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Atlanta (Georgia, United States) 1,463 127 Browse Search
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Atlanta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 92
position of Morgan was fully explained this evening. We have lost not far from 500 men, while we have captured about 350 or 400 prisoners. R. W. Johnson, Brigadier-General. [Major-General Schofield.] Addenda: report of casualties in Fourteenth Army Corps during operations of August 11, 1864. Zzz R. W. Johnson, Brigadier-General, Commanding. headquarters Fourteenth Army Corps, Near Atlanta, Ga., August 12, 1864. Report of casualties in the Fourteenth Army Corps during operations of August Zzz Ten deserters received since last report, five of whom have been forwarded. Nothing new to-day, August 15, 1864. R. W. Johnson, Brigadier-General, Commanding. headquarters 14TH Army Corps, Before Atlanta, Ga., August 15, 1864. Report of casualties in the Fourteenth Army Corps during the operations of August 19, 1864. Zzz R. W. Johnson, Brigadier-General, Commanding. headquarters Fourteenth Army Corps, Near Atlanta, Ga., August 20, 1864.
J. M. Schofield (search for this): chapter 92
King's men were actually in the enemy's works, but in consequence of the entanglements few men could reach them and not in sufficient force to hold them. The lines are advanced. King is intrenched beyond the rebel skirmish line of this morning. Baird's line is in advance of its position this morning. The position of Morgan was fully explained this evening. We have lost not far from 500 men, while we have captured about 350 or 400 prisoners. R. W. Johnson, Brigadier-General. [Major-General Schofield.] Addenda: report of casualties in Fourteenth Army Corps during operations of August 11, 1864. Zzz R. W. Johnson, Brigadier-General, Commanding. headquarters Fourteenth Army Corps, Near Atlanta, Ga., August 12, 1864. Report of casualties in the Fourteenth Army Corps during operations of August Zzz Ten deserters received since last report, five of whom have been forwarded. Nothing new to-day, August 15, 1864. R. W. Johnson, Brigadier-General
Absalom Baird (search for this): chapter 92
, 1864. General: The Fourteenth Corps gained decided advantage to-day. The charge of my old division, under King, against the enemy's works was a gallant affair; in fact, the operations of the entire corps are highly satisfactory. A portion of King's men were actually in the enemy's works, but in consequence of the entanglements few men could reach them and not in sufficient force to hold them. The lines are advanced. King is intrenched beyond the rebel skirmish line of this morning. Baird's line is in advance of its position this morning. The position of Morgan was fully explained this evening. We have lost not far from 500 men, while we have captured about 350 or 400 prisoners. R. W. Johnson, Brigadier-General. [Major-General Schofield.] Addenda: report of casualties in Fourteenth Army Corps during operations of August 11, 1864. Zzz R. W. Johnson, Brigadier-General, Commanding. headquarters Fourteenth Army Corps, Near Atlanta, Ga., August 12, 1864.
. Johnson, Brigadier-General. [Major-General Schofield.] Addenda: report of casualties in Fourteenth Army Corps during operations of August 11, 1864. Zzz R. W. Johnson, Brigadier-General, Commanding. headquarters Fourteenth Army Corps, Near Atlanta, Ga., August 12, 1864. Report of casualties in the Fourteenth Army Corps during operations of August Zzz Ten deserters received since last report, five of whom have been forwarded. Nothing new to-day, August 15, 1864. R. W. Johnson, Brigadier-General, Commanding. headquarters 14TH Army Corps, Before Atlanta, Ga., August 15, 1864. Report of casualties in the Fourtson, Brigadier-General, Commanding. headquarters 14TH Army Corps, Before Atlanta, Ga., August 15, 1864. Report of casualties in the Fourteenth Army Corps during the operations of August 19, 1864. Zzz R. W. Johnson, Brigadier-General, Commanding. headquarters Fourteenth Army Corps, Near Atlanta, Ga., August 20, 1864.
Richard W. Johnson (search for this): chapter 92
No. 88. report of Brig. Gen. Richard W. Johnson, U. S. Army, commanding Fourteenth Army Corps, of operations August 7. headquarters Fourteenth Army Corps, August 7, 1864. General: The Fourteenth Corps gained decided advantage to-day. The charge of my old division, under King, against the enemy's works was a gallant affair; in fact, the operations of the entire corps are highly satisfactory. A portion of King's men were actually in the enemy's works, but in consequence of the entanglements few men could reach them and not in sufficient force to hold them. The lines are advanced. King is intrenched beyond the rebel skirmish line of this morning. Baird's line is in advance of its position this morning. The position of Morgan was fully explained this evening. We have lost not far from 500 men, while we have captured about 350 or 400 prisoners. R. W. Johnson, Brigadier-General. [Major-General Schofield.] Addenda: report of casualties in Fourteenth Army Corps during
Z. L. King (search for this): chapter 92
7. headquarters Fourteenth Army Corps, August 7, 1864. General: The Fourteenth Corps gained decided advantage to-day. The charge of my old division, under King, against the enemy's works was a gallant affair; in fact, the operations of the entire corps are highly satisfactory. A portion of King's men were actually in theKing's men were actually in the enemy's works, but in consequence of the entanglements few men could reach them and not in sufficient force to hold them. The lines are advanced. King is intrenched beyond the rebel skirmish line of this morning. Baird's line is in advance of its position this morning. The position of Morgan was fully explained this evening. King is intrenched beyond the rebel skirmish line of this morning. Baird's line is in advance of its position this morning. The position of Morgan was fully explained this evening. We have lost not far from 500 men, while we have captured about 350 or 400 prisoners. R. W. Johnson, Brigadier-General. [Major-General Schofield.] Addenda: report of casualties in Fourteenth Army Corps during operations of August 11, 1864. Zzz R. W. Johnson, Brigadier-General, Commanding. headquarters Fourt
James D. Morgan (search for this): chapter 92
The charge of my old division, under King, against the enemy's works was a gallant affair; in fact, the operations of the entire corps are highly satisfactory. A portion of King's men were actually in the enemy's works, but in consequence of the entanglements few men could reach them and not in sufficient force to hold them. The lines are advanced. King is intrenched beyond the rebel skirmish line of this morning. Baird's line is in advance of its position this morning. The position of Morgan was fully explained this evening. We have lost not far from 500 men, while we have captured about 350 or 400 prisoners. R. W. Johnson, Brigadier-General. [Major-General Schofield.] Addenda: report of casualties in Fourteenth Army Corps during operations of August 11, 1864. Zzz R. W. Johnson, Brigadier-General, Commanding. headquarters Fourteenth Army Corps, Near Atlanta, Ga., August 12, 1864. Report of casualties in the Fourteenth Army Corps during operation
August 7th, 1864 AD (search for this): chapter 92
No. 88. report of Brig. Gen. Richard W. Johnson, U. S. Army, commanding Fourteenth Army Corps, of operations August 7. headquarters Fourteenth Army Corps, August 7, 1864. General: The Fourteenth Corps gained decided advantage to-day. The charge of my old division, under King, against the enemy's works was a gallant affair; in fact, the operations of the entire corps are highly satisfactory. A portion of King's men were actually in the enemy's works, but in consequence of the entanglements few men could reach them and not in sufficient force to hold them. The lines are advanced. King is intrenched beyond the rebel skirmish line of this morning. Baird's line is in advance of its position this morning. The position of Morgan was fully explained this evening. We have lost not far from 500 men, while we have captured about 350 or 400 prisoners. R. W. Johnson, Brigadier-General. [Major-General Schofield.] Addenda: report of casualties in Fourteenth Army Corps during
August 19th, 1864 AD (search for this): chapter 92
osition of Morgan was fully explained this evening. We have lost not far from 500 men, while we have captured about 350 or 400 prisoners. R. W. Johnson, Brigadier-General. [Major-General Schofield.] Addenda: report of casualties in Fourteenth Army Corps during operations of August 11, 1864. Zzz R. W. Johnson, Brigadier-General, Commanding. headquarters Fourteenth Army Corps, Near Atlanta, Ga., August 12, 1864. Report of casualties in the Fourteenth Army Corps during operations of August Zzz Ten deserters received since last report, five of whom have been forwarded. Nothing new to-day, August 15, 1864. R. W. Johnson, Brigadier-General, Commanding. headquarters 14TH Army Corps, Before Atlanta, Ga., August 15, 1864. Report of casualties in the Fourteenth Army Corps during the operations of August 19, 1864. Zzz R. W. Johnson, Brigadier-General, Commanding. headquarters Fourteenth Army Corps, Near Atlanta, Ga., August 20, 1864.
August 7th (search for this): chapter 92
No. 88. report of Brig. Gen. Richard W. Johnson, U. S. Army, commanding Fourteenth Army Corps, of operations August 7. headquarters Fourteenth Army Corps, August 7, 1864. General: The Fourteenth Corps gained decided advantage to-day. The charge of my old division, under King, against the enemy's works was a gallant affair; in fact, the operations of the entire corps are highly satisfactory. A portion of King's men were actually in the enemy's works, but in consequence of the entanglements few men could reach them and not in sufficient force to hold them. The lines are advanced. King is intrenched beyond the rebel skirmish line of this morning. Baird's line is in advance of its position this morning. The position of Morgan was fully explained this evening. We have lost not far from 500 men, while we have captured about 350 or 400 prisoners. R. W. Johnson, Brigadier-General. [Major-General Schofield.] Addenda: report of casualties in Fourteenth Army Corps during
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