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Port Royal (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.1
ydrography in the Navy Department, and was popularly known for his successful interference while in command of the St. Louis, in the harbor of Smyrna, resulting in the release from a Turkish prison of Martin Koszta, a Hungarian refugee who had declared his intention of becoming a citizen of the United States.--editors. agreed with me, and immediately ordered the attack. It took place on the early morning of January 31st. The Powhatan and Canandaigua were absent at the time, coaling, at Port Royal.--editors. The Palmetto State, on board of which, for the occasion, was Commodore Ingraham himself, steamed out directly toward the Federal fleet, followed by the Chicora, and fell upon and fired into the steamer Mercedita before the latter had fully realized the peril she was in. Disabled and reported to be sinking, the Mercedita immediately surrendered. The Palmetto State left her and went in pursuit of two other Federal steamers, but was soon distanced. The Chicora, meanwhile, set fir
Fort McAllister (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.1
derate Battery Gregg, Cumming's Point, S. C. From a photograph. As a corollary to this engagement on the morning of February 1st another Federal iron-clad, afterward ascertained to be the single-turreted monitor Montauk, appeared before Fort McAllister, at Genesis Point, in the Georgia district, and, accompanied by three gun-boats and a mortar-boat, approached to within a South-east angle of the Confederate Fort Marshall, on the eastern end of Sullivan's Island. From a photograph. shorn readiness at the Pocotaligo Station, to bring such reenforcements as might be drawn from the military district [lying between the Ashepoo and Savannah rivers] commanded by General W. S. Walker. On the 28th of February the enemy attacked Fort McAllister with an iron-clad, three gun-boats, and a mortar-boat, and also, on the 3d of March, with three monitors. He was evidently trying his hand before his final venture against Fort Sumter. But the result must sorely have disappointed him; for
Vicksburg (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.1
the War Department compelled me to send Cooke's and Clingman's commands back to North Carolina, and, early in May, two other brigades [S. R. Gist's and W. H. T. Walker's], numbering five thousand men, with two batteries of light artillery, to reenforce General Joseph E. Johnston at Jackson, Mississippi. The fact is that, on the 10th of May, Mr. Seddon, the Secretary of War, had even directed that still another force of five thousand men should be withdrawn from my department to be sent to Vicksburg to the assistance of General Pemberton. But my protest against so exhaustive a drain upon my command was fortunately heeded, and I was allowed to retain the reduced force I then had under me, amounting on the 1st of June, for the whole State of South Carolina, to not more than ten thousand men. With these, it was evident, I could not protect every vulnerable point at the same time; and thereafter, whenever the occasion arose, I had to withdraw troops from one quarter of the department to
Florida (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.1
succeeded in nearly doubling the strength of Sumter, of Moultrie, and of all the defensive works of the harbor, including Battery Wagner, which was thus almost entirely rebuilt. I also established along the coast of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida a continuous line of signal (flag) stations, by means of which constant information was furnished department headquarters of the exact movement and of the least change that took place in the Federal fleet. I multiplied the laying out of torpedoril 11th, 1862 (see General Gillmore's description of these operations, Vol. II., p. 1); the declaration of free-dom (April 12th, 1862) to slaves in Fort Pulaski and on Cockspur Island, Ga.; a similar declaration (May 9th) to slaves in Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina, which was annulled, ten days later by President Lincoln; and the enlistment of the first colored troops, called the 1st South Carolina regiment.--editors. confirmed me in the opinion that we would not have to wait long befor
James Island (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.1
e east. Secessionville, near the center of James Island, will be found on the map of James and Foll the other three modes of approach, namely: James Island, Sullivan's Island, and Morris Island. 3. by Map of the South Carolina coast. James Island was unquestionably the one to be most apprerton as safety allowed, harassing our camps on James and John's islands, by the fire of their long-strict of South Carolina. I had: 1.--On James Island--  Infantry1184   Heavy and light artille disastrous; for, as I have already stated, James Island was the avenue of approach I dreaded the mo ascertain what was their real intent as to James Island. This was done with General Hagood's usualgned by Gillmore for not having attacked by James Island in July, 1863, when he attempted the Morris3, I had only 1184 infantry on the whole of James Island; whereas, in order to guard the defensive led to the best advantage for the protection of James, Sullivan's, and Morris islands, and of the ci[7 more...]
Weehawken (New Jersey, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.1
ptured six officers and about 113 men. Most of them were wounded. Three monitors and three wooden gun-boats assisted the Federal land forces on that occasion. Battery Wagner was again shelled on the 12th by part of the fleet, while the The Weehawken. land forces were engaged in putting up works near the middle of Morris Island. They were very much disturbed by the accurate firing of Fort Sumter and of Battery Gregg. On the arrival of the remainder of Clingman's brigade and of other te progress of the enemy by erecting new batteries on James Island, and by strengthening others already in position there and elsewhere. I issued orders Effect of Blakely shot from Fort Sumter on the plating and the smoke-stack of the monitor Weehawken. from Photographs. to that effect, and they were vigorously carried out. Battery Simkins, in advance of Fort Johnson, on Shell Point, was one of these new batteries. It was armed with one 10-inch Columbiad, one 6.40 Brooke, and three 10-inch
Atlantic Ocean (search for this): chapter 1.1
nder my orders the rifling and banding of guns otherwise too inferior for the proper armament of our works. This was done at the rate of one gun in two and a half days, whereas it had required thirty-five days to remodel each gun under the supervision of the War Department. My anxiety was all the greater since the enemy, before making his final attack upon Charleston, and with a view, no doubt, to distract attention from it, had been for some time past preparing a descent along the Southern Atlantic coast, though he afterward appeared to have altered his original purpose and to be directing his course toward Cape Lookout, on the coast of North Carolina. With the inadequate force under me, my only hope was to endeavor to frustrate any demonstration that might be attempted within the limits of my own extensive command; and yet the War Department, through the new Secretary of War, was at that very time, and against repeated protests on my part, depleting it of troops to reeforce oth
Sumterville (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.1
instructions, But I consider also that the attack on Sumter, whenever it takes place, will probably be made at long rag's Point, within close range, to batter down the gorge of Sumter and endeavor to blow up the magazines. That mode of athells, and fragments. . . . The casualties are slight. At Sumter five men were wounded by fragments of masonry and wood. . done to our works and to strengthen the weakened walls of Sumter, whose disarmament was carefully carried on at night, in vke its place. The result of the seven days bombardment of Sumter was to convert that historic fort into a confused mass of g force and taken, and on the 1st of September the fire on Sumter was so intense as to effect its virtual destruction. The est heroism. And it is history to say that the defense of Sumter and Wagner are feats of war unsurpassed in ancient or modeew. The possession of Morris Island and the demolition of Sumter by the Federal land and naval forces were mere incidents i
Greenwood (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.1
so. I never looked upon it as a serious barrier to the enemy's fleet. The defensive line on James Island from the Wappoo to Secessionville consisted of a system of forts, redoubts, redans, and cremailleres, very injudiciously located, except Fort Pemberton on the Stono and some few of the redoubts. There were also two batteries on the Ashley River, for its protection and that of the entrance of Dill's Creek and the Wappoo. One of them had no guns; the other, at Lawton's, was armed with four 3 Cole's Island eleven guns of heavy caliber which served to guard the entrance of the Stono River. This barrier removed, the Federal gun-boats had free ingress to the river, and as often as they chose to (lo so plied with impunity as near to Fort Pemberton as safety allowed, harassing our camps on James and John's islands, by the fire of their long-range rifled guns. The Isaac Smith, carrying nine heavy guns, was one of these. Desirous of putting a stop to such incursions, I called the comman
Ashley River (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.1
mes Island from the Wappoo to Secessionville consisted of a system of forts, redoubts, redans, and cremailleres, very injudiciously located, except Fort Pemberton on the Stono and some few of the redoubts. There were also two batteries on the Ashley River, for its protection and that of the entrance of Dill's Creek and the Wappoo. One of them had no guns; the other, at Lawton's, was armed with four 32-pounders, but could be of little use. The works at Secessionville, which were poorly devised alculations. On the 30th of September, and again on the 2d of October, I urgently called on the War Department for an increase of heavy ordnance for the works intended to command the anchorage in the Charleston harbor and the entrance into the Ashley and Cooper rivers. I asked for twenty 10-inch Columbiads, five banded rifled 42-pounders, and five banded 32-pounders; or fifteen of the first quality, ten of the second, and five or more of the third. The Secretary of War, Mr. Randolph, had us
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