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Lost Mountain (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.40
an was ready, from Allatoona as a new base, to push forward and strike a new and heavy blow, when, to his chagrin, in the night of the 4th of June Johnston abandoned his works and fell back to a new line. This line ran from Brush Mountain to Lost Mountain, with Pine top 1 standing out in a salient near the middle. He also held an outpost in front of Gilgal Church abreast of Pine Top. Slowly, with skirmishes and small combats, for the most part in dense woods, we continuously advanced. On my exposed intrenchments on Pine Top. It was at this time that General Polk was killed. McPherson, by overlapping Hood, skirmished heavily, and captured the 40th Alabama regiment entire. Schofield, brushing away the cavalry, penetrated between Lost Mountain and Gilgal Church, put his artillery on a prominent knoll, and, with rapid discharges, took Hardee in reverse. That night, the 16th of June, Johnston again went back to a new line, already prepared, just behind Mud Creek. Our troops, bein
Sherman, Grayson County, Texas (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.40
, the siege operations set in. Sherman worked his right, with block after block, eastward and southward. Schofield and part of Thomas's command had passed beyond me, digging as they halted. Every new trench found a fresh one opposite. The lines were near together. Many officers and men were slain and many were wounded and sent back to the hospitals. Dodge, while reconnoitering, was badly hurt; T. E. G. Ransom took his corps, and J. M. Corse a division in it. Hooker, already vexed at Sherman, was incensed at my assignment, resigned, and went home. Slocum came from Vicksburg to command the Twentieth Corps. Palmer, having a controversy concerning his seniority, left the Fourteenth Corps, and Jeff. C. Davis took his place. Hazen passed from a brigade in the Fourth (Stanley's) to M. L. Smith's division of Logan's corps. F. P. Blair, in a report, condensed the work of his corps in these The battle of Ezra Church, July 28, 1864. from a sketch made at the time. words: The comm
Dallas, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.40
left and forward as we came on, till Hardee was at Dallas and Hood at New Hope Church. Our march was resumed25th, led our column, taking the direct road toward Dallas. It was showery all day, and the weather and bad rountry roads to the right, that would bring us into Dallas by the Van Wert route. McPherson and Davis had alrcPherson, with Davis for his left, took position at Dallas, having Logan on his right, and Garrard's cavalry sthe 28th, McPherson made an effort to withdraw from Dallas, so as to pass beyond my left; but as Hardee at thee along the southern slope, reaching far beyond the Dallas and Marietta road. He drew back his left and fortiwith the remainder of his force. Hood stopped near Dallas, and sent French's division to take the garrison ofma to the north and west. To the south-west, about Dallas, could be seen the smoke of camp-fires, indicating to interpose this corps between Hood's main army at Dallas and the detachment then assailing Allatoona. The r
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.40
rmed the left. Catoosa Springs was a Georgia watering-place, where there were several large buildings, hotel and boarding-houses, amid undulating hills, backed by magnificent mountain scenery. Here, on the morning of the 6th, I met Thomas and Sherman. Sherman had a habit of dropping in and explaining in a happy way what he purposed to do. At first he intended that Thomas and Schofield should simply breast the enemy and skirmish with him on the west and north, while McPherson, coming from Alabama, was to strike the Atlanta railroad at least ten miles below Resaca. McPherson, failing in getting some of his troops back from furlough, was not now deemed strong enough to operate alone; hence he was brought to Chattanooga instead, and sent thence to Villanow, soon after to pass through the Snake Creek Gap of Taylor's Ridge, all the time being kept near enough the other armies to get help from them in case of emergency. By this it was ardently hoped by Sherman that McPherson might yet s
Cartersville (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.40
me. Sherman's headquarters at Kingston were midway. While the armies were resting, the right (Davis's division) at Rome, the left (Schofield and Hooker) near Cartersville, and the remainder at Kingston, the railroad and telegraph lines were repaired to Kingston; baggage, temporarily abandoned, came back to officers and men; neceour south front and our west flank, the enemy pushed a brigade of infantry around north of us, cut the railroad and telegraph, severing our communications with Cartersville and Rome. The cannonading and musketry had not ceased when, at half-past 8 A. M., I received by flag of truce, which came from the north on the Cartersville rCartersville road, the following summons to surrender: around Allatoona, October 5th, 1864. commanding officer United State forces, Allatoona. Sir: I have placed the forces under my command in such positions that you are surrounded, and to avoid a needless effusion of blood I call on you to surrender your forces at once and uncondit
Dalton, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.40
and, east Tennessee, through Red Clay, toward. Dalton, Georgia. The three railway lines uniting Chattanooga, Cleveland, and Dalton form an almost equilateral triangle. Dalton, its south-east vertex, was the center of thDalton, its south-east vertex, was the center of the Confederate army, under Joseph E. Johnston. Pushing out from Dalton toward us at Catoosa Springs, Johnston Dalton toward us at Catoosa Springs, Johnston occupied the famous pass through Taylor's Ridge, Buzzard-Roost Gap, and part of the ridge itself; and held, foran along the eastern side of the triangle, between Dalton and Red Clay. Johnston, according to his officiaassed through. Stoneman rushed into the village of Dalton from the north, and the Fourth Corps, eager and rapept close to the chasing cavalry. Not far south of Dalton we came upon a bothersome Confederate rear-guard, wsaca. Thus we ended the combats of Tunnel Hill and Dalton, and opened up Resaca. As soon as Johnston reachwas repaired seemed miraculous. We had hardly left Dalton before trains with ammunition and other supplies ar
Chancellorsville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.40
te army. Johnston had planned to attack Sherman at Peach Tree Creek, expecting just such a division between our wings as we made. Hood endeavored to carry out the plan. A. P. Stewart now had Polk's corps, and Cheatham took Hood's. Hardee on the right and Stewart on his left, in lines that overlapped Newton's position, at 3 o'clock of the 20th of July, struck the blow. They came surging on through the woods, down the gentle slope, with noise and fury like Stonewall Jackson's men at Chancellorsville. As to our men, some of them were protected by piles of rails, but the most had not had time to barricade. Stewart's masses advanced successively from his right, so Newton was first assailed. His rifles and cannon, firing incessantly and with utmost steadiness, soon stopped and repulsed the front attack; but whole battalions went far east of him into the gap before described. Thomas, behind the creek, was watching; he turned some reserved batteries upon those Confederate battalion
Knoxville (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.40
The struggle for Atlanta. by Oliver O. Howard, Major-General, U. S. A. The forces under General Grant after his appointment as general-in-chief were, the Army of the Potomac, under Meade; that of the Ohio, near Knoxville, under Schofield; General John M. Schofield succeeded General John G. Foster in the command of the Department, and Army, of the Ohio, February 9th, 1864.--editors. that of the Cumberland, under Thomas, General George H. Thomas succeeded General W. S. Rosecrans in comn came pouring in with sufficient abundance, so that when orders arrived for the next movement, on the 3d of May, 1864, my division commanders, Stanley, Newton, and Wood, reported everything ready. This very day Schofield's column, coming from Knoxville, made its appearance at Cleveland. There was now the thrill of preparation, a new life everywhere. Soldiers and civilians alike caught the inspiration. Ringgold and Catoosa Springs, Georgia, were the points of concentration for Thomas's th
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.40
n the command of the Department, and Army, of the Ohio, February 9th, 1864.--editors. that of the Cumberland, under Thomas, General George H. Thomas succeeded General W. S. Rosecrans in command of the Department, and Army, of the Cumberland, October 19th, 1863.--editors. near Chattanooga; that of the Tennessee, under McPherson, scattered front Huntsville, Alabama, to the Mississippi; that of the Gulf, under Banks, in Louisiana; besides subordinate detachments, under Steele and others, in Arkansas and farther west. Grant took the whole field into his thought. He made three parts to the long, irregular line of armies, which extended from Virginia to Texas. He gave to Banks the main work in the south-west; to Sherman the middle part, covering the hosts of McPherson, Thomas, Schofield, and Steele; and reserved to himself the remainder. The numbers were known, at least on paper; the plan, promptly adopted, was simple and comprehensive: To break and keep broken the connecting links
Pickett's Mill (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.40
s to attempt to strike Johnston's right. I marched thither Wood's division, supported by R. W. Johnson's, and connected with the army by Cox on my right. At Pickett's Mill, believing I had reached the extreme of the Confederate line, at 6 P. M. of the 27th I ordered the assault. Wood encountered just such obstructions as Hookerwas most important: we worked our men all that weary night in fortifying. The Confederate commander was ready at daylight to take the offensive against us at Pickett's Mill, but he did not do so, because he found our position and works too strong to warrant the attempt. With a foot bruised by the fragment of a shell, I sat that ond my left; but as Hardee at the first move quickly assailed him with great fury, he prudently advised further delay. This battle was the reverse of mine at Pickett's Mill. The enemy attacked mainly in columns of deployed regiments along the front of Dodge's and Logan's corps, and was repulsed with a dreadful loss, which Logan
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