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Savannah (Georgia, United States) 901 143 Browse Search
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Fredericksburgh (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
General Robertson, near Harrisonburgh — Whiting's division, then near Staunton, and Ewell's and Jackson's near Weyer's Cave, Augusta County, Virginia--moved toward Richmond. Lawton's brigade, subsequently of Jackson's division, being part at Staunton and part near Weyer's Cave, moved with the troops nearest their positions. Subsequently Colonel Munford, with his cavalry, marched in the same direction. On the twenty-fifth of June, we reached the vicinity of Ashland, on the Richmond, Fredericksburgh, and Potomac Railroad, about twelve miles from Richmond. The division of Brigadier-General Whiting embraced the Texas brigade, General Hood; the Third brigade, Colonel Law commanding, with the batteries of Rielly and Balthis. The division of Major-General Ewell, the Fourth brigade, General Elzey; the Seventh brigade, General Trimble; and the Eighth brigade, Colonel L. G. Seymour; and the Maryland line, Colonel Bradley T. Johnson, with the batteries of Brockenbrough, Carrington, and
Turkey Bend (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
alleys, which ran out at right angles to a line drawn from our position to that of the enemy, and all of which terminated upon our extreme right in a precipitous bluff, which dropped suddenly down upon a low, flat meadow, covered with wheat, and intersected with a number of ditches, which ran from the bluff across the meadow to a swamp or dense wood, about five hundred yards farther to our right. This low, flat meadow, stretching up to and swinging around Crew's house, extended as far as Turkey Bend, on James River. The enemy had drawn up his artillery (as far as could be ascertained, about fifty pieces) in a crescent-shaped line, the convex line being next to our position, with its right (on our left) resting upon a road which passed three hundred yards to the left of Crew's house, to Malvern Hill; the left of their advanced line of batteries resting upon the high bluff which overlooked the meadow to the right (our right) and rear of Crew's house. Their infantry, a little in rea
Charles City (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
to make the connection with Jackson's command, and we encamped that night at Gatewood's farm. Early on the morning of Wednesday, the second July, my regiment was ordered by yourself to move down by way of Nance's shop and Forge Bridge, to Talleysville, and return by way of Bottom's Bridge; the execution of which order occupied Wednesday, the second, and Thursday, the third July. On the fourth July, I remained in camp, and the fifth reported my command to you at Salem Church, in Charles City County, and on the next day, sixth, in compliance with your order, moved to this place, where I remained until the tenth instant; when, in obedience to an order from General Lee, I moved with my command in the direction of Norman's Ferry, with a view of intercepting a party of the enemy's cavalry, reported to be crossing the Mattapony at Walkerton. Learning, however, that night, from Dr. Walker, who had conveyed to General Lee the intelligence of this supposed move of the enemy, that he had
Turkey Island Creek (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
and inspired his men with such determined resistance, arranging them so as to resist to the best advantage, that the enemy failed in the effort, within three quarters of a mile of his main body, and in his rear. At sundown on the eighth, it being decided to withdraw our forces from before the enemy's position, the cavalry covered the withdrawal of the infantry, and prevented the enemy's having any knowledge of the movement. At daylight, on the ninth, the cavalry proceeded above Turkey Island Creek, with a view to establish a line of cavalry outposts from the vicinity of Shirley, across by Nance's shop to the Chickahominy. On the tenth, a portion of the cavalry was left on this duty, and the remainder, by the direction of the commanding General, marched to a reserve camp. I regret that the very extended field of operations of the cavalry has made this report necessarily long. During the whole period it will be observed that my command was in contact with the enemy. No oppo
New Market (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
ure, Brigadier-General Henry A. Wise reached New Market, coming voluntarily to my support from Chaffand to General Longstreet's position, beyond New Market, on the Darbytown road, a march of over eigh was accepted, to point out a short route to New Market, not practicable for artillery. The troops empted to execute it. I then galloped toward New Market, with the view of hurrying forward the remai hundred and fifty or two hundred,) down the New Market and Charles City roads. It was rumored thed the country around Old Church, toward the New Market road, and discovered that the enemy's cavalrng, down the Darby road, in the direction of New Market, and you would select a position for them. he Darby road where it is intersected by the New Market road, and reported to you through Captain Miegiment, with the brigade, was halted on the New Market road (?) at nine P. M., and aroused again atJackson's army, when we were returned to the New Market road, resting here in line in the sunshine, [20 more...]
Berkeley County (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
, I was enabled to open fire unexpectedly upon the regiment, which proved to be the Forty-second New York, or Tammany regiment, one of the best, it is said, in the service of the enemy. This force was soon driven in confusion and rapidly toward Berkeley. Our skirmishers had captured three prisoners of the enemy and killed them. Pursuit was made as rapidly as the skirmishers could proceed through the woods. The Tammany regiment was, however, too fleet for us, and reached the main body of McClellan's army at Berkeley before we reached it. I was checked in pursuit by finding a brigade in line of battle across the road, and a gunboat getting into position. I had only six rounds of ammunition left for the howitzers, and three hundred men. Many wagons, ambulances, and stores destroyed, and wounded left at Haxall's, disclosed the confusion which must have prevailed in the retreating army. Privates Volney Metcalf and William Barnard, of company A, of the legion, deserve especial notice f
Hanover County (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
he Second Virginia cavalry. The extent of damage to the camp is not precisely known, but believed to be slight — only a few tents. Most respectfully, your obedient servant, J. E. B. Stuart, Major-General, commanding. Camp discipline, Hanover County, Virginia, July 31, 1862. General: In obedience to your written order, I report, in writing, the late demonstration and attack of the enemy at Verdon and vicinity: Agreeably to your instructions, I left Atlee's Station, on Sunday, the tport of the part taken by this battalion in the recent operations near Richmond: On the morning of Friday, the twenty-seventh of June, the battalion was encamped, along with the rest of the brigade, at a point on the Meadow Bridge road, in Hanover County, about twelve miles from Richmond. About sunrise we were aroused by the sound of cannon in the direction of Cold Harbor, and immediately marched toward it. After numerous and long halts, we reached the vicinity of the battle-field, about fiv
Ripleys (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
eek, found the bridge in flames, and a party of the enemy engaged in blockading the road on the other side. The Texan skirmishers gallantly crossed and engaged. Ripley's battery, being brought up, with a few rounds dispersed the enemy. The bridge being rebuilt, the troops crossed, and continued on the road to Pale Green Church on a commanding hill, straight to the front, supported by two lines of infantry. There was no cover, and the ground nearest the enemy was ploughed. Anderson's, Ripley's, and Rodes's brigades (Gordon commanding) had proceeded farther down the road, thus keeping under partial cover, and approaching somewhat nearer and on the righng of the twenty-seventh, when I was ordered, with my brigade, to relieve General Ripley and his command as soon as practicable. I immediately marched to General Ripley's position, which was about three fourths of a mile to the right of the road we travelled to Mechanicsville, and about the same distance from the town, and near B
New Cold Harbor (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
ay. Following the preceding brigades of the division, we came under heavy artillery fire at New Cold Harbor, when we were ordered to take shelter for a time. At this point we were subjected to a heaar. We were then ordered forward by Major-General Jackson, to attack the enemy in front of New Cold Harbor, coming into the fight on the left of his troops. In crossing an almost impenetrable swampg the circuitous route by the Bethesda Church, proceeded to Cold Harbor, and thence towards New Cold Harbor, which point we reached early in the afternoon of Friday, twenty-seventh. As we approached a road crossing the line of our route, near New Cold Harbor, the enemy was discovered in line of battle, with artillery, to oppose our progress. Their position was quite a strong one, and dispositi) that I had to reinforce it. Being sent for by the commanding General at his headquarters, New Cold Harbor, I galloped up, leaving my command prepared for instant service. I received from the comma
Middlesex County (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
cessity of keeping a small cavalry force in the vicinity of Gloucester Point, say one squadron, which would be subsisted (both men and horses) without expense to the Government, for the purpose of protecting the road leading to Richmond. If this were done, large quantities of beef, mutton, bacon, and such things as are necessary for the sick and wounded, would be sent to the latter place. This force would keep open the road to Richmond, leading from the counties of King and Queen, Essex, Middlesex, and Matthews, in all of which counties are large military stores. While at Gloucester Point, my picket reported a large transport, filled with men, leaving the wharf at York. She went out of the river, and returned, in the course of six or eight hours, light, and when I left, was loading with stores of some sort. The citizens in the vicinity of Gloucester Point reported to me that the guns in the fort at York had been bursted some short time before. The reports induced me to belie
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