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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 39: Miscellaneous operations, land and sea.--operations in the Nansemond, Cape Fear, Pamunky, Chucka Tuck and James Rivers.--destruction of blockade-runners.--adventures of Lieutenant Cushing, etc. (search)
superiority they had won, and kept open the rivers the enemy had fought so hard to close against them. By the possession of the Mississippi, the Confederacy was cut in twain. The Union Army was constantly increasing, and, in place of the raw volunteers of 1861, who could hardly handle a musket, the Union could boast of nearly a million of veteran soldiers. Grant was now called East to command, as Lieutenant-General, all the armies of the United States; while his most able coadjutor, General Sherman, with an army of veterans famous on many a field, was to commence his march through the South, and join Grant before the defences of Richmond. The military history of the year 1864 will show the delusion under which the Southern leaders rested — that it was only necessary for the South to remain in statu quo, winning no victories in the field, and to demonstrate their endurance, to gain the desired end. The Federal Army was most complete in all its equipments, and its discipline was
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 40: (search)
and batteries. Manoeuvres of Generals Grant, Sherman and Butler, and of Confederate armies. speec important matters. On the 2d of September Sherman entered Atlanta, Georgia, as a conqueror. my which Johnston had so ably commanded, gave Sherman fresh spirits, and he moved upon Atlanta quitite of all his forces. Hood was no match for Sherman, and, by capturing Atlanta. the latter had a to the latter's being relieved from command, Sherman would have been confronted by an army twice tes to cheer up the people, declaring that General Sherman could be driven back, Atlanta recovered, he effect of all this was to inform Grant and Sherman of the new plan of operations decided on by tosing the plans of the enemy and enabling General Sherman to fully meet them. Mr. Davis exhibited me. With the dispositions made by the enemy, Sherman felt sure he would have nothing in his rear oe and his army from escaping southward. When Sherman made a junction at Goldsboro, N. C., with the[8 more...]
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 41: the Red River expedition, under Major-General N. P. Banks, assisted by the Navy under Rear-Admiral David D. Porter. (search)
er the fall of Vicksburg and Port Hudson, General Sherman proposed to Admiral Porter an expedition f disaster. The Admiral had written to General Sherman that he did not think the time propitious and when he arrived in Natchez he found that Sherman had gone to New Orleans to see General Banks.on in the great raid through the South, which Sherman afterwards so successfully accomplished witho. Fortunately, as matters turned out, General Sherman was able to overcome all obstacles that iy. The Admiral therefore determined that, if Sherman gave up the enterprise, he would co-operate wll his energies to extricate himself. When Sherman returned from New Orleans, he informed the Adr had been associated with Generals Grant and Sherman in the midst of intricate and embarrassing ope exclaimed, What, in the name of Heaven, did Sherman send me these ragged guerillas for? At MansfSmith, when allowed, with his command, by General Sherman, to take part in this expedition, was ord[3 more...]
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 42: Red River expedition.--continued. (search)
nfantry on the Washington road. I yielded to Sherman and Blunt as far as this plan is concerned. B. wants me to move by Munroe to Red River; Sherman wants me to go by Camden and Overton to Shreveple telegraphs that Banks with 17,000 men, and Sherman with 10,000, move from Alexandria on Shrevepolied that he should co-operate with Banks and Sherman, unless you direct otherwise. His objections successful as the Arkansas Post expedition. Sherman was willing to listen to the Admiral, and thety and capture it, which would have been when Sherman began his march to the sea. This would have left no enemies in Sherman's rear. He would have had the railroads open behind him, including the impt on the part of the Confederates to pursue Sherman's rear; and in case of necessity the Federalsn, but I was directed to communicate with General Sherman and General Steele and Admiral Porter upo detachment of 10,000 from the command of General Sherman, and a force of from 15,000 to 17,000 men[23 more...]
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 47: operations of South Atlantic Blockading Squadron, under Rear-admiral Dahlgren, during latter end of 1863 and in 1864. (search)
earts of those who ruled the destinies of the South. In Virginia the supply of breadstuff was practically exhausted. The negro field-hands were absconding for fear of being employed in the army, and were taking refuge in the Union lines, while Sherman's march through the South had cut off all supplies of grain or cattle from that region. It may be imagined, then, how important it was for the Confederate armies that the blockade-runners should now and then obtain safe entrance into the Southe only rendezvous the Confederates had from the entrance of Hatteras Inlet to the capes of Florida; and so uncertain was this, that there was no knowing how soon the Federal Government would take proper measures to stop it, even if the advance of Sherman's army through the South did not cause the evacuation of Wilmington. The Navy, it is true, did not succeed in capturing Charleston, but it closed that port against blockade-runners so completely that it was forbidden ground to them. This was
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 49: first attack on Fort Fisher.--destruction of the confederate ram Albemarle, etc. (search)
into Nassau to concoct new plans to circumvent the Federal cruisers; but from that time the business grew more and more unprofitable, for in thirty-seven days some six million of dollars worth of property was captured or destroyed. While General Sherman was marching through the South, he used up everything in the shape of provisions for the support of an army, and the enemy at Richmond depended in a great measure on what supplies they could get from Nassau for the maintenance of 300,000 men time learned the particulars of the expedition, and were prepared, as they thought, to defeat it. Many combined operations in different parts of the world have failed from want of concert between the Army and the Navy, but none of Grant's or Sherman's operations were endangered by this cause, owing to the harmony with which the two branches of the service acted together; and both those distinguished officers were careful to express their wishes in such a way as to be agreeable to all concer
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 50: Second attack on Fort Fisher. (search)
have this day succeeded in handing to Major-General Sherman the cypher dispatch intrusted to me byatisfaction of meeting the rear scouts of General Sherman's forces on the Lumber Bridge road, aboutquarters until 1 P. M. this afternoon. General Sherman received the dispatch, and expressed himsn in his march to the sea. About this time Sherman had captured Savannah and General Grant had rmy in Tennessee by General Thomas, which left Sherman at liberty to march through the Carolinas witdestroyed all the railroads in their rear. Sherman's object was to effect a junction with Grant, at either place. In his official report General Sherman says: Without wasting time or labor on BrColumbia, after making a feint on Charleston, Sherman advanced to Fayetteville and Goldsborough, whr causes they soon began to melt away. Still Sherman was not master of the situation until he had o Smithfield. The junction of Schofield with Sherman's army was made next day, the 23d of March, 1[8 more...]
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 51: effects of the fall of Fort Fisher, and criticisms on General Badeau's military history of General Grant. (search)
e 40,000 men under General J. E. Johnston. Sherman always supposed that Fort Fisher and the otheral Navy. General Johnston was in advance of Sherman all the time; and, having assembled his army der. with a force of 80,000 men, would allow Sherman to join Grant without a struggle, which mightm with provisions by the same routes; so that Sherman could advance through Georgia and South Carol resistance, though he did attempt to prevent Sherman reaching Goldsborough — a forlorn hope. Mrpowerful army kept the field. A check to General Sherman in his progress through the Southern swampart of the enemy's forces, now looking after Sherman in Georgia. The directions you have given foant had also planned [!] to take advantage of Sherman's march by a new movement on the At lantic co part of the enemy's forces now looking after Sherman in Georgia. This would indicate that Generaleneral-in-chief to look forward to supporting Sherman's future movements and presented an opportuni[4 more...]
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 52: operations about Charleston, 1865.--fall of Charleston, Savannah, etc. (search)
considered that the investment was complete. Sherman summoned General Hardee, the Confederate commr, to surrender, which request being declined Sherman prepared to attack the enemy's works. The Fe him from beating a speedy retreat as soon as Sherman's advance-guard hove in sight of his outpostsd all the points around it were garrisoned by Sherman's troops. As it was General Sherman's inteGeneral Sherman's intention to move northward as soon as he had secured Savannah against any attempts on the part of the ce of the army he had some hope of reducing. Sherman, however, did not favor this plan, being sati so suddenly abandoned on the approach of General Sherman's army; but the Confederates in the city did not know what Sherman's intentions might be, and they very naturally thought it best to evacuaton to enable him to get in the advance of General Sherman and reach Raleigh and join his forces to destroyed. In the panic at the movements of Sherman's army most of these places had been hurriedl[23 more...]
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 53: operations of the West Gulf Squadron in the latter part of 1864, and in 1865.--joint operations in Mobile Bay by Rear-Admiral Thatcher and General Canby. (search)
e to understand that there was anything fatal, in a military point of view, in Sherman's memorable march, though they received daily news of his successful marchingsface, it was when General Joe Johnston was brought to bay at Smithsville, with Sherman's hardy veterans (that had marched through the South) confronting him, and thepted this as their creed with which to delude their suffering people; and when Sherman was marching his irresistible army all through the South, they could see nothiat the feast of Belshazzar. All the deluded people should have known that, as Sherman's army sped along, everything in the shape of a soldier left the side-points oand from Gettysburg. The fact is, the Confederacy was in its last throes when Sherman started from Columbia, and the people of the South everywhere (owing to what te same basis and terms as were granted by General Grant to General Lee, by General Sherman to General Johnston, and by General Canby to General Taylor, which last su