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Browsing named entities in Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation. You can also browse the collection for Guiana (Guyana) or search for Guiana (Guyana) in all documents.
Your search returned 290 results in 15 document sections:
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, To the approved, Right Valorous , and worthy Knight, Sir
Walter Ralegh , Lord warden of the Stanneries , Captaine
of her Majesties Guard , and her Highnesse Lieutenant
generall of the Countie of Cornewall . (search)
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The Epistle of master Laurence Kaymis to the reader. (search)
The Epistle of master Laurence Kaymis to the reader.
To the Favourers of the Voyage for Guiana
IN things earnestly desired, though never so likely, we are
still suspicious: thinking it more credit
judicially attempted, bee esteemed halfe performed; yet is
this my jealous conceite concerning Guiana
, that nothing
is begun, before all be ended. In this regarde (gentle
Reader) I have presumed to ent consideration, to note only mine
owne unsatisfied affection: hoping that because I doe
name Guiana
unto thee, thou wilt vouchsafe hoc nomine,
to vaile and cover all other my defects in the deser . His late provision of a new supply of whole
families to the number of 600. persons, bound for Guiana
but that it pleased God, that by meanes of that right
honourable service most resolutely perfo heir judgements: so pointeth it at us, whilst we only to entertain
idle time, sit listening for Guiana
newes, & instantly forget
it, as if it were nought els, but a pleasing dreame of a
golden fancy
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The second voyage to Guiana
. (search)
The second voyage to Guiana
SUNDAY the 26. of January, in the yeere of our Lor dge is such, that if the pretended voyage for
doe take place, you shall (I doubt not) find r
likely to compasse his intended conquest of Guiana
: the
governours of the Caraccas and Margarita a sufficient quantitie of gold gotten out of Guiana
, to
levie and furnish 500. men, having gotten until this present that any Spaniards were in
; that upon our returne our whole fleete will
the Indians in all partes within and neere Guiana
, doe
offer their service, and promise to prov ing, contrarie to their kings order, to enter
, and kill Berreo with his followers: or else e Caracas
, seeming matters of small account: Guiana
onely was in their judgement, rich, plentiful revention: If hee appeare so eagerly bent
for Guiana
, as if it were enacted for a lawe amongst
onely this bare assertion: that England
and Guiana
conjoyned, are stronger, and more easily defe
[11 more...]
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, An advertisement to the Reader. (search)
An advertisement to the Reader.
IN this Breviarie, the names onely are comprised of such,
as being led with the generall fame of Guiana
, have
indevoured to discover and possesse it. The whole histories are long and cannot suddenly be translated or
englished at large, as we in these Elegies finde them. It
may perha mouth, the Spaniards account it 2000.
leagues. Raleana riseth neere the said mountaines in
Moiobamba, & tributeth his waters to the sea, not farre
from the other: Guiana
is environed with these 2 freshwater-seas, where their distance is greatest from their
risings, and is besides guarded with impassable mountaines which inclose an directly from Spaine. And to passe over land is a matter
of great difficultie, by reason that the Indian nations
inhabiting betweene the coast of The Caracas
and Guiana
being wearied and harried with the daily incursions of the
Spaniards, have now turned their abused patience into
furie, refusing to suffer any forces of men to b
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The third voyage set forth by sir Walter Ralegh to
, with a pinnesse called The Watte , in the yeere
1596 . Written by M. Thomas Masham a gentleman
of the companie. (search)
The third voyage set forth by sir Walter Ralegh to
, with a pinnesse called The Watte, in the yeere
1596. Written by M. Thomas Masham a gentleman
of the companie.
UPON Thursday the 14. of October 1596. we set saile
from Limehouse
upon the river of Thames
, and through
much contrarietie of winds and other accidents, we made
it the 27. of December, before we could get out of Waimouth. The 25. of Januarie in the morning we came to
the North side of the Island of Grand Canaria, where we
hoped to have gotten a boate to serve us upon the coast
of Guiana
, but the winde was so great, that we could not
lanch our shalope: so we past along by the roade and
the towne, and at length saw a boate lying on shoare,
which being too bigge for us, wee ripped up, and wooded
our selves with her. That day wee descryed a saile,
which at length wee found to be a flieboate of Dartmouth
of 200. tunnes, bound to the Island of Mayo for salte.
Wee fell in consort with her, and that night stoode for