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43 BC 170 170 Browse Search
44 BC 146 146 Browse Search
49 BC 140 140 Browse Search
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63 BC 109 109 Browse Search
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A'lea (*)Ale/a), a surname of Athena, under which she was worshipped at Alea, Mantineia. and Tegea. (Paus. 8.23.1, 9.3, 2.17.7.) The temple of Athena Alea at Tegea, which was the oldest, was said to have been built by Aleus, the son of Apheidas, from whom the goddess probably derived this surname. (Paus. 8.4.5.) This temple was burnt down in B. C. 394, and a new one built by Scopas, which in size and splendour surpassed all other temples in Peloponnesus, and was surrounded by a triple row of columns of different orders. The statue of the goddess, which was made by Endoeus all of ivory, was subsequently carried to Rome by Augustus to adorn the Forum Augusti. (Paus. 8.45.4, 46 § 1 and 2, 47.1.) The temple of Athena Alea at Tegea was an ancient and revered asylum, and the names of many persons are recorded who saved themselves by seeking refuge in it. (Paus. 3.5.6, 2.17.7, 3.7.8.) The priestess of Athena Alea at Tegea was always a maiden, who held her office only until she reached the a