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Found 13 total hits in 4 results.

Russia (Russia) (search for this): narrative 136
enes Majestie to the Emperour, in the yeere 1566. THE fourth day of May in the yere aforesaid, I imbarked my selfe at Gravesend in the good ship called the Harry of London, and having had a prosperous voyage arrived at the bay of S. Nicholas in Russia the 10. day of July following, and immediatly I sent in post to the Emperor to advertise of my comming, and traveiling then thorowe the countrey, I with my company came to the Mosco where the Emperour kept his court, the 23. of August, and foortust, and foorthwith gave the Secretarie to understand of my arrivall, who advertised the Emperours Majestie of it, and the first day of September, being a solemne feast among the Russes, I came before the Emperours Majestie, sitting in his seate of honour, and having kissed his hand and done the Queenes Majesties commendations, and delivered her Graces letters and present, he bad me to dinner, which I accepted, and had much honour done unto me both then and all the time of my abode in Russia .
Moscow (Russia) (search for this): narrative 136
by M. Anthony Jenkinson, from London to Moscovia, sent from the Queenes Majestie to the Emperour, in the yeere 1566. THE fourth day of May in the yere aforesaid, I imbarked my selfe at Gravesend in the good ship called the Harry of London, and having had a prosperous voyage arrived at the bay of S. Nicholas in Russia the 10. day of July following, and immediatly I sent in post to the Emperor to advertise of my comming, and traveiling then thorowe the countrey, I with my company came to the Mosco where the Emperour kept his court, the 23. of August, and foorthwith gave the Secretarie to understand of my arrivall, who advertised the Emperours Majestie of it, and the first day of September, being a solemne feast among the Russes, I came before the Emperours Majestie, sitting in his seate of honour, and having kissed his hand and done the Queenes Majesties commendations, and delivered her Graces letters and present, he bad me to dinner, which I accepted, and had much honour done unto me
Gravesend (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 136
A very briefe remembrance of a voyage made by M. Anthony Jenkinson, from London to Moscovia, sent from the Queenes Majestie to the Emperour, in the yeere 1566. THE fourth day of May in the yere aforesaid, I imbarked my selfe at Gravesend in the good ship called the Harry of London, and having had a prosperous voyage arrived at the bay of S. Nicholas in Russia the 10. day of July following, and immediatly I sent in post to the Emperor to advertise of my comming, and traveiling then thorowe the countrey, I with my company came to the Mosco where the Emperour kept his court, the 23. of August, and foorthwith gave the Secretarie to understand of my arrivall, who advertised the Emperours Majestie of it, and the first day of September, being a solemne feast among the Russes, I came before the Emperours Majestie, sitting in his seate of honour, and having kissed his hand and done the Queenes Majesties commendations, and delivered her Graces letters and present, he bad me to dinner, which I
A very briefe remembrance of a voyage made by M. Anthony Jenkinson, from London to Moscovia, sent from the Queenes Majestie to the Emperour, in the yeere 1566. THE fourth day of May in the yere aforesaid, I imbarked my selfe at Gravesend in the good ship called the Harry of London, and having had a prosperous voyage arrived at the bay of S. Nicholas in Russia the 10. day of July following, and immediatly I sent in post to the Emperor to advertise of my comming, and traveiling then thorowe the countrey, I with my company came to the Mosco where the Emperour kept his court, the 23. of August, and foorthwith gave the Secretarie to understand of my arrivall, who advertised the Emperours Majestie of it, and the first day of September, being a solemne feast among the Russes, I came before the Emperours Majestie, sitting in his seate of honour, and having kissed his hand and done the Queenes Majesties commendations, and delivered her Graces letters and present, he bad me to dinner, which I