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Resaca (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 87
and took a position in the gap to the left of Rocky Face, where I remained during that day and the night following. May 13, I marched with the division through Dalton. May 14, I took position in reserve in rear of General Newton's lines near Resaca, Ga., but did not become engaged. At daylight on the morning of the 15th I took position on the front line of works 400 yards distant from the enemy's works, supported by General Wagner's brigade, and opened fire for the first time about 9 o'clockCaptain Aleshire, chief of artillery, Second Division, Fourth Army Corps, I withdrew my battery to the rear half a mile and rested. I had no men wounded by the enemy during the engagement. On the morning of May 16, the enemy having evacuated Resaca, I marched with the division, without being ordered into position, until the evening of the 17th, when I took position near Adairsville, but did no firing. I continued moving with the division the 18th and 19th, passing through Adairsville and
George D. Wagner (search for this): chapter 87
front line of works 400 yards distant from the enemy's works, supported by General Wagner's brigade, and opened fire for the first time about 9 o'clock. Had three prCreek and placed one section of my battery in position on the front line of General Wagner's brigade. This section was relieved on the afternoon of the 27th by a sec had 1 man wounded severely. The evening of June 1 one section was sent to General Wagner's brigade. June 4, I had I man wounded severely. On the night of June h, when I was ordered into position about one mile from Pine Mountain, with General Wagner's brigade as support. I fired twenty-four rounds of solid shot without eli had 1 man wounded that day. The next day (22d) I was put in position, with General Wagner's brigade as support, and fired sixty rounds; had 1 man wounded. On the 23 remained with his division during the day. September 1, I marched with General Wagner's brigade near the Macon and Western Railroad, and camped two miles north o
John W. Blake (search for this): chapter 87
o Brown's Ferry. July 13, I crossed the Chattahoochee River and put four guns in position on General Newton's line. On the 18th I moved with the division to Buck Head, and was placed on General Newton's left. On the 19th I marched with General Newton from Buck Head to Peach Tree Creek, and placed my guns in position near the bridge on the Marietta road. On the 20th I moved the battery across Peach Tree Creek, and placed four guns on General Newton's line, between General Kimball's and Colonel Blake's brigades, holding one section in reserve. About 3 o'clock the enemy charged our lines and passed around our left. I put the reserve section in position fronting to our left, and, with the assistance of Captain Spencer, First Illinois Artillery, and Captain Smith, First Michigan Artillery, succeeded in repulsing the enemy in that quarter. The four guns on General Kimball's line also assisted in checking the enemy's charge in their front. On the 22d of July I moved to a position on G
David S. Stanley (search for this): chapter 87
21st to the right, and with the division relieved the Second Division, Twentieth Army Corps. I placed one section on the line, and in the evening my whole battery was placed in position near General Howard's headquarters. I had 1 man wounded that day. The next day (22d) I was put in position, with General Wagner's brigade as support, and fired sixty rounds; had 1 man wounded. On the 23d I moved three-quarters of a mile to the right and opened fire on the enemy's works, supported by General Stanley's division. I fired seventy-five rounds; had 1 man killed. Remained in this position, firing as occasion required, until June 30, when I moved four pieces half a mile to the left on the line. On the 2d of July I moved the battery half a mile to the left and relieved Battery I, First Ohio Light Artillery. On the morning of July 3, the enemy having evacuated, I moved with the division through Marietta and went into camp about four miles from that place. On July 4 took up position
C. C. Aleshire (search for this): chapter 87
s during the day. At 5 p. m. my battery, with Battery M, First Illinois Artillery, loaded every piece, and at the bugle-call fired by volleys for an hour, doing, as I afterward learned from prisoners, good execution. After dark, by order of Captain Aleshire, chief of artillery, Second Division, Fourth Army Corps, I withdrew my battery to the rear half a mile and rested. I had no men wounded by the enemy during the engagement. On the morning of May 16, the enemy having evacuated Resaca, I mening of June 1 one section was sent to General Wagner's brigade. June 4, I had I man wounded severely. On the night of June 4 my battery was relieved by a battery of the Fifteenth Army Corps, and I withdrew to the rear, by direction of Captain Aleshire, chief of artillery. I had been nine successive days on the line. The fuses of the spherical case and shell that I used were nearly worthless, and not one in twenty would explode. I moved with the division June 6 and 7, and went into camp
John Newton (search for this): chapter 87
14, I took position in reserve in rear of General Newton's lines near Resaca, Ga., but did not becoe for support. I opened fire, by order of General Newton, about 3 o'clock, simultaneously with Captthat place. On July 4 took up position on General Newton's line, but did no firing. On July 5 I mohee River and put four guns in position on General Newton's line. On the 18th I moved with the division to Buck Head, and was placed on General Newton's left. On the 19th I marched with General NewtGeneral Newton from Buck Head to Peach Tree Creek, and placed my guns in position near the bridge on the Mariett Peach Tree Creek, and placed four guns on General Newton's line, between General Kimball's and Colon the 22d of July I moved to a position on General Newton's line, within two miles of Atlanta. I remained with General Newton's division, with slight changes of position on the line, and firing occasigade, when I was ordered into position on General Newton's line. I remained with his division duri[1 more...]
Charles W. Scovill (search for this): chapter 87
he Artillery Brigade, Fourth Army Corps, including the remaining time up to date, without further action. I believe the foregoing report includes the principal actions in which my battery has been engaged during the campaign. To Lieuts. Charles W. Scovill, Henry C. Grant, and Albert Reigler, of my battery, I tender my thanks for their willing support and bravery displayed on the fields of battle. While I was acting as chief of artillery, Second Division, Fourth Army Corps, Lieutenant ScLieutenant Scovill had command of the battery. To the enlisted men of my command I also tender my thanks. I have nothing to say in regard to any one man distinguishing himself. All of my men have performed their duty as good soldiers and brave men. The following is a list of killed and wounded men of my battery during the campaign : Nominal list (omitted) shows 3 men killed and 11 wounded. The following is a statement of ammunition expended: Solid shot, 1,237; shell, 362; spherical case, 1,343; ca
Wilbur F. Goodspeed (search for this): chapter 87
No. 83. report of Capt. Wilbur F. Goodspeed, Battery a, First Ohio Light artillery. Hdqrs. Battery A, First Ohio Light artillery, In the Field, Ga., September 7, 1864. Captain: I have the honor to report as follows the operations of my battery from May 7, 1864, up to this date: I joined the Second Division, Fourth Army Corps, on the evening of May 6 at Catoosa Springs, Ga., and marched with it the morning following toward Tunnel Hill. I took several positions during the day as the division advanced, but did no firing, no position being found for my battery. I lay in reserve near Rocky Face Ridge until the morning of the 12th, when I moved with the division and took a position in the gap to the left of Rocky Face, where I remained during that day and the night following. May 13, I marched with the division through Dalton. May 14, I took position in reserve in rear of General Newton's lines near Resaca, Ga., but did not become engaged. At daylight on the morning of t
Lyman Bridges (search for this): chapter 87
ne 30, when I moved four pieces half a mile to the left on the line. On the 2d of July I moved the battery half a mile to the left and relieved Battery I, First Ohio Light Artillery. On the morning of July 3, the enemy having evacuated, I moved with the division through Marietta and went into camp about four miles from that place. On July 4 took up position on General Newton's line, but did no firing. On July 5 I moved to the Chattahoochee River and took a position, by command of Captain Bridges, on a hill commanding the crossing near that point and the enemy's pontoon. Remained in this position, firing occasionally, until the 9th, when I marched with General Newton to Roswell, where I remained until the 12th, when I returned to Brown's Ferry. July 13, I crossed the Chattahoochee River and put four guns in position on General Newton's line. On the 18th I moved with the division to Buck Head, and was placed on General Newton's left. On the 19th I marched with General Newton f
Nathan Kimball (search for this): chapter 87
y. At 11 p. m. of the same day my battery relieved Captain McDowell's (Pennsylvania) battery, which was posted with General Kimball's brigade within 150 yards of the enemy's works. I improved and strengthened the works in which my battery was placad. On the 20th I moved the battery across Peach Tree Creek, and placed four guns on General Newton's line, between General Kimball's and Colonel Blake's brigades, holding one section in reserve. About 3 o'clock the enemy charged our lines and pasry, and Captain Smith, First Michigan Artillery, succeeded in repulsing the enemy in that quarter. The four guns on General Kimball's line also assisted in checking the enemy's charge in their front. On the 22d of July I moved to a position on Gen formerly occupied by the Sixteenth Army Corps. August 26, four guns of my battery were held as rear guard, with General Kimball's division. From this time until the 31st I marched with the Artillery Brigade, when I was ordered into position on
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