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China (China) (search for this): narrative 862
fish, play, and drinke, when they are out of the warres. I will enter no further into discourse of their maners, lawes and customes: and because I have not my selfe seene the cities of Inga , I cannot avow on my credit what I have heard, although it be very likely, that the Emperour Inga hath built and erected as magnificent palaces in Guiana , as his ancestors did in Peru , which were for their riches and rarenesse most marvellous and exceeding all in Europe , and I thinke of the world, China excepted, which also the Spaniards (which I had) assured me to be true, as also the Nations of the borderers, who being but Salvages to those of the in-land, doe cause much treasure to be buried with them: for I was enformed of one of the Cassiques of the valley of Amariocapana which had buried with him a little before our arrivall, a chaire of golde most curiously wrought, which was made either in Macureguaray adjoyning, or in Manoa: but if we should have grieved them in their religion at t
Manta (Italy) (search for this): narrative 862
sels may be drawen even to Peru it selfe: But to speake of more of these rivers without the description were but tedious, and therefore I will leave the rest to the description. This river of Orenoque is navigable for ships little lesse then 1000 miles, and for lesser vessels neere 2000. By it (as aforesayd) Peru , Nuevo reyno, and Popaian, may be invaded: it also leadeth to the great empire of Inga , & to the provinces of Amapaia, and Anebas which abound in gold: his branches of Cosnero, Manta , Caora descended from the middle land & valley, which lieth betweene the easter province of Peru and Guiana ; and it falles into the sea betweene Marannon and Trinidad in two degrees and a halfe: all which your Honours shall better perceive in the general description of Guiana , Peru , Nuevo reyno, the kingdome of Popayan , and Roidas, with the province of Venezuela , to the bay of Uraba, behind Cartagena Westward; and to Amazones Southward. While we lay at ankor on the coast of Canuri, and
mpassable mountaines, as he was not able by any meanes to march over them, continuing from the East sea into which Orenoque falleth, even to Quito in Peru : neither had he meanes to cary victuall o the one and the other I came to understand the situations, the rivers, the kingdomes from the East sea to the borders of Peru , and from Orenoque Southward as farre as Amazones or Marannon, and the in this enter prise, untill such time as hee arrived at the province of Emeria towards the East sea and mouth of the river, where he found a nation of people very favourable, and the countrey fu is called Cararoopana, which leadeth towards Emeria the province of Carapana, and towards the East sea , as well to finde out captaine Keymis, whome I had sent over land, as also to acquaint my selfparoma: below those foure are also these branches and mouthes of Orenoque, which fall into the East sea , whereof the first is Araturi, the next Amacura, the third Barima, the fourth Wana, the fift M
Popayan (Colombia) (search for this): narrative 862
ng. Berreo affirmed that there fell an hundred rivers into Orenoque from the North and South, whereof the least was as big as Rio grande, that passed betweene Popayan and Nuevo reyno de Granada (Rio grande being esteemed one of the renowmed rivers in all the West Indies, and numbred among the great rivers of the world:) but hesse then a thousand miles, & from the place where we entred, it may be sailed up in small pinnesses to many of the best parts of Nuevo reyno de Granada , and of Popayan : and from no place may the cities of these parts of the Indies be so easily taken and invaded as from hence. All that day wee sailed up a branch of that River, h and Trinidad in two degrees and a halfe: all which your Honours shall better perceive in the general description of Guiana , Peru , Nuevo reyno, the kingdome of Popayan , and Roidas, with the province of Venezuela , to the bay of Uraba, behind Cartagena Westward; and to Amazones Southward. While we lay at ankor on the coast of Ca
Italy (Italy) (search for this): narrative 862
e nations, they grew to peace; and they presented Berreo wth tenne images of fine golde among divers other plates and croissants, which, as he sware to me & divers other gentlemen, were so curiously wrought, as he had not seene the like either in Italy , Spaine, or the Low-countreys: & he was resolved, that when they came to the hands of the Spanish king, to whom he had sent them by his campmaster, they would appeare very admirable, especially being wrought by such a nation as had no yron inst it is in effect needlesse to remember other commodities for trade: but it hath towards the South part of the river, great quantities of Brasil-wood, and diverse berries that die a most perfect crimson and carnation: And for painting, all France, Italy , or the East Indies yeelde none such: For the more the skin is washed, the fairer the colour appeareth, and with which, even those browne and tawnie women spot themselves, and colour their cheekes. All places yeeld abundance of cotton, of silke,
England (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 862
6. of February in the yere 1595. we departed England , and the Sunday following had sight of the not much. It was also tolde me yer I departed England , that Villiers the admirall was in preparf Aromaia (whose sonne I brought with me into England ) and is a man of great understanding and polig great pride therein. I have seene a Lady in England so like to her, as but for the difference of ne of Topiawari, which I brought with me into England told me that they are the most mighty menme one of his countrey, to bring with us into England , as well to learne the language, as to conferas if it had beene a great market or faire in England : and our hungry companies clustered thicke an gave me his onely sonne to take with me into England , and hoped, that though hee himselfe had to be feared: for the time of yeere to leave England is best in July, and the Summer in Guiana thence in Aprill, and so returne againe into England in June, so as they shall never be subject to[7 more...]
Grenada (Grenada) (search for this): narrative 862
as refused to be his followers, purposing to invade Nuevo reyno de Granada , and to sacke Pamplon, Merida , Lagrita, Tunxa, and the rest of thalso called Orenoque. He tooke his journey from Nuevo reyno de Granada where he dwelt, having the inheritance of Gonzales Ximenes in thosh from a mountaine joyning to Pamplon in the same Nuevo reyno de Granada . These, as also Guaiare, which issueth out of the mountaines by Tiig as Rio grande, that passed betweene Popayan and Nuevo reyno de Granada (Rio grande being esteemed one of the renowmed rivers in all the W up in small pinnesses to many of the best parts of Nuevo reyno de Granada , and of Popayan : and from no place may the cities of these parts great river of Meta, by which Berreo descended from Nuevo reyno de Granada . To the Westward of Capuri is the province of Amapaia, where Berreooked also hourely for his sonne to come downe from Nuevo reyno de Granada , with many horse and foote, and had also in Valencia in the Carac
the chanell of Bahama, comming from the West Indies, cannot well be passed in the Winter, & when it is at the best, it is a perilous and a fearefull place. The rest of the Indies for calmes, and diseases very troublesome, and the sea about the Bermudas a hellish sea for thunder, lightning, and stormes. This very yeere [1595] there were seventeene sayle of Spanish ships lost in the chanell of Bahama, and the great Philip like to have sunke at the Bermudas was put backe to Saint Juan de PueBermudas was put backe to Saint Juan de Puerto rico. And so it falleth out in that Navigation every yeere for the most part, which in this voyage are not to be feared: for the time of yeere to leave England is best in July, and the Summer in Guiana is in October, November, December, Januarie, Februarie, and March, and then the ships may depart thence in Aprill, and so returne againe into England in June, so as they shall never be subject to Winter-weather, either comming, going, or staying there: which for my part, I take to be one
United States (United States) (search for this): narrative 862
nd others have written large discourses: for when Francisco Pizarro, Diego Almagro and others conquered the said Empire of Peru, and had put to death Atabalipa sonne to Guaynacapa, which Atabalipa had formerly caused his eldest brother Guascar to bee slaine, one of the yonger sonnes of Guaynacapa fled out of Peru , and tooke with him many thousands of those souldiers of the Empire called Orejones, and with those and many others which followed him, hee vanquished all that tract and valley of America which is situate betweene the great river of Amazones, and Baraquan, otherwise called Orenoque and Marannon. The Empire of Guiana is directly East from Peru towards the Sea, and lieth under the Equinoctial line, and it hath more abundance of golde then any part of Peru , and as many or moe great Cities then ever Peru had when it flourished most: it is governed by the same lawes, and the Emperour and people observe the same religion, and the same forme and policies in government as were
Woolwich (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 862
est experience of England , and divers others besides that have traded to Trinidad. I sent with John Dowglas an olde casique of Trinidad for a pilot, who tolde us that we could not returne againe by the bay or gulfe, but that he knew a by-branch which ran within the land to the Eastward, and that he thought by it we might fall into Capuri, and so returne in foure dayes. John Dowglas searched those rivers, and found foure goodly entrances, whereof the least was as bigge as the Thames at Woolwich ; but in the bay thitherward it was shoald, and but sixe foot water: so as we were now without hope of any ship or barke to passe over, and therefore resolved to go on with the boats, and the bottom of the Galego, in which we thrust 60 men. In the Lions whelpes boat & whery we caried 20. Captaine Calfield in his whery caried ten more, and in my barge other tenne, which made up a hundred: we had no other meanes but to cary victuall for a moneth in the same, and also to lodge therein as we co
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