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Winton (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): part 2.13, chapter 2.34
, 230. Thomas, Captain, Leigh, 17. Tiflis, 246. Tippu-Tib, 319-325, 364. Tomasson, 169, 180, 184. Tremeirchion, 42, 51. Uganda, 309-313, 405. Uganda Mission, 318. Uhha, 259, 260. Ujiji, 262. Valencia, Stanley at, 243. Vasari, his Machiavelli, 463. Venezuela, and President Cleveland's message, 482. Victoria, Queen, receives Stanley, 289-291. Victoria Nyanza, the, 305-317, 319. Vivi, 335. Waldron, Mr., 151, 153. Wales for the Welsh, on the cry of, 530, 531. Waring, Mr., 150. Washita River, 146. Waters, Mr., 71, 77, 79, 80. Webb, Mrs., 464. Wellcome, Henry, 514, 515. Welsh language, Stanley's views of, 430. Wilkes, W. H., 206. Williams, Mrs., 92. Windermere, the, 67-81. Winter, Mr. and Mrs., 60, 61. Winton, Sir Francis de, 338, 419. Wolseley, Lord, on Coomassie, 293; on Stanley, 294. Workhouse, St. Asaph Union, 10-34. Worsfold, Basil, on Sir George Grey, 379. Yarmouth, 450-452. Zanzibar, 250, 251, 280, 298.
United States (United States) (search for this): part 2.13, chapter 2.34
rives in England, 418; his reception in England, 419; his interview with Gladstone, 419-421; his refutation of the charge that he used slaves, 421, 422; In Darkest Africa published, 422; stirs up societies to see that Germany does not absorb too much of East Africa, 422; married, 423; meets Sir Richard F. Burton in the Engadine, 423; meets Camperio and Casati, 424; the guest of King Leopold at Ostend, 424; given degrees, 424, 425; visits America on a lecturing tour, 425; travels over the United States and Canada, 425-428; dines at the Press Club, New York, 426; newspaper comments on his personal appearance, 426; visits New Orleans, 426, 427; feels lack of freedom, 427, 428; returns to England, 428; lectures in England, 429; longs for rest, 429, 432; his reading, 429; on the Welsh language, 430; his reception at Carnarvon, 431; on Canterbury, 432, 433; visits Switzerland, 433; breaks his ankle, 434; visits King Leopold at Ostend, 434; his visit to Australia, etc., 434-438; letter to, f
Zanzibar (Tanzania) (search for this): part 2.13, chapter 2.34
d in the Caucasus, 245, 246; on Rev. Dr. Harman, 246; sees the Carnival at Odessa, 247; in the East, 247-249; arrives at Zanzibar, 250; starts from Zanzibar in search of Livingstone, 251 252; reads Bible and newspapers in wilds of Africa, 252-255; hiZanzibar in search of Livingstone, 251 252; reads Bible and newspapers in wilds of Africa, 252-255; his feeling of tranquillity when in Africa, 255; his ideas on being good-tempered in Africa, 256; in Ugogo, 256; in Unyanyembe, 257, 258; hears of a grey-bearded man, 259; pays heavy tribute to the natives, 259, 260; sees Lake Tanganyika, 261, 262; arrlings at news of death of Livingstone, 295, 296; conception of plan to explore Africa, 295-298. Makes preparations in Zanzibar, 298, 299; proceeds inland, 299-301; his camp attacked, 302-304; arrives at the Victoria Nyanza, 305; circumnavigates th. and Mrs., 60, 61. Winton, Sir Francis de, 338, 419. Wolseley, Lord, on Coomassie, 293; on Stanley, 294. Workhouse, St. Asaph Union, 10-34. Worsfold, Basil, on Sir George Grey, 379. Yarmouth, 450-452. Zanzibar, 250, 251, 280, 298.
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): part 2.13, chapter 2.34
, 353-391; a review of Stanley's work in, 392-408; maps of, 392, 393; South, 482-500; on starting on an expedition into, 532; on the pleasure of travelling in, 532-535; on returning from an expedition in, 535. Ague, 155, 156. Albert Edward Nyanza, the, 370, 371. Albert Nyanza, the, 359. Allen, William, 468. Altschul, Mr., 151-161. America, Stanley's first visit to, 81-215; later visits to, 220-227, 291, 425-428. Anderson, Captain, 345. Anderson, Colonel, Finlay, 228, 237. Arkansas, population of, 156; spirit prevailing in, 156, 157. Arnold, Sir, Edwin, thoughts on his Light of the World, 521. Ashantees, the, 291-295. Ashburton, Lady, 423. Ashmead-Bartlett, Mr., 480. Auckland, Stanley visits, 435, 436. Australia, Stanley visits, 434, 435. Autobiography, Stanley begins, 465. Baker, Mr., the American, 215. Baker, Sir, Samuel White, death of, 462; Stanley's estimate of, 462, 463. Balfour, Dr., Andrew, 407. Balfour, Arthur, 473, 474. Balfour,
Cypress Grove (California, United States) (search for this): part 2.13, chapter 2.34
message, 482. Clwyd, Vale of, 51. Coleman, Mr., 159. Columbus, Ohio, the Gibraltar of the Mississippi, 175. Congo, the, traced by Stanley, 318-330; opened up, 333-352. Congo and the Founding of its Free State, 334. Congo State, founding the, 333-352, 399, 400; recognised by the civilised powers, 338; Stanley on the government of, 536; Stanley on the value of, 536. Cook, W. H., 222-224. Coomassie, 229, 292, 293. Crete, 230. Cromer, 453. Cronin, Mr., 151-153. Cypress Grove, 151-166. Dalziell, Mr., 476. Darkest Africa, In, 411, 422. Davis, Richard Harding, 508. Death, thoughts on the fear of, 522, 523. Degrees conferred on Stanley, 424, 525. Denbigh, 219. Denbigh Castle, 4-8. Dido, the captain of the, 114. Dilke, Sir, Charles, 473, 474, 477. Dillon, John, 474, 476. Dixie Greys, the, 165, 166. Donnelly, Ignatius, Coesar's Column, 433. Douglas, Camp, 205-214. East African Company, 446-449. East Anglia, 450. Education, though
haracter of, 250; Stanley in search of, 251-263; found, 263-267; why he did not return of his own accord, 267-272; leaves Ujiji, 273; character of, 273-278, 281-284, 526; Stanley's parting from, 279, 280; death of, 280; feelings of Stanley at news ohears of a grey-bearded man, 259; pays heavy tribute to the natives, 259, 260; sees Lake Tanganyika, 261, 262; arrives at Ujiji, 262; finds Livingstone, 263-267; tells why Livingstone did not return of his own accord, 267-272; leaves Ujiji, 273; hisUjiji, 273; his observations on Livingstone's character, 273-278, 281-284; his parting from Livingstone, 279, 280; his return home, 286. Speaks before societies, 286, 287; hostility to, 286-289; received by Queen Victoria, 289-291; lectures in England and Ameri Tomasson, 169, 180, 184. Tremeirchion, 42, 51. Uganda, 309-313, 405. Uganda Mission, 318. Uhha, 259, 260. Ujiji, 262. Valencia, Stanley at, 243. Vasari, his Machiavelli, 463. Venezuela, and President Cleveland's message, 482
Douglass (Nevada, United States) (search for this): part 2.13, chapter 2.34
Coomassie, 229, 292, 293. Crete, 230. Cromer, 453. Cronin, Mr., 151-153. Cypress Grove, 151-166. Dalziell, Mr., 476. Darkest Africa, In, 411, 422. Davis, Richard Harding, 508. Death, thoughts on the fear of, 522, 523. Degrees conferred on Stanley, 424, 525. Denbigh, 219. Denbigh Castle, 4-8. Dido, the captain of the, 114. Dilke, Sir, Charles, 473, 474, 477. Dillon, John, 474, 476. Dixie Greys, the, 165, 166. Donnelly, Ignatius, Coesar's Column, 433. Douglas, Camp, 205-214. East African Company, 446-449. East Anglia, 450. Education, thoughts on, 523-525. Eisteddfod, the, 14, 16, 430, 434. Ellison, Mr., 106, 112. Emin Pasha, calls for help, 353; as described by Dr. Felkin, 354; discovered, 361; Stanley's impression of, 362; a prisoner, 368; deceived by his officers, 368; goes with Stanley to the coast, 370-372; has a fall from a balcony, 372; engages himself to the Germans, 373, 374; death of, 375. England, and Coomassie, 285-295;
Yarmouth (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): part 2.13, chapter 2.34
, 230. Thomas, Captain, Leigh, 17. Tiflis, 246. Tippu-Tib, 319-325, 364. Tomasson, 169, 180, 184. Tremeirchion, 42, 51. Uganda, 309-313, 405. Uganda Mission, 318. Uhha, 259, 260. Ujiji, 262. Valencia, Stanley at, 243. Vasari, his Machiavelli, 463. Venezuela, and President Cleveland's message, 482. Victoria, Queen, receives Stanley, 289-291. Victoria Nyanza, the, 305-317, 319. Vivi, 335. Waldron, Mr., 151, 153. Wales for the Welsh, on the cry of, 530, 531. Waring, Mr., 150. Washita River, 146. Waters, Mr., 71, 77, 79, 80. Webb, Mrs., 464. Wellcome, Henry, 514, 515. Welsh language, Stanley's views of, 430. Wilkes, W. H., 206. Williams, Mrs., 92. Windermere, the, 67-81. Winter, Mr. and Mrs., 60, 61. Winton, Sir Francis de, 338, 419. Wolseley, Lord, on Coomassie, 293; on Stanley, 294. Workhouse, St. Asaph Union, 10-34. Worsfold, Basil, on Sir George Grey, 379. Yarmouth, 450-452. Zanzibar, 250, 251, 280, 298.
acterisation of, 382; sufferings of, 387; carries succour to Nelson, 390; accompanies Stanley to Ostend, 434; Stanley in last sickness talks of, 515. Jerusalem, Stanley at, 245. Johnston, Generas with Stanley, 412-417; concludes treaty with English Government, 418; Stanley the guest of, at Ostend, 424; invites Stanley to Ostend, 434. Leopoldville, 336. Liverpool, Stanley's life at, 56-Ostend, 434. Leopoldville, 336. Liverpool, Stanley's life at, 56-68. Livingstone, Stanley goes to Aden to meet, 237; Stanley is commissioned to search for, 245; reported character of, 250; Stanley in search of, 251-263; found, 263-267; why he did not return of hard F. Burton in the Engadine, 423; meets Camperio and Casati, 424; the guest of King Leopold at Ostend, 424; given degrees, 424, 425; visits America on a lecturing tour, 425; travels over the United on Canterbury, 432, 433; visits Switzerland, 433; breaks his ankle, 434; visits King Leopold at Ostend, 434; his visit to Australia, etc., 434-438; letter to, from Sir George Grey, 436, 437. Conse
Auckland (New Zealand) (search for this): part 2.13, chapter 2.34
erson, Colonel, Finlay, 228, 237. Arkansas, population of, 156; spirit prevailing in, 156, 157. Arnold, Sir, Edwin, thoughts on his Light of the World, 521. Ashantees, the, 291-295. Ashburton, Lady, 423. Ashmead-Bartlett, Mr., 480. Auckland, Stanley visits, 435, 436. Australia, Stanley visits, 434, 435. Autobiography, Stanley begins, 465. Baker, Mr., the American, 215. Baker, Sir, Samuel White, death of, 462; Stanley's estimate of, 462, 463. Balfour, Dr., Andrew, 407. A., death of, 437, 438. Grant, U. S., on the battle of Shiloh, 203; Stanley's opinion of, 445. Greene, Conyngham, 494. Grey, Sir, George, letter of, on the Emin Relief Expedition, 378, 379; events of his life, 379; entertains Stanley at Auckland, 435; Stanley's opinion of, 436; letter of, to Stanley, 436, 437; letter of, to Mrs. Stanley on Stanley's defeat in the Parliament election, 442, 443; on place of Stanley's burial, 515, 516. Gully, William Court, 469-472. Haldane, Mr., 47
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