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Washington (United States) 273 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore). Search the whole document.

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Five Thousand (search for this): chapter 8
8. a suggestion, to Major Anderson. Although without question All credit is due To your courage and skill, Dear Anderson; still, One little suggestion V. F. makes to you. Why didn't you throw, When the first bullet fell Round your fort, a few shell Ten inches or so Towards the town Where they say, All the people came down To see, through their glasses (The pitiful asses!) How soon stout Fort Sumter would crumble away? Suppose that a bomb-- Or a dozen — had come Majestically sailing Right over the railing, That runs round the green, (Which a delicate flattery Has christened “The Battery,” ) How many brave Southerners there had been seen? And each beautiful lady Of the “Five Thousand” fair, Who “held themselves ready” Would they have staid there? 'Twas a thing to have done, If only for fun, Just to show how the gallant spectators could run! --Vanity Fa
Robert Anderson (search for this): chapter 8
8. a suggestion, to Major Anderson. Although without question All credit is due To your courage and skill, Dear Anderson; still, One little suggestion V. F. makes to you. Why didn't you throw, When the first bullet fell Round your fort, a few shell Ten inches or so Towards the town Where they say, All the people came down To see, through their glasses (The pitiful asses!) How soon stout Fort Sumter would crumble away? Suppose that a bomb-- Or a dozen — had come Majestically sailing Right ovAnderson; still, One little suggestion V. F. makes to you. Why didn't you throw, When the first bullet fell Round your fort, a few shell Ten inches or so Towards the town Where they say, All the people came down To see, through their glasses (The pitiful asses!) How soon stout Fort Sumter would crumble away? Suppose that a bomb-- Or a dozen — had come Majestically sailing Right over the railing, That runs round the green, (Which a delicate flattery Has christened “The Battery,” ) How many brave Southerners there had been seen? And each beautiful lady Of the “Five Thousand” fair, Who “held themselves ready” Would they have staid there? 'Twas a thing to have done, If only for fun, Just to show how the gallant spectators could run! --Vanity
April 27th (search for this): chapter 8
8. a suggestion, to Major Anderson. Although without question All credit is due To your courage and skill, Dear Anderson; still, One little suggestion V. F. makes to you. Why didn't you throw, When the first bullet fell Round your fort, a few shell Ten inches or so Towards the town Where they say, All the people came down To see, through their glasses (The pitiful asses!) How soon stout Fort Sumter would crumble away? Suppose that a bomb-- Or a dozen — had come Majestically sailing Right over the railing, That runs round the green, (Which a delicate flattery Has christened “The Battery,” ) How many brave Southerners there had been seen? And each beautiful lady Of the “Five Thousand” fair, Who “held themselves ready” Would they have staid there? 'Twas a thing to have done, If only for fun, Just to show how the gallant spectators could run! --Vanity Fair, Apr