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A. Lincoln (search for this): chapter 27
report to you of the nineteenth instant, the number of our wounded was stated at about nine thousand, and the number receiving hospital treatment at one thousand six hundred and thirty. Both of these amounts are wrong. On the authority of Dr. Letterman, our medical director, the whole number of wounded is between six and seven thousand. About one half of these are receiving treatment in the hospitals. A. E. Burnside, Major-General Commanding Army of the Potomac. Proclamation of President Lincoln. Executive mansion, Washington, December 23, 1862. To the Army of the Potomac: I have just read your Commanding General's preliminary report of the battle of Fredericksburgh. Although you were not successful, the attempt was not an error, nor the failure other than accident. The courage with which you on an open field maintained the contest against an intrenched foe, and the consummate skill and success with which you crossed and re-crossed the river in the face of the enemy,
William Jameson (search for this): chapter 27
tailed on special duty on the other side of the river, with the pioneers, and was not present in the action. In conclusion, I beg leave to state that the officers behaved with exemplary coolness, and the men with the steadiness and courage of veterans. I wish also particularly to mention the efficient services of Colonel John D. McGregor, Fourth New-York volunteers, wounded in the arm; Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Albright, One Hundred and Thirty-second Pennsylvania volunteers; Lieutenant-Colonel Wm. Jameson, Fourth New-York volunteers; Major Thomas A. Smyth, First Delaware volunteers; Major Charles Kruger, Fourth New-York volunteers, and Captain Salmon Winchester, an accomplished gentleman and a true soldier, who fell mortally wounded, while commanding and leading on his regiment, the Tenth New-York volunteers. Also, to the valuable aid afforded me by the gentlemen of my staff, Lieutenant W. P. Saville, A. A.G.; Lieutenant Theodore Rogers, A. D., severely wounded by my side, while
argest measure of pride justified by this achievement. Immediately on the receipt of this news, an order reached me from Brig.-Gen. Hancock to move forward the brigade and take up a position closer to the river. In this new position we remained all night. At seven o'clock the following morning we were under arms, and in less than two hours the head of the brigade presented itself on the opposite bank of the river. The order of march observed by the division in crossing was follows: Col. Zooks, commanding French's old brigade, led the way. The Irish brigade came next. Brig.-Gen. Caldwell brought up the rear. Passing along the edge of the river to the lower bridge, the brigade halted, countermarched, stacked arms, and in this position, ankle-deep in mud, and with little or nothing to contribute to their comfort, in complete subordination and good heart, awaited further orders. An order promulgated by Major-General Couch, commanding the corps, prohibited fires after nightfall
Thomas H. Hunt (search for this): chapter 27
Jacob Hinderleighter, missing. Company E--Sergeant A. O. McDonald, limb amputated; Corporals, Ambrose Haines, face; S. S. Baldwin, shoulder; privates, Foster Blakely, leg, flesh; Daniel Dorn, face; Sanford Baymer, abdomen. Company F--Sergt. Thomas T. Colwell, breast, slight; privates, James M. Greenfield, leg ; Eleazur B. Holmes, foot, badly; Joseph Crane, arm, slight. Company G--Corporal John C. Sholes, arm, badly; privates, S. S. Basna, side, badly; Rodger Noble, lost a hand. Thomas H. Hunt, Major Commanding Seventh Michigan Volunteers. Colonel Potter's letter. headquarters Fifty-First regiment N. Y. Volunteers, opposite Fredericksburgh, December 16, 1862. my dear----: We started to attack Fredericksburgh and the enemy's works in the rear of it, on the morning of Friday, the twelfth, and experienced so much difficulty in getting the pontoons across, that at headquarters they began to despair. Finally, part of the Seventh Michigan, and I believe, Twentieth Mass
Old Bull Sumner (search for this): chapter 27
y of the Potomac is composed of three grand divisions, commanded by Sumner, Franklin, and Hooker. Each grand division is divided into corps; that the bull was to be taken directly by the horns, and that Old Bull Sumner was going to do it with his division. The idea entertained atthe music of the day. Nearer Fredericksburgh the massive columns of Sumner's grand division were seen in motion, pressing on to cross the rivee river, Franklin's lines were nearly at right angles with those of Sumner, pushing out of the city, the two pressing the enemy in the angle. r, sweeping in a heavy gallop to the right, to take position at General Sumner's headquarters, the Phillips House, from which a perfect view oed their places, when the vehement protest and expostulation of General Sumner, who declared his troops unfit for the enterprise, prevailed, acipal generals were for several hours engaged in consultation at Gen. Sumner's headquarters. The night passed with occasional firing of musk
Joel R. Griffin (search for this): chapter 27
ation in the plain, from the crest of which it sloped toward the canal or heights, and by lying flat we managed to escape most of the enemy's fire, and to severely annoy his artillery and infantry on the heights. About half-after four my ammunition began to fail and supports to arrive, and I had permission to withdraw, but I deemed it best to wait until dark, and draw off in company with the Fifty-first Pennsylvania, about six P. M.; the rest of our brigade retired at about the same time. Griffin's brigade and one of Sykes's, composed partly of regulars, held the field Sunday. We relieved them Sunday night, and were in turn relieved at one this morning. We held on Monday the extreme advance-point on the line of our attack here on the left, while Couch's regiments, which had held the field to the left took up a new line some three hundred paces to the rear. This was certainly the most awkward and tiresome position I was ever in. We had to lie perfectly flat, as the enemy could d
enth, was brought to us by telegraph the night of the battle. The next morning a propeller was chartered, laden with stores, and with a special relief party, consisting of Dr. H. G. Clark, Dr. S. C. Foster, Dr. Swan, Dr. Homiston, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Abbott, and Mr. Walter, all connected with the Commission, and, with Rev. Mr. Channing, Mr. Page, Mr. Hall, and Mr. Webster, volunteers, I started at evening for the front. We reached Acquia, landing with our extra supplies at daybreak on Monday, and all of the party, with the exception of Mr. Abbott, Mr. Murray, and myself, were immediately sent forward. They arrived in Fredericksburgh to assist in the removal of the wounded to the field-hospitals, where they were all placed in tents, and, under the circumstances, were well cared for. Our camp had been located near the Phillips House, by Dr. Andrew, as being the most central position, and it was here that I found all of our corps, both those who had come forward the day before, and thos
A. H. Lung (search for this): chapter 27
of the army of the Potomac, in his circular of October thirtieth, was first successfully carried into operation at this time. I respectfully refer you to that circular. Respectfully, J. H. Douglas, Assoc. Sec. Sanitary Commission. Chaplain A. H. Lung's letter. camp near Fredericksburgh, Va., headquarters Thirty-Third N. Y. V., Dec. 23, 1862. General Granger: my dear friend: The last few days have been days of excitement and interest to the army of the Potomac. They will be mem the crisis of this bloody struggle is not far off. May He even grant us wisdom and bravery to give the crowning blow that shall unfurl our banner over every State of this once peaceful, happy, and prosperous Union. Very respectfully yours, A. H. lung, Chaplain Thirty-third New-York Volunteers. Cincinnati commercial account. Falmouth, December 17, 1862. There was much difficulty in the early part of last week in procuring passes from Washington to the line of operations of the a
Jacob Lair (search for this): chapter 27
tes, George Gibbons, company C ; Stephen Balcomb, company G ; Henry Crump, company I. wounded--Lieut.-Colonel Henry Baxter, left shoulder, badly. Company A--Corporal Patrick Furlong, arm broken; privates, Reily Falkner, hand; John G. Clark, head slight. Company B--Privates, Ansil Billings, leg, slight; John Gibbs, hip; James E. Elliott, foot. Company C--Lieut. Henry M. Jackson, arm broken ; Sert. Charles Oakley, hand; Corporal George W. Vaughn, hand and arm. Company D--Privates, Jacob Lair, hip; Horace Roach, arm; Phineas Carter, leg; Edwin Gee, missing; Jacob Hinderleighter, missing. Company E--Sergeant A. O. McDonald, limb amputated; Corporals, Ambrose Haines, face; S. S. Baldwin, shoulder; privates, Foster Blakely, leg, flesh; Daniel Dorn, face; Sanford Baymer, abdomen. Company F--Sergt. Thomas T. Colwell, breast, slight; privates, James M. Greenfield, leg ; Eleazur B. Holmes, foot, badly; Joseph Crane, arm, slight. Company G--Corporal John C. Sholes, arm, b
Philip A. Bowers (search for this): chapter 27
s of our men also were hushed, and nothing was heard along the line save the command: Forward, men — steady — close up. In this manner we continued to advance in the direction of the enemy's batteries. I moved on the right of the regiment, Lieut.-Col. Bowers in the centre, and Major Storer on the left. From some cause the left wing of the Twenty-fifth New-Jersey separated from the right, and the left of my line passed forward and took the advance, the right of the Twenty-fifth still having theme up manfully and bravely to the duty with which he was charged. The men, with one or two exceptions, behaved admirably, not one leaving the field, though stricken with a fire so terrible and sudden. I desire to refer particularly to Lieut.-Colonel Bowers and Major Storer in terms of commandation for their intrepidity and coolness in the advance and attack. With particular pride and pleasure I call your attention to the services of Assistant-Surgeon Richardson, who, in those dreadful days
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