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Gettysburg (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 38
Chapter 38: Gettysburg. In the month of May, 1863, General R. E. Lee's army rested near Fredericksburg, while the Federal army under General Hooker occupied their old camps across the Rappahannock. Early in the month of June, finding that the Federal commander was not disposed again to cross swords with him, for the purposethe Federal army. Ewell's corps was called in, and a severe engagement ensued, which lasted until nightfall, when the Federals retreated through the town of Gettysburg, leaving in the hands of the Confederates over five thousand prisoners. The Federal General Reynolds was killed. During the night, the Federals concentrNever mind, he said, as he urged them to form, we'll talk of this afterward; now, we want all good men to rally. All will be well. Mr. Davis thus writes of Gettysburg in his Rise and fall: The battle of Gettysburg has been the subject of an unusual amount of discussion, and the enemy has made it a matter of extraordinary
Cemetery Hill (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 38
ted through the town of Gettysburg, leaving in the hands of the Confederates over five thousand prisoners. The Federal General Reynolds was killed. During the night, the Federals concentrated and fortified a ridge of high ground from Cemetery Hill running back of the town on the right, to Round Top on the left. Here they confronted Lee on July 2d. At four o'clock on July 2d, Longstreet's corps, except Pickett, who had not yet arrived, assailed the extreme left of the Federal line. Lor nearly two hours the dreadful din continued, until the fire of the Federal batteries greatly decreased or was silenced; then the Confederate divisions, numbering less than 13,000 men, rose up and dressed their ranks for the great charge on Cemetery Hill. It was a desperate undertaking, and the men realized it, and were heard bidding each other good-by from rank to rank. General Pickett galloped over to General Longstreet. and said, General, shall I advance? Receiving no reply, he s
Headquarters (Washington, United States) (search for this): chapter 38
ia, so that her people might raise and gather their crops, Lee began a movement that culminated in the battle of Gettysburg. Ewell's corps was sent on in advance, and at Winchester routed and put to flight the enemy under General Milroy, capturing 4,000 prisoners and their small-arms, 2S pieces of artillery, 300 wagons and their horses, and large amounts of ordnance, commissary, and quartermaster stores; then crossing the Potomac, he passed through Maryland and into Pennsylvania. Headquarters, Army of Northern Virginia, Chambersburg, Pa., June 27, 1863. General orders, no. 73. The Commanding General has observed with marked satisfaction the conduct of the troops on the march, and confidently anticipates results commensurate with the high spirit they have manifested. No troops could have displayed, or better performed, the arduous march of the past ten days. Their conduct in other respects has, with few exceptions, been in keeping with their character as soldiers.
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 38
im away from Virginia, so that her people might raise and gather their crops, Lee began a movement that culminated in the battle of Gettysburg. Ewell's corps was sent on in advance, and at Winchester routed and put to flight the enemy under General Milroy, capturing 4,000 prisoners and their small-arms, 2S pieces of artillery, 300 wagons and their horses, and large amounts of ordnance, commissary, and quartermaster stores; then crossing the Potomac, he passed through Maryland and into Pennsylvania. Headquarters, Army of Northern Virginia, Chambersburg, Pa., June 27, 1863. General orders, no. 73. The Commanding General has observed with marked satisfaction the conduct of the troops on the march, and confidently anticipates results commensurate with the high spirit they have manifested. No troops could have displayed, or better performed, the arduous march of the past ten days. Their conduct in other respects has, with few exceptions, been in keeping with their chara
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 38
and fired over the heads of the advancing troops. The charge was watched with anxious interest by those of the Confederates not participating. Now Garnett, Kemper, and Armistead are close up to the stone wall, from behind which the enemy are lying and firing; they are over it, and fighting hand to hand over eleven captured cannon; the hillside is blue with the smoke of cannon and musketry, and all seems going well. Pettigrew has moved steadily forward on Pickett's left, Archer's Alabama and Tennessee brigade commanded by Colonel B. D. Fry on the right, Pettigrew's own North Carolina brigade, commanded by Colonel J. K. Marshal on the right centre, General J. Davis's Mississippi brigade on the left centre, and Brockenbrough's Virginia brigade on the left. These troops received the enemy's fire until they reached a post and rail fence beyond the Emmettsburg road. There they were opened upon by a galling fire of cannister and shrapnel; still the line remained steady and
Winchester, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 38
of May, 1863, General R. E. Lee's army rested near Fredericksburg, while the Federal army under General Hooker occupied their old camps across the Rappahannock. Early in the month of June, finding that the Federal commander was not disposed again to cross swords with him, for the purpose of drawing him away from Virginia, so that her people might raise and gather their crops, Lee began a movement that culminated in the battle of Gettysburg. Ewell's corps was sent on in advance, and at Winchester routed and put to flight the enemy under General Milroy, capturing 4,000 prisoners and their small-arms, 2S pieces of artillery, 300 wagons and their horses, and large amounts of ordnance, commissary, and quartermaster stores; then crossing the Potomac, he passed through Maryland and into Pennsylvania. Headquarters, Army of Northern Virginia, Chambersburg, Pa., June 27, 1863. General orders, no. 73. The Commanding General has observed with marked satisfaction the conduct of the tr
Washington, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 38
arrest and bring to summary punishment all who shall in any way offend against the orders on this subject. R. E. Lee, General. General A. P. Hill with his three divisions followed in his rear. General Longstreet covered these movements with his corps, then passing into the valley, he too crossed the Potomac. To General Stuart was left the task of watching with his cavalry the movements of the enemy. The Federal Commander had meanwhile disposed his force so as to cover Washington, and learning the movements of General Lee, he too crossed the Potomac. On June 27th, General Lee was at Chambersburg, while Hill, Longstreet, and Ewell were within supporting distance. Stuart with the cavalry was absent, and the lack of it prevented Lee from being apprised of the near approach of the enemy. It was an army without eyes and ears. Moving forward from Chambersburg, General Lee reached Cashtown on July ist, where A. P. Hill was concentrating. Here the Federal c
Chambersburg, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 38
missary, and quartermaster stores; then crossing the Potomac, he passed through Maryland and into Pennsylvania. Headquarters, Army of Northern Virginia, Chambersburg, Pa., June 27, 1863. General orders, no. 73. The Commanding General has observed with marked satisfaction the conduct of the troops on the march, and confidenwhile disposed his force so as to cover Washington, and learning the movements of General Lee, he too crossed the Potomac. On June 27th, General Lee was at Chambersburg, while Hill, Longstreet, and Ewell were within supporting distance. Stuart with the cavalry was absent, and the lack of it prevented Lee from being apprised of the near approach of the enemy. It was an army without eyes and ears. Moving forward from Chambersburg, General Lee reached Cashtown on July ist, where A. P. Hill was concentrating. Here the Federal cavalry was first encountered, and as Hill's troops moved forward, they were met also by Reynolds's First Corps of the F
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 38
purpose of drawing him away from Virginia, so that her people might raise and gather their crops, Lee began a movement that culminated in the battle of Gettysburg. Ewell's corps was sent on in advance, and at Winchester routed and put to flight the enemy under General Milroy, capturing 4,000 prisoners and their small-arms, 2S pieces of artillery, 300 wagons and their horses, and large amounts of ordnance, commissary, and quartermaster stores; then crossing the Potomac, he passed through Maryland and into Pennsylvania. Headquarters, Army of Northern Virginia, Chambersburg, Pa., June 27, 1863. General orders, no. 73. The Commanding General has observed with marked satisfaction the conduct of the troops on the march, and confidently anticipates results commensurate with the high spirit they have manifested. No troops could have displayed, or better performed, the arduous march of the past ten days. Their conduct in other respects has, with few exceptions, been in keep
Seminary hill (Washington, United States) (search for this): chapter 38
gade charged on Pickett's right flank up to the Federal line, but being overwhelmed by numbers, withdrew. And now the Federals massed upon Pickett's and Trimble's front, and upon their flanks; Garnett and Armistead were both killed, and Kemper badly wounded. The men were falling fast, or yielding themselves to the overwhelming foe, the charge had failed, and the brave survivors of this grand assault recrossed the blood-stained field, and reformed their depleted ranks in the wood of Seminary Hill, from which they had lately advanced so gallantly to the charge. There they found General Lee, riding calmly up and down the lines, with only words of encouragement upon his lips. Never mind, he said, as he urged them to form, we'll talk of this afterward; now, we want all good men to rally. All will be well. Mr. Davis thus writes of Gettysburg in his Rise and fall: The battle of Gettysburg has been the subject of an unusual amount of discussion, and the enemy has made it
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