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North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 43
tain counties. I bought 30 yards of brown cotton to-day, at $2. 0 per yard, from a man who had just returned from North Carolina. The price here is $5. I sold my dear old silver reel some time ago (angling) for $75, the sum paid for this cotton.o desperate as they seem on the surface. I hope the good coming will come soon. Gen. Beauregard has been sent to North Carolina on a tour of inspection. No news of our wheat and molasses yet; and we have hardly money enough to live until theon again down the river. I hope the enemy will not get back the beeves we captured, and that my barrel of flour from North Carolina will not be intercepted! J. J. Pollard's contract to bring supplies through the lines, on the Mississippi, receiv every possible impediment in his way when he bought a steamer and imported machinery to manufacture clothing for the North Carolina troops, and now the Confederate States QuartermasterGen-eral is interfering with these factories, because, he says, h
Mobile, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 43
retary of War is very reserved, even when under positive orders to act. September 13 A bright, cool morning. Dispatches from Lieut.-Gen. R. Taylor indicate that Federal troops are passing up the Mississippi River, and that the attack on Mobile has been delayed or abandoned. Gen. Lee writes urgently for more men, and asks the Secretary to direct an inquiry into-alleged charges that the bureaus are getting able-bodied details that should be in the army. And he complains that rich yoheeler's attention, for weeks. For one, I am rejoiced that the enemy forced him there, else, it seems, Sherman's communications never would have been seriously interrupted. And he proposes sending Forrest to operate with Wheeler. Forrest is in Mobile! Gen. Morgan's remains are looked for this evening, and will have a great funeral. And yet I saw a communication to the President to-day, from a friend of his in high position, a Kentuckian, saying Morgan did not die too soon; and his reputa
Chattahoochee River, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 43
of them permanently attached to the army. He says if we do not make use of them in the war, the enemy will use them against us. He contemplates staying where he is during the winter, and proposes building a railroad from his rear to the oak woods, as the pines do not answer a good purpose. Gen. Hood telegraphs (dated yesterday) his intention to get in the enemy's rear, and intercept supplies from Dalton. Sherman must either attempt to drive him from that position (north bank of the Chattahoochee), or advance farther south with his supplies cut off and our army assaulting his rear. Mr. Roy (clerk), cousin of Mr. Seddon, said to-day that he regarded the Confederacy near its end, and that the Union would be reconstructed. Our good friend Dr. Powell brought us a gallon of sorghum molasses to-day. September 24 Raining alternate hours and warm. Had a chill this morning, and afterward several spells of blindness, from rushes of blood to the head. Came home and bathed my
Kentucky (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 43
racter were saved by his timely death! The charges, of course, will be dropped. His command is reduced to 280 men; he was required to raise all his recruits in Kentucky. September 16 Bright and pleasant — the weather. Gen. Hood telegraphs that his army is so much mortified at the feeble resistance it made to Sherman, t and there is a prospect of their starving. Gen. Hood is a prophet. I saw a letter from him, to-day, to the President, opposing Gen. Morgan's last raid into Kentucky: predicting that if he returned at all, it would be with a demoralized handful of men — which turned out to be the case. He said if Morgan had been with Gen. Jo remains to preserve the reserved rights of his State. He bitterly and offensively criticises the President's management of military affairs-sending Morgan into Kentucky, Wheeler into East, and Forrest into West Tennessee, instead of combining all upon Sherman's rear and cutting his communications. He says Georgia has fifty regi
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 43
coln, and that their ratification meetings will inaugurate civil war. The President has called upon the Governor of Alabama for the entire militia of the State, to be mustered into the service for the defense of the States. It is dated Septembain will rise again-Lee and Grant the principal actors in the tragedy! The President is making patriotic speeches in Alabama and Georgia. Mr. Hudson, of Alabama, proposes to deliver to the government 5,000,000 pounds of bacon for the same nuAlabama, proposes to deliver to the government 5,000,000 pounds of bacon for the same number of pounds cotton, delivered at the same place. Our cotton agent in Mississippi is authorized by the government here to sell cotton in exposed situations to the enemy's agents for specie, and to buy for Confederate notes. The funeral exphere is no immediate danger there. Another dispatch from Georgia says Forrest has captured 800 more men somewhere in Alabama, on the railroad. At night, distant cannon heard. Gen. Ewell said in his last dispatch that as soon as certain rein
Wilmington, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 43
d Atlanta, I suppose. The cruiser Tallahassee having run into Wilmington, that port is now pretty effectually closed by an accumulation ofc. The former will enter our service. The Hope has arrived at Wilmington with Sir Wm. Armstrong's present of a fine 12-pounder, all its eqremain there, being very anxious to see him. Beauregard is at Wilmington, while the whole country is calling for his appointment to the coter to the Secretary of War, deprecating the usage of the port of Wilmington by the Tallahassee and other cruisers, that go out and ravage theks, etc. Already the presence of the Tallahassee and the Edith at Wilmington has caused the loss of one of our blockade-runners, worth more th Charleston or some other port be used by our cruisers; and that Wilmington be used exclusively for the importation of suppliesquartermaster'ates what has been written on the same subject by Gen. Whiting at Wilmington. September 25 Clear and cool. Pains in my head, etc. H
Staunton, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 43
roops, and he will endeavor to defend the State without his aid, etc. September 27 Bright and pleasant. We have rumors of heavy fighting yesterday near Staunton, but no authentic accounts. A dispatch from Gen. R. Taylor says Gen. Forrest had gained a victory at Athens, Ala., capturing some 1500 prisoners, 500 horses,(Signed) R. E. Lee, General. Official: John Blair Hoge, Major and Assistant Adjutant-General. September 28 -Bright; subsequently cloudy and warm rain. Staunton was entered by the enemy's cavalry on Monday afternoon. We have no news whatever to-day from any quarter. But the deep booming of cannon is still heard down on Fort Gilmer had been repulsed, the enemy losing many in killed, and wounded, and prisoners, while our loss was small. And we have driven the Yankees from Staunton, and have them in full retreat again as far as Harrisonburg. To-day at 2 P. M. another battle occurred at or near Fort Harrison or Signal Hill, supposed to b
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 43
office. September 7 Clear and cool; rained in the night. Gen. J. H. Morgan is dead,--surprised and killed in Tennessee,--and his staff captured. Gen. Hood telegraphs that the enemy is still retreating-toward Atlanta, I suppose. Th He is sending a brigade to Opelika, to await a raid. Gen. Forrest has been ordered, the President approving, to Middle Tennessee; but, contrary to his desire, he is not allowed to proclaim amnesty to the thousands of deserters expected to join hhim. Custis made an estimate of the white male population in seven States this side of the Mississippi, leaving out Tennessee, between the ages of fifteen and fifty, for Gen. Kemper, for Gen. Lee, which is 800,000, subject to deduction of those ises the President's management of military affairs-sending Morgan into Kentucky, Wheeler into East, and Forrest into West Tennessee, instead of combining all upon Sherman's rear and cutting his communications. He says Georgia has fifty regiments in
Quaker (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 43
hat is. Such terrible wars as this will probably make those who survive appreciate the blessings of peace. September 19 Clear and pleasant. We have nothing yet explanatory of the shelling yesterday. To-day we have news of an expedition of the enemy crossing Rapidan Bridge on the way toward Gordonsville, Charlottesville, etc. Gen. Anderson's division, from Early's army, is said to be marching after them. We shall learn more of this business very soon. Mrs. D. E. Mendenhall, Quaker, Jamestown, N. C., has written a strictly confidential letter to Mr. J. B. Crenshaw, of this city (which has gone on the files of the department), begging him to use his influence with Mr. Secretary Seddon (which is great) to get permission for her to send fourteen negroes, emancipated by her late husband's will, to Ohio. She says there is but one able to bear arms, and he is crazy; that since the enemy uses negro soldiers, she will withhold the able-bodied ones; that she has fed our soldie
Augusta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 43
Johnson, and Gov. Brown to a meeting with him, to confer on terms of peace-i.e. the return of Georgia to the Union. The government has called for a list of all the Georgians who have sailed from our ports this summer. A letter from Hon. R. W. Barnwell shows that he is opposed to any conference with the enemy on terms of peace, except unconditional independence. He thinks Hood hardly competent to command the army, but approves the removal of Johnston. He thinks Sherman will go on to Augusta, etc. The raid toward Gordonsville is now represented as a small affair, and to have returned as it came, after burning some mills, bridges, etc. I saw a letter, to-day, written to the President by L. P. Walker, first Secretary of War, full of praise. It was dated in August, before the fall of Atlanta, and warmly congratulated him upon the removal of Gen. Johnston. Gov. Bonham sent a telegram to the Secretary of War, to-day, from Columbia, asking if the President would not soon
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