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Most Frequent Entities
The entities that appear most frequently in this document are shown below.
Entity | Max. Freq | Min. Freq | ||
Washington (United States) | 963 | 5 | Browse | Search |
H. W. Halleck | 555 | 5 | Browse | Search |
Yorktown (Virginia, United States) | 405 | 1 | Browse | Search |
George B. McClellan | 365 | 1 | Browse | Search |
A. E. Burnside | 347 | 3 | Browse | Search |
George Brinton McClellan | 332 | 24 | Browse | Search |
John Pope | 308 | 2 | Browse | Search |
Edwin V. Sumner | 292 | 2 | Browse | Search |
Irwin McDowell | 271 | 1 | Browse | Search |
J. Hooker | 241 | 1 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them.. Search the whole document.
Found 510 total hits in 97 results.
Smart's Hill (Maine, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
Sandy Hook, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
Paw Paw, Michigan (Michigan, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
Hampton Roads (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
Flint Hill (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
Monocacy River (United States) (search for this): chapter 11
Seneca, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
Romney (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
Darnestown (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
Langley (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
Chapter XI
Events in and around Washington
Ball's Bluff
Harper's Ferry
Stanton's trick
enemy's batteries on the Potomac.
on the 9th of Oct. McCall's division marched from Tennally-town to Langley, on the Virginia side of the Potomac.
This addition to the forces already there enabled me to push reconnoissances more actively; and as it was particularly desirable to obtain accurate information in regard to the topography of the country in front of our right, Gen. McCall was ordered to move on the 19th as far as Dranesville to cover the work of the topographical engineers directed to prepare maps of that region.
On the 20th Gen. Smith pushed out strong parties to Freedom Hill, Vienna, Flint Hill, Peacock Hill, etc., with a similar object.
From his destination Gen. McCall sent the following despatch:
Dranesville, Oct. 19, 1861, 6.30 P. M. To Gen. McClellan:
I arrived here this morning.
All is quiet.
No enemy seen.
Country for one mile beyond Difficult cr