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Alleghany Mountains (United States) (search for this): chapter 22
I firmly believe that secession is Seat of War in Western Virginia. killed in this section of the country. He was disappointed. The fugitives were rallied by Colonel Ramsay, and turning short to the right near West Union, they fled over the Alleghanies and joined Stonewall Jackson at Monterey, Highland County, Virginia. On the morning after the conflict at Carrick's Ford, General Morris returned to his camp at Bealington, The three months term of enlistment of these troops had now ex, on the road toward Staunton, where the Fourteenth Indiana, Colonel Kimball, was left. as an outpost. A camp was established at the eastern foot of the mountain, an.d detachments were posted at important points along the eastern slopes of the Alleghanies. On the 19th, July, 1861. McClellan issued an address to his troops, from Huttonsville, telling them that he was more than satisfied with their conduct; that they had annihilated two armies well intrenched among mountain fastnesses; reco
Laurel Hill, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
by himself, advanced from Clarksburg, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railway, twenty-two miles west of Grafton, in the direction of Buckhannon, to attack Garnett at Laurel Hill, near Beverly. At the same time a detachment of about four thousand men, This force was composed of the Sixth, Seventh, and Ninth Indiana, the Sixth and Fougents, about fifteen hundred strong, under Colonel John Pegram, was occupying a heavily intrenched position in the rear of Garnett, in Rich Mountain Gap, of the Laurel Hill Range, about four miles from Beverly, where his forces commanded the important road over the mountains to Staunton, and the chief highway to Southern Virginia. s, by way of Huttonsville, as far as Monterey, in Highland County, and the re-enforcements that had been sent to Pegram, as we have observed, scattered over the Laurel Hill Range. Rosecrans entered Pegram's abandoned camp the next morning; while the latter, with about six hundred followers, weary, worn, and dispirited, were vainly
Woodstock, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
rtation, and to be sent forward toward Winchester in detachments, well sustained, as soon as possible. He requested that the Regulars might remain; and he expressed a desire to make Harper's Ferry his base of operations; to open and maintain a free communication along the Baltimore and Ohio Railway; to hold, at Harper's Ferry, Martinsburg, and Charlestown a strong force, gradually and securely advancing a portion of them toward Winchester, and with a column from that point, operate toward Woodstock, thus cutting off all the communication of the insurgents with Robert Patterson. Northwestern Virginia, and force them to retire and leave that region in the possession of the loyal people. By that means he expected to keep open a free communication with the great West, by the Baltimore and Ohio Railway. The General-in-chief disapproved the plan; repeated the order to send to Washington the designated troops; told Patterson that McClellan had been ordered to send nothing across th
Cincinnati (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
round the head-waters of the Gauley River, and co-operate with Garnett; and every measure within the means of the Confederates was used for the purpose of checking the advance of McClellan's forces, and preventing their junction with those of Patterson in the Shenandoah Valley. General McClellan took command of his troops in person, at Grafton, on the 23d of June, and on that day he issued a proclamation to the inhabitants of Western Virginia, similar in tenor to the one sent forth from Cincinnati a month earlier. May 23, 1861. He severely condemned the guerrilla warfare in which the insurgents were engaged, and threatened the offenders with punishment, according to the severest rules of military law. He also told the disloyal people of that section that all who should be found acting in hostility to the Government, either by bearing arms or in giving aid and comfort to its enemies, should be arrested. To his soldiers he issued an address two days afterward, reminding them that t
Staunton, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
he Laurel Hill Range, about four miles from Beverly, where his forces commanded the important road over the mountains to Staunton, and the chief highway to Southern Virginia. Pegram boasted that his position could not be turned, because of the precin were on the summit of a ridge of Rich Mountain, high above Pegram's camp, and a mile from it. Just as they reached the Staunton road, near Hart's, they were furiously assailed by musket and cannon shot, bullets, grape, canister, and shells. Roseard Beverly, hoping to pass it before McClellan could reach it, and so escape over the mountains by Huttonsville, toward Staunton. He was too late. McClellan had moved rapidly on Beverly, and fugitives from Pegram's camp informed him that his advanrce pursued the fugitives from Beverly, under Major Tyler, to the summit of the Cheat Mountain Range, on the road toward Staunton, where the Fourteenth Indiana, Colonel Kimball, was left. as an outpost. A camp was established at the eastern foot of
Virginia (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
es), and opposing the advance of National troops, both from Northwestern Virginia and from Pennsylvania, by whom it was threatened. Major-Gemmunication of the insurgents with Robert Patterson. Northwestern Virginia, and force them to retire and leave that region in the possac, others equally stirring and important were occurring in Northwestern Virginia. For a month after the dash on Romney, June 11, 1861. Col put in execution. Porterfield was succeeded in command in Northwestern Virginia by General Robert S. Garnett, a meritorious officer, who seroad over the mountains to Staunton, and the chief highway to Southern Virginia. Pegram boasted that his position could not be turned, becau richly ornamented. The buttons bore the coat of arms of the State of Virginia, and the star on his shoulder-strap was richly studded with bemy the granaries that would be needed to supply the troops in Eastern Virginia, without a severer struggle. General Robert E. Lee succeeded
Swan Point (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
d. Since the 19th of April, the important post of Harper's Ferry, on the Upper Potomac, had been occupied by a body of insurgents, See page 392. composed chiefly of Virginia and Kentucky riflemen. A regiment of the latter, under Colonel Blanton Duncan, took position on Maryland Hights, opposite the Stockade on Maryland Hights. Ferry, where they constructed a stockade and established a fortified camp. Early in June, 1861. the number of troops at and near the confluence of the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers was full twelve thousand, composed of infantry, artillery, and cavalry. Kentucky Rifleman. On the 23d of May, Joseph E. Johnston took the command of the insurgent forces at Harper's Ferry and in the Shenandoah Valley. He was a veteran soldier and meritorious officer, having the rank of captain of Topographical Engineers under the flag of his country, which he had lately abandoned. He now bore the commission of brigadier in the service of the conspirators, and
Hainesville (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
delphia City Cavalry, in the highway, and advanced to the attack, in the face of a warm fire of musketry and artillery. A severe contest ensued, in which McMullen's Philadelphia company of Independent Rangers participated. It lasted less than half an hour, when Lieutenant Hudson's cannon had silenced those of the insurgents, and Colonel George H. Thomas's brigade was coming up to the support of Abercrombie. Perceiving this, Jackson fled, hotly pursued about five miles, to the hamlet of Hainesville, where the chase was abandoned. Having been reenforced by the arrival of General Bee and Colonel Elzy, and the Ninth Georgia Regiment, Johnston had sent a heavy force out to the support of Jackson, and the Unionists thought it prudent not to pursue further. Jackson halted and encamped at Bunker's Hill, on the road between Martinsburg and Winchester. The skirmish (which is known as the Battle of Falling Waters) and the chase occupied about two hours. It was a brilliant little affair, fo
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
this is a view of the ancient Church which gives the name to the village, mentioned on page 526, as it appeared when the writer visited and sketched it, at the close of April, 1865.. the Church is a cotemporary with Pohick Church, near Mount Vernon, built before the Revolution, of brick, and in a style similar to the latter. It is about eight miles north of Alexandria, and the same distance west of Washington City. The village that has grown up around the Church was built chiefly by Massachusetts people who had settled there, but the congregation of this Church (Episcopalians) were chiefly native Virginians, and were nearly all secessionists. Their rector, a secessionist, afraid to pray for the President of the United States or for Jefferson Davis. When the war broke out, took the safe course of praying for the Governor of Virginia. The Church is now (1865) a ruin, made so by the National troops, who took out all of its wood-work for timber and fuel, and had commenced taking t
Guyandotte (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
lellan thus summed up the results in a dispatch to the War Department: We have completely annihilated the enemy in Western Virginia. Our loss is about thirteen killed, and not more than forty wounded; while the enemy's loss is not far from two hundred killed; and the number of prisoners we have taken will amount to at least one thousand. We have captured seven of the enemy's guns in all. General Cox had been successful in the Kanawha Valley. He crossed the Ohio at the mouth of the Guyandotte River, captured Barboursville July 12, 1861. after a slight skirmish, and pushed on to the Kanawha River. Wise was then in the valley of that stream, below Charleston, the capital of Kanawha County, and had an outpost at Scareytown, composed of a small force under Captain Patton. This was attacked by fifteen hundred Ohio troops under Colonel Lowe, who were repulsed. That night, the assailed insurgents fled up the valley to Wise's camp, and gave him such an alarming. account of the number
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