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Mayo (Cape Verde) (search for this): narrative 891
us one of the Portugall Caravels which was bound to the Islands of Cape Verde for salt, whereof good store is made in one of those Islands. The master or Pilot of that Caravel did advertise our Generall that upon one of those Islands called Mayo , there was great store of dryed Cabritos, which a few inhabitants there dwelling did yeerely make ready for such of the kings Ships as did there touch, beeing bound for his countrey of Brasile or elsewhere. Wee fell with this Island the 27. of Jd off againe Northwest, the space of one houre, and then ran Southwest againe, till day light the 27 of Januarie: from which time wee ran Southsouthwest, untill 3 of the clocke in the afternoone, at which time we approched neere the island of Mayo , being high and hilly land, saving that the North part of the island stretcheth out it selfe, a league into the sea very lowe. Wee came to anker under the West part of this island the 28 day of Januarie, and stayed there untill the 30 of the same
Cabo (Pernambuco, Brazil) (search for this): narrative 891
uske. Braas, sodden ryce. Calapa, Cocos. Cricke, a dagger. Catcha, a looking glasse. Arbo, an oxe. Vados, a goate. Cabo , golde. Gardange, a plantane. Totopps, one of their caps. Hiam, a henne. Sevit, linnen cloth. Doduck, blew cloth. Gula, there. Also they have a trade with the Indians for some small quantitie of golde. From hence they goe along the coast to Cabo de la Vela, which because it is of the same propertie with Rio de Hacha before mentioned, I omit to speake of it. Upon thtil foure in the morning, by the breake of day wee fell with an headland of the isles of the Philippinas, which is called Cabo del Spirito Santo which is of very great bignes and length, high land in the middest of it, and very low land as the Capeker in Elizabeth bay, which bay is on the North side of the Streights in 8 fadors water. Item, From Elizabeth bay unto Cabo deseado, you may anker on both sides of the Streights in many places. A note of our ankering after we were entred into t
California (California, United States) (search for this): narrative 891
Lucar, which is on the West side of the point of California . The 14 of October we fell with the cape of Sliving, beating up and downe upon the headland of California , which standeth in 23 degrees and 2/3 to the Nort were sayling from this haven of Aguada Segura in California unto the iles of Ladrones the rest of November, tem, that the Cape of Santa Clara on the point of California is in 23. degrees. A note of the heights of certntes unto the cape of Santa Clara on the point of California , the course is Westnorthwest, and Eastsoutheast, he variation of our compasse betweene the cape of California and the ilands of the Philippinas, was one point rted from the cape of Santa Clara on the coast of California the 19 day of November, and we found the winds tome was a great ship of the kings which I tooke at California , which ship came from the Philippinas, being one ) I was inforced to set on fire. From the cape of California , being the uttermost part of all Nueva Espanna, I
Grenada (Grenada) (search for this): narrative 891
scharged to be carryed to the new kingdome of Granada , from which kingdome much golde is brought unto Cartagena . This new kingdome of Granada is two hundred leagues within the land: neither can theupon this river they call The new kingdome of Granada , because the captaine called Cesada which fird the same, and inhabited there, was borne at Granada in Spaine: for it is the use of the Spanish cy themselves were borne. This new kingdome of Granada is very fruitfull, and bringeth forth much cofuller of mountaines then the new kingdome of Granada , and hath fewer Indians dwelling in it, but twnes of Spaniards, and in The new kingdome of Granada there are nine townes of Spaniards. From tere lyeth an high way to the newe kingdome of Granada , but it is above seven hundred leagues in len frontiers of Chili, Peru, and Nuevo reino de Granada , even unto the shore of the North sea at San the names of Chili, Peru, and Nuevo reino de Granada , which are the best and richest countreys in
Cherbourg (France) (search for this): narrative 891
wee mette withall in our Narrow sea was The yle of Alderney . And having now but sixe men of all our company left alive, the Master and his two mates and chiefe Mariners being dead, wee ran in with Monville de Hage eight miles to the west of Cherbourg in Normandie . Where the next day after our comming to an ancker, having but one in all left, being the last of August 1590. by the foule weather that rose the ancker came home, and our ship drave on the rocks: And the Normans which were commanded by the governor of Cherbourg (who came downe to us that night) to have layd out another ancker for her, neglecting his commandement, suffered her miserably to be splitted, with desire to enrich themselves by her wracke. Within few dayes after this last mischance foure of us being Englishmen departed from Cherbourgh, and passed home for England in a barke of Weymouth , leaving the two strangers there behinde us. The names of us sixe that returned of all our company were these.
Devonshire (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 891
{Horsemen 454528.} {Footmen 7459057.} The totall summe 7923785. A briefe relation of a voyage of The Delight a ship of Bristoll one of the consorts of M. John Chidley esquire and M. Paul Wheele, made unto the Straight of Magellan: with divers accidents that happened unto the company, during their 6. weekes abode there: Begun in the yeere 1589. Written by W. Magoths.THE fift of August 1589. the worshipfull M. John Chidley of Chidley in the countie of Devon esquire, with M. Paul Wheele and Captaine Andrew Mericke set forth from Plimmouth with three tall ships, the one called The wilde man of three hundred tunnes, wherein went for General the aforesaid M. John Chidley and Benjamin Wood as Master, the other called The white Lion, whereof M. Paul Wheele was captaine and John Ellis Master, of the burthen of 340. tunnes: the third The Delight of Bristol , wherein went M. Andrew Merick as Captaine, and Robert Burnet Master, with two pinnesses of 14.
Canaries (Saint Lucia) (search for this): narrative 891
ges of the worshipfull Master Thomas Candish of Trimley in the Countie of Suffolke Esquire, beeing our Generall. On Tuesday the 26. of the same moneth, we were 45. leagues from Cape Finis terrae where wee mette with 5. sayles of Biskaynes comming from the Grande Bay in Newfound-land, as we supposed, which our Admirall shot at, and fought with them 3. houres, but wee tooke none of them by reason the night grew on. The first of August wee came in sight of Forteventura, one of the Isles of the Canaries, about ten of the clocke in the morning. On Sunday being the 7. of August, we were gotten as high as Rio del oro on the coast of Barbarie. On Munday the 19. we fell with cape Blanco : but the winde blew so much at the North, that we could not get up where the Canters doe use to ride and fish: therefore wee lay off 6. houres West Southwest, because of the sand which lieth off the cape Southwest and by South. The 15. day of the same moneth we were in the height of cape Verde b
Punta Arenas (Chile) (search for this): narrative 891
nd, foure of the Indians came unto their boate, to whome the Englishmen gave bread and wine: and when the Indians had well eaten and drunke, they departed thence: and going somewhat farre from them, one of the Indians cryed to them, and sayde: Magallanes , Esta he minha Terra, that is, Magallanes , this is my countrey : and because the Englishmen followed them, it seemed the Indians fledde upward into the land, and beeing somewhat farre off, they turned backe againe, and with their arrowes slewMagallanes , this is my countrey : and because the Englishmen followed them, it seemed the Indians fledde upward into the land, and beeing somewhat farre off, they turned backe againe, and with their arrowes slewe two of the English shippers, one being an Englishman, the other a Netherlander: the rest came backe againe and saved themselves in the boate, wherewith they presently put off from the shore. Here they stayed till the seventeenth of August, upon the which day they set saile, running along by the coast about a league and a halfe from the land, (for there it is all faire and good ground, at twentie, and five and twentie fathome deepe) and were about foure or five dayes before they came to the mo
Elvas (Portugal) (search for this): narrative 891
y that meanes in the seas, wee being not able any wayes to helpe the ship, or to save the men. The 4 day of September, we had brought our selves into the height of 41 degrees & 20 minutes, somewhat to the Northwards of the Islands of the Azores: and thus bulting up and downe with contrary winds, the 29 of the same moneth, we reached the coast of England , and so made an end of the voyage. A discourse of the West Indies and South sea written by Lopez Vaz a Portugal , borne in the citie of Elvas , continued unto the yere 1587. Wherein among divers rare things not hitherto delivered by any other writer, certaine voyages of our Englishmen are truely reported: which was intercepted with the author thereof at the river of Plate, by Captaine Withrington and Captaine Christopher Lister, in the fleete set foorth by the right Honorable the Erle of Cumberland for the South sea in the yeere 1586. FRANCIS DRAKE an Englishman being on the sea, and having knowledge of the small strength of the to
England (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 891
ur hands at your returne to this our coast of England , leaving with them no copie, and to present twee found the aire fresh and temperate, as in England in June, when a fresh gale of winde doeth blo we found no want of winds but variable as in England , & not so hot but that a mans shoulders mighte for the West India, some directly North for England ; and in conclusion, the greater part was bentreturned to his ship, and so to have gone for England . The Spanish captaine having heard this disco, who passing many dangers returned home into England . But Francis Drake himselfe ranne with this seir merchandize: and so they returned home to England without doing any harme in the countrey. The eane, and every way as good as any we have in England . There were also the like cades ful of potato in as good case as when we came first out of England . We stayed in this harbour until the 22 of De 76 persons which departed in our ship out of England , we were now left but 27, having lost 13 in t[55 more...]
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