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Sweden (Sweden) (search for this): narrative 103
her called Emperours nor kings but only Ruese Velike, that is to say, great Duke. And as this Emperor which now is Ivan Vasilivich, doeth exceede his predecessors in name, that is, from a Duke to an Emperour, even so much by report he doeth exceede them in stoutnesse of courage and valiantnesse, and a great deale more: for he is no more afraid of his enemies which are not few, then the Hobbie of the larks. His enemies with whom he hath warres for the most part are these: Litto, Poland , Sweden , Denmarke, Lifland, the Crimmes, Nagaians, and the whole nation of the Tartarians, which are a stoute and a hardie people as any under the Sunne. This Emperour useth great familiaritie, as wel unto all his nobles and subjects, as also unto strangers which serve him either in his warres, or in occupations: for his pleasure is that they shall dine oftentimes in the yeere in his presence, and besides that he is oftentimes abroad, either at one Church or another, and walking with his noble m
Poland (Poland) (search for this): narrative 103
were neither called Emperours nor kings but only Ruese Velike, that is to say, great Duke. And as this Emperor which now is Ivan Vasilivich, doeth exceede his predecessors in name, that is, from a Duke to an Emperour, even so much by report he doeth exceede them in stoutnesse of courage and valiantnesse, and a great deale more: for he is no more afraid of his enemies which are not few, then the Hobbie of the larks. His enemies with whom he hath warres for the most part are these: Litto, Poland , Sweden , Denmarke, Lifland, the Crimmes, Nagaians, and the whole nation of the Tartarians, which are a stoute and a hardie people as any under the Sunne. This Emperour useth great familiaritie, as wel unto all his nobles and subjects, as also unto strangers which serve him either in his warres, or in occupations: for his pleasure is that they shall dine oftentimes in the yeere in his presence, and besides that he is oftentimes abroad, either at one Church or another, and walking with hi
Russia (Russia) (search for this): narrative 103
Of the Emperour.THE Emperours name in their tongue is Ivan Vasilivich, that is as much to say, as John the sonne of Vasilie and by his princely state hee is called Otesara, as his predecessors have bene before, which to interprete, is a king, that giveth not tribute to any man. And this word Otesara his majesties interpreters have of late dayes interpreted to be Emperour, so that now hee is called Emperour and great Duke of all Russia , &c. Before his father they were neither called Emperours nor kings but only Ruese Velike, that is to say, great Duke. And as this Emperor which now is Ivan Vasilivich, doeth exceede his predecessors in name, that is, from a Duke to an Emperour, even so much by report he doeth exceede them in stoutnesse of courage and valiantnesse, and a great deale more: for he is no more afraid of his enemies which are not few, then the Hobbie of the larks. His enemies with whom he hath warres for the most part are these: Litto, Poland