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Goa (Goa, India) (search for this): narrative 656
coast of Africa , from whence they put off at the Cape of Guarda Fu, and past the great gulfe of Arabia , and the Indian Sea East to Sinus Persicus, and the Island of Ormus, and so passing the large and great river Indus , where he hath his fall into the maine Ocean, in 23. degrees and an halfe, under the tropike of Cancer, of Septentrionall latitude, they made their course againe directly towards the South, and began to discover, people, and plant upon the West side of the hither India at Goa, Mangalor, Cananor, Calecut and Cochin , and the Island of Zeilam. And here I thinke good to remember to you, that after their planting upon this coast, their forces grew so great that they were able to compell all the Moores, the subjectes of the mightie Emperour of the Turkes to pay tribute unto them, ever as they passed the gulfe of Arabia , from the port of Mecca in Arabia Foelix, where Mahomet lieth buried, or any of the other portes of the sayd land, ever as they passed to and from
Ormus (Iran) (search for this): narrative 656
of Ceffala, divers doe affirme that king Salomon did fetch his gold) as also upon the said East side of Africa , they did afterward discover, people, and plant at Mozambique , Quiola, Monbaza, and Melinde, two degrees of Southerly latitude, and so up to the streight of Babel-Mandell at the entring of the red sea, all upon the East coast of Africa , from whence they put off at the Cape of Guarda Fu, and past the great gulfe of Arabia , and the Indian Sea East to Sinus Persicus, and the Island of Ormus, and so passing the large and great river Indus , where he hath his fall into the maine Ocean, in 23. degrees and an halfe, under the tropike of Cancer, of Septentrionall latitude, they made their course againe directly towards the South, and began to discover, people, and plant upon the West side of the hither India at Goa, Mangalor, Cananor, Calecut and Cochin , and the Island of Zeilam. And here I thinke good to remember to you, that after their planting upon this coast, their fo
Franklin (Ohio, United States) (search for this): narrative 656
served for our nation to accomplish in these parts: Wherefore my deere countreymen, be not dismayed: for the power of God is nothing diminished, nor the love that he hath to the preaching and planting of the Gospell any whit abated. Shall wee then doubt he will be lesse ready most mightily and miraculously to assist our nation in this quarell, which is chiefly and principally undertaken for the enlargement of the Christian faith abroad, and the banishment of idlenes at home, then he was to Columbus , Vasques, Nunnes, Hernando Cortes, and Francis Pizarro in the West: and Vasques de Gama, Peter Alvares, & Alonso de Albuquerque in the East? Let us therefore with cheerefull minds and couragious hearts, give the attempt, and leave the sequell to almightie God: for if he be on our part, what forceth it who bee against us? Thus leaving the correction and reformation unto the gentle Reader, whatsoever is in this treatise too much or too little, otherwise unperfect, I take leave, and so en
United States (United States) (search for this): narrative 656
arth, in the West Indies, as is betweene the two tropikes of Cancer and Capricorne, not onely in the maine firme land of America , which is 47. degrees in latitude from South to North, and doth containe 2820. English miles at the least, that the king a private gentleman of Spaine, after his departure from the Islands of Cuba and Acuzamil, and entring into the firme of America , had many most victorious & triumphant conquests, as that at Cyntla, where being accompanied with lesse then 500. Spanisade round about the West, the South, and the East parts of Africa , and also at Callicut, and in the East Indies, and in America , at Brasile and elsewhere in sundry Islands, in fortifying, peopling and planting all along the sayd coastes and Island a private gentleman) the whole countrey or firme land of the West Indies, is commonly called and knowen by the name of America . I doe greatly doubt least I seeme over tedious in the recitall of the particular discoveries and conquests of the Ea
Chepstow (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 656
r selves, questionlesse we should not only hereby set forth the glory of our heavenly father, but also easily attaine to the end of all good purposes that may be wished or desired. And may it not much encourage us to hope for good successe in the countrey of these Savages, being a naked kinde of people, voyde of the knowledge of the discipline of warre, seeing that a noble man, being but a subject in this realme (in the time of our king Henry the second) by name Strangbow, then earle of Chepstow in South Wales, by himselfe and his allies and assistants, at their owne proper charges passed over into Ireland , and there made conquest of the now countrey, and then kingdome of Lynester, at which time it was very populous and strong, which History our owne chronicles do witnesse? And why should we be dismayed more then were the Spanyards, who have bene able within these few yeeres to conquer, possesse and enjoy so large a tract of the earth, in the West Indies, as is betweene the two
Cuzco (Peru) (search for this): narrative 656
his ransome, to fill a great large hall full of gold and silver, and such golde and silver vessels as they then used, even as high as a man might reach with his arme. And the sayd prince caused the same hall to be marked round about at the sayd height, which ransome Pyzarro granted to accept. And after, when as this mighty prince had sent to his vassals & subjects to bring in gold and silver for the filling of the hall, as aforesaid, as namely to the cities or townes of Quito , Paciacama and Cusco , as also to the Calao of Lima, in which towne, as their owne writers doe affirme, they found a large and faire house, all slated and covered with gold: and when as the said hall was not yet a quarter ful, a mutinie arose amongst the Spanyards, in which it was commonly given out, that the said prince had politikely offered this great ransome under pretence to raise a much more mightie power, whereby the Spanyards should be taken, slaine and overthrowen: whereupon they grew to this resolution,
Mexico (Mexico) (search for this): narrative 656
, being also but a private gentleman of Spaine, after his departure from the Islands of Cuba and Acuzamil, and entring into the firme of America , had many most victorious & triumphant conquests, as that at Cyntla, where being accompanied with lesse then 500. Spanish footmen, thirteene horsemen and sixe pieces of Ordinance only, he overthrew 40000. Indians. The same Cortes with his sayd number of Spanyards, tooke prisoner that mighty Emperour Mutezuma in his most chiefe and famous citie of Mexico , which at that instant had in it above the number of 50000. Indians at the least, and in short time after obteined not onely the quiet possession of the said citie, but also of his whole Empire. And in like maner in the Countrey of Peru, which the king of Spaine hath now in actuall possession, Francisco Pysarro, with the onely ayd of Diego de Almagro, and Hernando Luche, being all three but private gentlemen, was the principall person that first attempted discoverie and conquest of t
Jamaica (Jamaica) (search for this): narrative 656
ere the Spanyards, who have bene able within these few yeeres to conquer, possesse and enjoy so large a tract of the earth, in the West Indies, as is betweene the two tropikes of Cancer and Capricorne, not onely in the maine firme land of America , which is 47. degrees in latitude from South to North, and doth containe 2820. English miles at the least, that the king of Spaine hath there in actuall possession, besides many goodly and rich Islands, as Hispaniola, now called S. Domingo, Cuba , Jamaica , and divers other, which are both beautifull and full of treasure, not speaking any whit at all, how large the said land is from East to West, which in some places is accounted to be 1500. English miles at the least from East to West, betweene the one Sea and the other. Or why should our noble nation be dismaid, more then was Vasques Nunnes de Valboa, a private gentleman of Spaine, who with the number of 70. Spaniards at Tichiri, gave an overthrow unto that mighty king Chemaccus, having
e then were the Spanyards, who have bene able within these few yeeres to conquer, possesse and enjoy so large a tract of the earth, in the West Indies, as is betweene the two tropikes of Cancer and Capricorne, not onely in the maine firme land of America , which is 47. degrees in latitude from South to North, and doth containe 2820. English miles at the least, that the king of Spaine hath there in actuall possession, besides many goodly and rich Islands, as Hispaniola, now called S. Domingo, Cuba , Jamaica , and divers other, which are both beautifull and full of treasure, not speaking any whit at all, how large the said land is from East to West, which in some places is accounted to be 1500. English miles at the least from East to West, betweene the one Sea and the other. Or why should our noble nation be dismaid, more then was Vasques Nunnes de Valboa, a private gentleman of Spaine, who with the number of 70. Spaniards at Tichiri, gave an overthrow unto that mighty king Chemaccus
Celebes (Indonesia) (search for this): narrative 656
o that strength and force, that they have given many mightie and great overthrowes to the Turke, to the great quiet of all Christendome. And from the Island of Zeilam aforesayd, they also discovered more East in passing the gulfe of Bengala, and so passed the notable and famous river of Ganges, where hee hath his fall into the maine Ocean, under the tropike of Cancer, and to the Cape of Malaca, and unto the great and large Islands of Sumatra, Java major, Java minor, Mindanao, Palobane, Celebes , Gilolo, Tidore, Mathin, Borneo , Machian, Terenate, and all other the Islands of Molucques and Spiceries, and so East alongst the coasts of Cathaia, to the portes of China , Zaiton and Quinsay, and to the Island of Zipango and Japan , situate in the East, in 37. degrees of Septentrionall latitude and in 195. of longitude. These are their noble and worthie discoveries. Here also is not to bee forgotten, that in the yere of our Lord, 1501. that famous and worthy gentleman Americus Vespucius
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