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Gettysburg (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
r, with friends already mentioned (Messrs. Buckingham and Young), visited the theater of Sheridan's exploits in the Shenandoah Valley, from the Opequan and Winchester to Fisher's Hill, early in October, 1866. See page 400, volume II. We left Gettysburg in a carriage, for Harper's Ferry, on the morning of the first, and followed the line of march of the corps of Howard and Sickles, when moving northward from Frederick, in the summer of 1863. See page 59. We passed through the picturesque region into which the road to Emmettsburg led us, with the South Mountain range on our right, dined at Creagerstown, twenty miles from Gettysburg, and rode through Frederick toward evening, stopping only long enough to make the sketch of Barbara Freitchie's house. See page 466, volume II. Then we passed along the magnificent Cumberland road over the lofty mountain range west of Frederick, into the delightful Middletown Valley. From the road, on the summit of that range, we had some of the most
Georgetown (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
rce was driven, in some confusion, to Martinsburg, with a loss of twelve hundred men, including General Mulligan, See an account of Mulligan's defense of Lexington, in Missouri, volume II., page 69. who was killed. Early pursued as far as that town, and on the following day July 25. there was a sharp cannon fight there, which enabled Crook to get his trains safely across the Potomac. He followed with his troops, and Early was left sole master of the southern side of the river, from Shepherdstown to Williamsport. Emboldened by his success, and animated by the knowledge that he had many sympathizers in Maryland and Western Pennsylvania, Early sent about three thousand cavalry, under McCausland, Johnson, and others, upon a plundering and devastating raid in the direction of the Susquehanna. They swept in excentric lines over the country, thereby distracting the armed defenders of it, and on the 30th of July entered the defenseless and partially deserted village of Chambersburg,
Aiken's Landing (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
mplated movement of Meade's army against the right flank of the Confederates at Petersburg. And so the enterprise promised success for the Nationals, at one end of the line at least. Birney was to cross the river at Deep Bottom, and Ord at Aiken's Landing, eight miles above. Both were to be on the north side of the river, and ready to advance rapidly at daybreak on the morning of the 29th of September. Birney was to capture the Confederate works in front of Deep Bottom, and gain the New Mareral occupied the two log-houses seen in the front, and his staff some of the smaller ones near. The mansion is seen in the rear of Headquarters. General Butler established his Headquarters at the mansion of a farm about two miles from Aiken's Landing, and one from Dutch Gap. Professor Coppee, author of Grant and his Campaigns, was furnished, by an officer of the Lieutenant-General's staff, with the following tabular statement of casualties in the Army of the Potomac, from May 5 to Nov
Chambersburg, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
ederates in the Shenandoah Valley, 348. the burning of Chambersburg retreat of the Confederates across the Potomac, 349. nd as the proper person for burning the city of Chambersburg, in Pennsylvania. For a full account of the conduct of this man and his followers, at Chambersburg, see the narrative of the burning of that place, by the Reverend B. S. Schenck, D. D., wtered the defenseless and partially deserted village of Chambersburg, Capital of Franklin County, and then containing abothem by bullets from concealed places. The citizens of Chambersburg were non-combatants, and innocent of all crime in related cavalry, was at Greencastle, ten miles distant, when Chambersburg was fired, charged by General Couch to watch the raiderfficient effect to save McConnellstown from the fate of Chambersburg. All Western Pennsylvania and Upper Maryland were fill back. They had reached Harper's Ferry on the day when Chambersburg was burnt, and were there joined by some of Hunter's lo
Strasburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
nd contented himself with driving him toward Strasburg, and keeping the way into Maryland and Pennsery strong position of Fisher's Hill, beyond Strasburg, about twenty miles south of Winchester. Creek, about half way between Middletown and Strasburg, and made his Headquarters near, at the fineetown, a little village five miles north of Strasburg, the forces all tending in their route towarfect rout. In great disorder, Bridge near Strasburg. this is a view of the bridge, half a mile from Strasburg, where Early lost his artillery Sheridan's sharp-shooters killed the artillery hor pressed along the narrower dirt road beyond Strasburg, the way became clogged by masses of men, waned, and hiring a light carriage, went on to Strasburg, stopping at Cedar Creek on the way. After m in the direction of Winchester, overlooking Strasburg at our feet, and Middletown a little beyond, Massanutten Mountains nearer. We supped at Strasburg that evening, and at nine o'clock took passa[3 more...]
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
enandoah Valley. Another invasion of Maryland, by the Confederates, 341. Confederates raid Shenandoah Valley, and its door opening into Maryland at Harper's Ferry, guarded only by a moderated move rapidly to and across the Potomac into Maryland, with the threefold object, it appears, of dr This young man was a member of a respectable Maryland family. le entered the Confederate service ar Tyler. These were composed of the Third (Maryland) Potomac Home Brigade, Colonel Charles Gilpin was estimated at $250,000. The invasion cost Maryland, according to the report of the committee of of Governor Bradford and Montgomery Blair, in Maryland, as we have observed. Circumstances alter cahambersburg. All Western Pennsylvania and Upper Maryland were filled with a panic. It was the genehe protection of Washington from seizure, and Maryland and Pennsylvania from invasion, and he proceeithheld consent, for, in the event of defeat, Maryland and Pennsylvania would be laid open for anoth[19 more...]
Cemetery Hill (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
rant had been waiting for was now offered. The lines before him were weakened, and Early was yet in the Shenandoah Valley; so he arranged for an explosion of the mine on the morning of the 30th, and a co-operating assault upon the Confederate works in front of Burnside's corps, where, within one hundred and fifty yards of his lies, a strong six gun fort projected beyond the average of the front of his adversary. This was the doomed fortification. About four hundred yards behind it was Cemetery Hill, crowned by a battery, which commanded Petersburg and the most important of the Confederate works. It was believed that if that crest could be seized and held by the Nationals, the city must quickly fall, with heavy loss to its defenders. This crest was, therefore, the chief objective in the impending assault. Every thing was in readiness on the night of the 29th of July. The explosion was to be followed by an immediate opening of the great guns all along the front, and by an assau
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
he Army of the Potomac should be placed on the south side of the James River. See note 3, page 332. At about the time we are considering —re of Fort Darling, on Drewry's Bluff, looking directly down the James River. The single bird in the distance is over the place of the fortied to be Washington City. That night August 12, it went up the James River to Deep Bottom; but so tardy was the debarkation, that an intendk, who, as we have seen, had been called from the north bank of the James, and who had moved with a part of his corps rapidly toward the Weldost important of these works was on a hill on the right bank of the James, near the dwelling of Dr. Howlett, and known as the Howlett House Br as much as possible, they excavated the high alluvial bank of the James, and there built their huts to dwell in, and to use as a shelter frt Dutch Gap. this was the appearance of the north bank of the James River, at Dutch Gap, when the writer sketched it, at the close of 1864
Port Republic (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
nded, in a complete victory for Sheridan, the battle of Fisher's Hill. Meanwhile Torbert and his horsemen had been held in check at Milford, in the Luray Valley, by a cavalry force under General Wickham, who had fought Wilson at Front Royal the previous day. Sept. 21, 1864. This check doubtless saved Early's army from total Sheridan's Headquarters near Cedar Creek. destruction by capture or dispersion. Sheridan followed the Confederates sharply, chasing them with horse and foot to Port Republic, See page 899, Volume II. where he destroyed Early's train of seventy-five wagons. Thence he sent his cavalry in pursuit as far as Staunton, where the remnant of Early's army sought and found shelter in the passes of the Blue Ridge. At Staunton the Nationals destroyed a large amount of army supplies, and passing on to Waynesborough, they laid waste the Virginia Central railway, and burned a large Confederate tannery. The cavalry was then recalled, and Sheridan with his whole army w
Wade Hampton (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
back, the guns were recaptured, and a thousand of their men were made prisoners. Others, in their flight, to the number of two hundred, rushed into Crawford's lines, and were captured. Had that officer been ordered to advance at that moment, the capture or dispersion of Heth's whole force might have been the result. Ayres was on the way, but night fell, and he halted before reaching Hancock, who, meanwhile, had been sorely pressed on his left and rear by five brigades of cavalry under Wade Hampton. Gregg fought them gallantly, and Hancock sent him all the infantry supports he could spare. The conflict continued until after dark, and the Confederates had gained no ground, when the struggle known as the battle of the Boydton road ended. In these encounters Hancock lost about fifteen hundred men, and his antagonist at least an equal number. Uncertain whether the forces of Ayres and Crawford Army Cabin. this shows the form of some of the better class of Army cabins. They were
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