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Atlanta (Georgia, United States) 1,463 127 Browse Search
John Newton 1,193 3 Browse Search
David S. Stanley 1,012 8 Browse Search
Thomas J. Wood 1,007 3 Browse Search
Jonesboro (Georgia, United States) 693 51 Browse Search
George H. Thomas 681 9 Browse Search
J. M. Schofield 592 2 Browse Search
Resaca (Georgia, United States) 570 16 Browse Search
Marietta (Georgia, United States) 445 19 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley).

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Receiving an answer in the negative, he remained in the vicinity of the place until next morning, when he again summoned its surrender, and received the same reply as on the night before. He withdrew in the direction of Athens, which place had been regarrisoned, and attacked it on the afternoon of the 1st of October, but without success. On the morning of the 2d he renewed his attack, but was handsomely repulsed. Another column under Forrest appeared before Columbia on the morning of the 1st, but did not make an attack. On the morning of the 3d he moved toward Mount Pleasant. While these operations were going on every exertion was made by General Thomas to destroy the forces under Forrest before he could recross the Tennessee, but was unable to prevent his escape to Corinth, Miss. In September an expedition under General Burbridge was sent to destroy the salt-works at Saltville, Va. He met the enemy on the 2d of October, about three and a half miles frdm Saltville, and drove h
Special field orders, No. 62. Hdqrs. Mil. Div. Of the Miss., In the Field, near Lovejoy's, September 3, 1864. The general commanding announces with great pleasure that he has official information that our troops under Major-General Slocum occupied Atlanta yesterday at 11 a. m., the enemy having evacuated the night before, destroyed vast magazines of stores, and blowing up, among other things, eighty car-loads of ammunition, which accounts for the sounds heard by us on the night of the 1st instant. Our present task is, therefore, well done, and all work of destruction on the railroad will cease. By order of Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman: L. M. Dayton, Aide-de-Camp. War Department, September 5, 1864-10.25 p. m. Major-General Sherman: I have the pleasure of transmitting to you the following orders, which were made Saturday by the President on receipt of the news of the capture of Atlanta: Executive Mansion, September 3, 1864. The national thanks are tendered by the Preside
when almost on the front line I was ordered to retire by Colonel Kirby, commanding First Brigade, First Division, Fourth Army Corps. This movement was executed without disorder or trouble. We remained in the second line until morning, throwing up light works during the night, the enemy in the latter part of the engagement pouring a very heavy fire of artillery and musketry into the thicket where we lay, but their shots were mostly too high. The enemy having retired during the night of the 1st, we advanced on the morning of the 2d and followed him until 4 p. m., when he was found strongly intrenched. This regiment was then deployed as skirmishers and placed on the left flank. We remained in this position until early day on the morning of the 3d, when we joined the brigade and remained until the 4th, when we moved to the rear about one-fourth mile. On the 5th at night-fall we moved to the rear and arrived at Jonesborough at 1 a. m. of the 6th, where we remained until the 7th, whe
thdraw my brigade at 8 o'clock and move toward Jonesborough. The night was rainy, and, except when the lightning flashed, it was impossible to see ten steps in advance. Owing to the rains of the 3d, 4th, and 5th instant, the roads were in a horrible condition, and the men actually waded for miles through mud knee-deep. It was a terrible night march, and the men, overcome with fatigue, straggled considerably. Near daylight in the morning we reached the position held on the night of the 1st instant, and here the brigade encamped until the morning of the 7th, when we marched in the direction and within eight miles of the city of Atlanta. On the 8th we marched through the streets of the city we had fought so hard and so long to possess, and proceeding two miles out on the Augusta railroad, we formed our line running parallel with it, facing south, and went into camp. Subjoined is a list of casualties of the brigade since I assumed command of it; also a list of prisoners captured.
r Jonesborough, Ga. My loss in this engagement was 1 officer severely wounded and 2 men slightly. By order of the general commanding I moved my regiment about 7 a. m. September 2 to the line of works occupied by the enemy on evening of the 1st instant. Was ordered to move my command with the brigade along the Macon railroad in the direction of Lovejoy's Station, where I arrived about 3 p. m., where the enemy was found to be in force. I was directed to advance a skirmish company after formnt, for the purpose of resting, Where it laid until the evening of the 5th instant, when Colonel Bennett, commanding brigade, issued orders to move at 7 p. m. Marched all night, occupying at early daylight our line of works, established on the 1st instant, near Jonesborough, Ga., where my regiment staid during the day, furnishing a company for picket. My regiment moved with the brigade at sunrise to Rough and Ready Station, where it arrived about 2.30 p. m. September 7. Moved at 7 a. m. wi
ent skirmishing until about 2 p. m., when, relieved by the Forty-first Ohio Volunteers, marched to within a mile of the Macon railroad, the Fifty-ninth Regiment Illinois Volunteers being placed on picket duty that night. On the morning of the 1st instant moved out on the Griffin road, the division acting as guard to the wagon train, crossed the Macon railroad, and bivouacked after dark about two miles north of Jonesborough. On the morning of the 2d instant moved through Jonesborough; about fs until the night of the 5th instant, when, at 8 o'clock, we commenced, by order of our brigade commander, a retrograde movement. We marched all night, and bivouacked as day was breaking on the ground which we had occupied on the night of the 1st instant. This night's march was peculiarly difficult, owing to the darkness and muddy condition of the roads. On the 6th we remained in bivouac. The 7th and 8th instant were occupied in the march to Atlanta. On the afternoon of the 8th instant we
ails from both regiments briskly skirmished with the enemy without loss. That evening the battalion returned to its former position. From the 17th to the 21st of July the battalion was more or less engaged in obtaining the position before Atlanta which it afterward held, with but slight loss, until August 25. On the night of August 25 the battalion joined in the movement to the right and rear of Atlanta; on the 29th ultimo assisting in the destruction of the Montgomery railroad; on the 1st instant marching to Jonesborough, and on the 2d to Lovejoy's Station, where the battalion remained till the night of the 5th, when it joined in the retrograde movement to Atlanta, which place it reached on the 8th instant. But few casualties occurred during this movement, as the battalion was at no time engaged. My thanks are due to Lieutenant-Colonel Bowman, commanding the Ninety-third Ohio Volunteer Infantry, for the able manner in which he handled his regiment; and I desire to make honor
we moved eastwardly and struck the Macon railroad on the 31st about two miles south of Rough and Ready Station, threw up breast-works, and destroyed the road. On September 1 the command was moved in the direction of Jonesborough and destroyed the railroad within three miles of that place, and lay in support of the Second Division, Fourth Army Corps, before the enemy's works at Jonesborough, and had 1 man wounded. The enemy having abandoned their works at Jonesborough on the night of the 1st, on the morning of the 2d the command followed in pursuit about seven miles southwardly along the railroad and found the enemy posted and intrenched in a strong position a mile or two north of Lovejoy's on both sides of the railroad. Companies D and E, under command of Captain Upson, were thrown in advance as skirmishers, covering the front of the brigade. In this condition the command moved forward to the attack, and drove the enemy from a strong line of skirmish rifle-pits, covered by an
n the morning of the 22d the regiment, marched out on the Atlanta road. Soon after passing the rebel works skirmishers were deployed (Company E), who advanced and soon became engaged with the enemy, who fell back to their main works. The regiment was formed on the left of the road, the Eighty-eighth Indiana on the left and Fifteenth Kentucky on the right, and threw up works. In the evening they moved to the right of the railroad and remained in this position until the 3d of August.. On the 1st--of August the skirmish line in charge of Major Widmer was advanced and drove the enemy's skirmishers from their rifle-pits. The regiment lost 1 man wounded. On the morning of the 3d of August we moved about four miles to the right, remaining in this vicinity until the 6th of August, when the regiment went into position on the line near the mill on Utoy Creek, relieving troops of the Twenty-third Corps. On the morning of the 7th the regiment moved forward about 200 yards and threw up works
rpose. September 2, guarding Fourteenth Corps train, when we were ordered to Jonesborough, my command acting as rear guard for our corps. September 4, campeka aeuth of Jonesborough on right of railway, and moved to west of town behind old rebel works. September 5, ordered to be in readiness to move by daylight, and about 10 o'clock formed line refused on right of brigade about 100 yards off; rebels advanced in our front and we fell slowly back through town to some old rebel works of 1st instant, left of brigade resting on railway. Relieved next morning, September 6, by Third Division, which virtually ended our part taken in the campaign. Epitome: I left Ringgold, Ga., May 7, 1864, with 314 guns, and entered Atlanta, September 8, 1864, with 249 guns. My casualties were-2 officers killed and 10 wounded; 7 enlisted men killed, 3 died of wounds; 40 wounded, and 1 man missing; total, 12 killed, 50 wounded, and 1 missing. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, C. E. B
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