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ed in the surrender to yourself of Island 10, and finally, to the capture by General Pope, of the forts on the Tennessee shore, and the retreating rebels under General Mackall. I would also, in this connection, render the acknowledgements which are justly due the officers and crew of the several boats, who, in conjunction with a detachment of the Forty-second Illinois regiment, under Colonel Roberts, captured the first rebel battery and spiked the guns on Island No.10, on the night of the 1st inst.; such services are duly appreciated by the Department, which extends its thanks to all who participated in the achievement. I am respectfully, your obedient servant, Gideon Welles. Flag-officer A. H. Foote, Commanding Gun-boat Flotilla. Forwarded with the order that this paper, which the commander-in-chief is most happy in transmitting to the brave and gallant officers and men to whom it refers,shall be publicly read on board the Carondelet and Pittsburg, and afterwards retaine
kson), dated April 4, 1872. Your mortar-boats were placed in position on the afternoon of the 17th of April, 1862, and opened fire at once upon Fort Jackson, where my headquarters were established. The practice was excellent from the commencement of the fire to the end, and continued, without intermission, until the morning of the 24th of April, when the fleet passed at about four o'clock. Nearly every shell of the many thousand fired at the fort lodged inside of the works. On the first night of the attack, the citadel and all buildings in rear of the fort were fired by bursting shell, and also the sand-bag walls that had been thrown around the magazine doors. The fire, as you are aware, raged with great fury, and no effort of ours could subdue it. At this time, and nearly all this night, Fort Jackson was helpless; its magazines were inaccessible, and we could have offered no resistance to a passing fleet. The next morning a terrible scene of destruction presented its
enced the bombardment of Fort Jackson on the 16th, which was the earliest day possible after the arrival of coal. On the first day the citadel was set on fire, and burnt until two o'clock the next morning. On the 17th we made but little apparent ise articles are very much wanted in the squadron. The Hartford is almost the only ship that has not lost both. On the first day's fire of the enemy they put a shot through one of the mortar vessels and killed one man but did not destroy her effitroops until the forts surrendered. I then proceeded and landed seven hundred and fifty troops at New Orleans on the first instant. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, A. D. Harrell, Lieutenant-Commander. Commander D. D. Porter. Commanand remained there in terrible suspense until it became evident that the fuse had gone out, and they were safe. On the first night of the firing, when the citadel and outhouses were all in flames, the magazine was in very great danger for some ti
give justice to whom justice is due. Very truly, yours, D. G. Farragut, Admiral. Rear-Admiral T. Bailey, U. S. Navy. P. S.--By referring to pages 334 and 335--337, of Draper's history, you will find that he gives you all the credit claimed by your own report, as well as that given you by mine. D. G. F. Response of Rear-Admiral Bailey.Washington, D. C., April 27, 1869. My Dear Admiral — I have received and carefully read your letter of the 3rd, in reply to mine of the 1st instant, and admit all you say about prominently mentioning my name to the Department. But your remark: As to historians, I can do nothing. This is so; but the difficulty is, that the historians derived their erroneous account of the battle from your report of the 6th of May, 1862, and from the diagram which you sent to the Department, as the true order of sailing into the battle with the forts. Those who have written on the subject are not to be blamed for using the official reports of the oc
t across its mouth. Great rafts were left in this dry channel as the water ran off and bushes and vines now grew thickly around them and tied them together as with withes. Overhanging trees joined together over the channel — and their branches were so low that steamers could not pass without having their smoke-pipes knocked down and all their boats and upper-works swept away. The current was running swiftly, for the vessels entered the cut before the water had reached its level. On the first day, not more than six miles was made, and this was only accomplished by all hands going to work and sawing or cutting away the obstructions. Colonel Wilson, an Army engineer, who directed all this kind of work, was a thoughtful, energetic man, and he conducted the operations in an intelligent manner, and though the vessels did not make very rapid headway, they did wonderfully well considering the difficulties. They all had to be carefully handled with hawsers around the bends, for the Y
come out boldly and try conclusions with the sailors. The retreat to the boats was conducted by Acting-Master Harris, with the most admirable coolness, and the expedition throughout was characterized by a degree of discipline, courage and energy not often met with even among the best trained troops. It shows how carefully the men of the Navy were drilled and how well commanded. On this occasion, although the Union force suffered a good deal while on the beach, they never swerved for one instant. Three of the sailors were killed, and their names are mentioned as an inducement for others to show an equal bravery. They were James Warrall, John Roddy and Joseph O'Donnell, all seamen. Ten men were wounded severely, and we are sorry not to be able to chronicle their names also, for no seamen ever deserved better! Acting-Ensigns Randall and Koehler were wounded, and four men were made prisoners. This is the last of Rear-Admiral Bailey's operations up to October, 1863, and alt
elief that not a shot or shell was fired by the advanced line of ships that did not either penetrate the earth-works of the enemy or explode within them. On the first day, 1,569 projectiles were fired from the Colorado into the fort. This ship (Colorado) planted 230 shot in the enemy's works on the 25th, and exploded 996 shellsimpressions as to the damage done to the enemy's work, the effect of our firing, and the defensibility of the fort after we had finished the bombardment. On the first day, the 24th, this ship was in line of attack and opened fire on Fort Fisher at 12:50 P. M., being then within good 10-second range. The fire was kept up, with oout of their bomb-proofs or to work their guns would have been attended with great loss of life to the rebels, and would have proven a fruitless attempt. On the first day we delivered two hundred and seventeen (217) 9-inch shells, fifty-nine 59) one hundred-pound rifles, and eighty-nine (89) thirty-pound rifle shells. On the se
tates Steamer Canonicus, off Fort Fisher, N. C., January 17, 1865. Sir — I have the honor to report that during the actions of the 13th, 14th and 15th instant, which resulted in the capture of Fort Fisher, this ship engaged that work at a distance of seven hundred (700) yards, perhaps a little closer on the 15th, as the smoothness of the sea enabled me to go into shoaler water than on the preceding days, having at one time only a foot and a half of water to spare under our keel. On the first day of the attack, the 13th, the enemy replied vigorously to our fire until late in the afternoon, when the heavier ships, coming into line, soon drove them into their bomb-proofs. Soon after we had taken position, it became evident that, since the previous attack, a reinforcement of experienced artillerists had been received in the fort, as its fire was much more accurate and spirited than before. They soon obtained our range and struck the ship frequently, while many shots fell close alo
time, Hood's losses since he invaded the State of Tennessee sum up as follows: Six (6) general officers killed, six (6) wounded and one (1) taken prisoner at Franklin--thirteen in all, and about six thousand (6,000) men killed, wounded and taken prisoners at same battle. On the 8th instant, at Murfreesboroa, he had one (1) general officer wounded, about one thousand (1,000) men killed, and two hundred and seven (207) taken prisoners, losing two (2) pieces of artillery. In the battles of the 1st and 16th instant, before Nashville, he had one (1) lieutenant-general severely wounded, one (1) major-general and three (3) brigadier-generals, with four thousand four hundred and sixty-two (4 462) officers and men made prisoners, besides losing fifty-three (53) pieces of artillery and over three thousand (3,000) stand of small-arms. During his retreat we have captured fifteen (15) more guns, and from fifteen hundred (1,500) to two thousand (2,000) prisoners, and a large number of small-ar
he line of fire. It was thought that the guns in the masked battery were rifled and of very heavy calibre [?]as their projectiles were thrown beyond the Richmond. At the end of the first day's bombardment the ships retired, uninjured. On the second day they took up about the same positions, but their shells failed to reach the forts, while the Commander says, the enemy's shells fell thick about us, some passing over the ships, and far beyond them. Therefore, says the Flag Officer, I deemedor the present. This indifference arose from the fact that they had no ammunition to use in the guns which they had found in the Navy Yard — but they were biding their time and would no doubt be heard from when the opportunity offered. On the second day after the arrival of the Powhatan, a flotilla, composed of steam tugs, schooners and large launches, filled with soldiers, was seen to be coming from the direction of Pensacola, and heading for the two ships lying outside of Santa Rosa Island
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