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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore). Search the whole document.

Found 2 total hits in 2 results.

Charles Godfrey Leland (search for this): chapter 56
21. out and fight. Out and fight The clouds are breaking, Far and wide the red light streams, North and west see millions waking, From their night-mare, doubting dreams, War is coming. As the thunder Mid the mountain caverns rolls, Driving rains in torrents under, So the wild roar wakes our souls. Out and fight! The time is over For all truce and compromise, Words of calm are words of folly, Peaceful dreams are painted lies; Sumter's flames in Southern waters, Are the first wild beacon light, And on Northern hills reflected Give the signal for the fight. Out and fight! Endure no longer, Goading insult, brazen guilt; Be the battle to the knife blade, And the knife blade to the hilt, Till the sacred zone of Freedom Girds the whole Atlantic strand, And the braggart and the Gascon Be extinguished in the land. Chas. G. Leland, in Vanity Fair April 27.
April 27th (search for this): chapter 56
21. out and fight. Out and fight The clouds are breaking, Far and wide the red light streams, North and west see millions waking, From their night-mare, doubting dreams, War is coming. As the thunder Mid the mountain caverns rolls, Driving rains in torrents under, So the wild roar wakes our souls. Out and fight! The time is over For all truce and compromise, Words of calm are words of folly, Peaceful dreams are painted lies; Sumter's flames in Southern waters, Are the first wild beacon light, And on Northern hills reflected Give the signal for the fight. Out and fight! Endure no longer, Goading insult, brazen guilt; Be the battle to the knife blade, And the knife blade to the hilt, Till the sacred zone of Freedom Girds the whole Atlantic strand, And the braggart and the Gascon Be extinguished in the land. Chas. G. Leland, in Vanity Fair April 27.