the armistice nothing was to be seen except the ships themselves, and investigation was not easy since the accused were opponents of the peace. It was decided that the ships should be returned and the men at all costs traced; that appraisal of whatever else was lacking be committed to Scipio, and that thus the Carthaginians should pay the amount in cash. —There are some historiansUnknown. For his escape, 195 B.C., to Tyre, and so to Antiochus at Ephesus cf. XXXIII. xlviii f. who relate that Hannibal leaving the battle made his way to the sea and then on a ship prepared for him at once sailed to King Antiochus; and that when Scipio demanded above all things that Hannibal be surrendered to him, the answer was that Hannibal was not in Africa.